Page 21 - Boca Club News - April '24
P. 21

Boca Club News, Page 21
      Film Review:

      “Miss Potter”

      By Nils A. Shapiro                                headed by Renee Zellweger as Miss Potter and a technical   format just right for the
      From its opening moments, a work of art.          team that includes superb cinematography by Andrew Dunn   youngest children to be
         Amazon Prime Video’s brief description of this film on   and music soundtrack by Nigel Westlake. Together, they have   able to hold them.
      its streaming service as “the life story of Beatrix Potter”   created a production that has earned $39 million at the box      As the film opens,
      attracted my interest instantly. Despite her fame as the author   office worldwide to date.          Beatrix is presenting the
      and illustrator of the best-selling children’s books of all time,      “Miss Potter” projects all the quality and tastefulness   manuscript and drawings
      who had included me in my young years among her millions   of an art-house film from the opening moments: Below the   of her first book, “Tales
      of readers worldwide, I knew nothing until that very day about   onscreen credits a hand holding an artist’s brush sketches a   of Peter Rabbit,” to the
      Miss Potter herself, nor about the life she had led.  watercolor drawing on paper to the accompaniment of gentle   Warne brothers in the
         This British film, which was released nationally in the U.S.   background music–a sweet and appropriate, smile-inducing   hope that they will agree
      in 2007 and earned Best Picture nominations at the Saturn   introduction to this story about the woman who introduced   to be her publisher. While
      Awards and Golden Globes, proves Beatrix Potter’s life to   to the world, from 1902 to the 1940s, more than 20 books   they have their personal
      have been a series of exhilarating creative and commercial   that she wrote and illustrated about the little creatures she   doubts about the potential
      successes…and tragic personal losses.             considered her personal “friends,” among them Peter Rabbit,   market  for  this  “little
         Hers is a story presented brilliantly and movingly by   Jemima Puddle Duck, Mrs. Tiggly-Winkle, Squirrel Nutkin   book about animals,” as
      Director Chris Noonan, with a uniformly excellent cast   and so many others…and insisted they be published in a small   it turns out they decide to take it on and turn the project over
                                                                                                           to their younger brother, Norman Warne (played by Ewan
        Enhancing Quality of Life for Cancer                                                               McGregor) just to give him something to do.

