Page 14 - Talk of Tequesta - March '24
P. 14

Page 14, The Talk Of Tequesta

                                                                    PeT maTTers

                                                     The Pet Cottage Post

                                                      The Pet Cottage Is A New Concept

        We celebrate and protect the magical               We provide and cover the cost of all medical care
      relationship between people and pets               – routine, specialty, emergency, and even prescription
      by providing homestyle care for pets               medications and preventatives – for our pets, forever. We
      who lose their humans due to death,                do ask that our forever guardians provide food for their
      disability, or deployment through our              pet, along with lots of tender love and care, of course!
      Lifelong Guardianship Program.  We                 We Are A Win-Win-Win Solution
      provide pet companionship for senior                 Many of our pets are senior pets that have health
      people, and we fully support them by covering all veterinary   issues and require more resources. Many of our forever
      expenses, providing regular check-ins and giving a peace of   guardians are also seniors who wouldn’t otherwise feel
      mind that the pet will always have a home with us.   comfortable taking on full pet ownership at this stage in
        We are not an adoption agency or foster program. We are a   life. Our forever promise to each pet in our care means
      new concept. Our Lifelong Guardianship Program means our   that no matter what happens to a guardian, the pet will
      pets will always have the home, care, and love they deserve   have a loving home. It’s a win-win-win situation that
      for life, no matter what. Our pets live on site at our sanctuary   makes us do a happy dance.        Grace and Angel         Sally and Michelle
      or in the home of a forever guardian. This is what makes us     Because of  The Pet
      different from rescue and shelter organizations.   Cottage, Marty, a senior                          became  forever  guardians
      Why We Don’t Offer Adoption                        gentleman in Jupiter Farms                        in 2020 during John’s lung
        The  pets that  enter  our                       who is health compromised,                        cancer  treatment.  Sally
      program have loyally served                        is able to love and care                          was such a bright spot
      and participated in the lives of                   for  Scooby,  a  9-year-old                       during that time.  And
      their owners. They have been                       senior dachshund. Scooby                          since John’s passing, Sally
      adored, loved and cherished.                       was Marty’s saving grace                          has  continued  to  provide
      Therefore, a traditional                           during COVID and still is                         Michelle with joy and
      adoption model, that doesn’t                       to this day.                                      companionship.
      include communication and                            Because of  The Pet                             New Forever Guardians
      updates about the life of the                      Cottage, Grace, a senior                          Needed
      pet moving forward, does not                       lady with a fixed income                            If you love pets and want
      support the people we serve.                       in  Stuart,  is  able  to  share  Scooby          to make a difference in the
        Additionally, most                               her home and heart with                           community, please contact  Wendy and Bella Pom
      adoption agencies leave out                        Angel, a 13-year-old Chihuahua. Grace was a perfect fit   us for more information
      senior people. However,                            for Angel after Angel’s mom had to move into a memory   about forever guardianship and volunteer opportunities.
      our model of forever                               care facility.                                    We have room in our pack for you!
      guardianship gives senior people in our community the     Because of The Pet Cottage, Michelle, a senior lady                         The Pet Cottage,
      opportunity for pet companionship with the full support of   in Jupiter, gets to spend her days with Sally, a 13-year-                 (561) 818-5025,
      The Pet Cottage.                                   old Selkirk Rex cat. Michelle and her late husband John             