                                                                                                             Beatrix is delighted when Norman tells her the good
                                                                                                           news that her book will be published, that he will personally
        Patients: The Role of Complementary                                                                shepherd it every step of the way and keep her informed—
                                                                                                           and even invites her to watch as the book is on press at the
                                                                                                           printer. Beatrix and Norman get along beautifully, and when
        Therapies                                                                                          the book goes on sale it becomes an immediate international
                                                                                                              Before long Beatrix and Norman develop a romantic
          Facing cancer treatment, especially chemotherapy   Your Bosom Buddies has positively impacted thousands of   relationship, even though she—having been raised in a
        and radiation therapy, is a daunting journey fraught   survivors, fostering a sense of community and resilience.  wealthy family and been constantly pushed by her mother
        with physical and emotional challenges for patients.     As  the  world  continues  to  explore  the  potential   to meet prospective “socially correct” but to her distasteful
        The side effects of these conventional treatments can   of  complementary  therapies  in  cancer  care,  it  is   potential husbands—had earlier decided never to marry at
        be debilitating, impacting not only the body but also   essential  to  prioritize  patient-centered  approaches   all. When she tells her mother about her plans the woman
        the overall well-being of individuals undergoing them.   that enhance the quality of life and promote holistic   is aghast at the thought of her daughter marrying “below
        However, emerging research suggests that complementary   well-being. By integrating evidence-based practices   her social station” and tries to talk her out of it.
        modalities such as acupuncture, vibroacoustic therapy, and   and collaborating with conventional treatments, we      But by now readers demand more of these delightful,
        solfeggio frequencies can play a pivotal role in alleviating   can provide comprehensive support that addresses the   whimsical animal tales and she follows up with a series
        these side effects and improving the quality of life for   physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects of healing for
        cancer patients.                                cancer patients.                                   of story collections that soon provide a substantial income
          Acupuncture, an ancient practice rooted in traditional     In conclusion, as we journey through the landscape   for her and a degree of personal independence from family
        Chinese medicine, has garnered increasing attention   of cancer care, it becomes increasingly evident that a   dominance and undue influence.
        for its potential in mitigating chemotherapy-induced   holistic approach, integrating complementary therapies      I will offer no “spoilers” here to tell of the outcome
        side effects. By targeting specific acupoints on the body,   with conventional treatments, holds immense promise   of Beatrix’s and Norman’s plans, nor of her later years
        acupuncture stimulates the release of endorphins, the   in enhancing the quality of life for patients. Acupuncture,   of joy and tragedy. Instead, I will assure you that there
        body’s natural pain-relieving hormones, and modulates   vibroacoustic therapy, and solfeggio frequencies offer   is so much to know about her life that you will discover
        the body’s neuroendocrine system to reduce inflammation   tangible benefits, alleviating treatment side effects and   in this film, including the warm, important friendship
        and alleviate symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, pain,   promoting well-being on multiple levels.  she develops with Norman’s sister, Millie (a marvelous
        and fatigue in cancer patients. Dr. Jun J. Mao, Chief of     Moreover,  the  invaluable  support  provided  by   performance by Emily Watson), and Beatrix’s decision,
        Integrative Medicine Service at Memorial Sloan Kettering   organizations like Your Bosom Buddies, underscores the   with the help of her solicitor friend, to purchase at auction
        Cancer Center, affirms the benefits of acupuncture,   importance of community and peer support in navigating
        stating, “Acupuncture can serve as a valuable adjunct to   the challenges of cancer. Together, we can foster resilience,   well above its value Hill Top Farm with its huge parcel
        conventional cancer treatments, providing patients with   empowerment, and hope in the face of adversity.  of land as a way to prevent local real estate speculators
        much-needed relief from treatment-related symptoms.”    Dr. Yaron Seidman, a distinguished figure in this   who plan to break it up into a crowded maze of hundreds
          Vibroacoustic therapy, which employs low-frequency   collaboration, showcases an innovative approach at   of homes at the expense of the small creatures who live
        sound vibrations to induce relaxation and alleviate   the Hunyuan Life Wellness Spa in Boca Raton. Here, he   in these natural habitats.
        stress, has also shown promise in supporting cancer   integrates cutting-edge technologies with time-honored      At the end of the film, before the closing credits roll
        patients undergoing treatment. Research suggests that   modalities, crafting a transformative environment aimed   down the screen we learn that Beatrix Potter—who passed
        vibroacoustic therapy can improve sleep quality, reduce   at improving the quality of life for those undergoing cancer   away in 1943 at the age of 77—donated in her Will these
        anxiety, and promote overall well-being by stimulating   treatment.                                4,000 acres of pristine land to the British National Trust
        the body’s relaxation response. Dr. Linda E. Carlson, a     “As we embark on this integrative paradigm, our   to be maintained forever in their natural state, so that her
        leading researcher in mind-body interventions for cancer   aim is to ensure that every cancer patient receives   little animal friends whose stories led to her success could
        care, underscores the potential of vibroacoustic therapy,   comprehensive, compassionate care, tailored to address
        emphasizing that “the gentle vibrations produced during   their physical, emotional, and spiritual needs. Together,   live out their own lives in peace and safety.
        the therapy can promote relaxation and help patients   we aspire to forge a path towards a future where healing         *****
        cope with the physical and emotional challenges of cancer   encompasses all aspects of well-being, guiding each      If you have difficulty finding the film on  Amazon
        treatment.”                                     individual facing cancer towards support, solace, and inner   Prime, you are in luck as a Boca Raton Public Library
          Solfeggio frequencies, ancient musical scales believed   strength on their journey to recovery.” - Dr. Yaron Seidman  cardholder. The library has it available on DVD and on
        to possess healing properties, have been incorporated     For  further  information  and  support,  visit  Your   one of its two streaming services, Kanopy.
        into holistic approaches such as music therapy to support   Bosom  Buddies  at  To
        cancer  patients.  Recent  studies,  including  research   explore personalized consultations and experience the
        published in the Journal of Music Therapy, have indicated   transformative offerings of Hunyuan Life Wellness Spa,
        that exposure to specific frequencies within the solfeggio   contact Dr. Yaron Seidman directly at (561) 400-6743 or   Southern Exposure Technologies
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        needs, we aim to alleviate treatment side effects, reduce                                                          GET S.E.T. GO!
        stress, and promote overall well-being.
          In addition to our services, we advocate for the                                                    REASONABLE HOURLY, WEEKLY, MONTHLY RATES
        inclusion of support organizations such as Your Bosom                                              FOR SMALL BUSINESSES FOR AS LOW AS $50.00 AN HOUR,
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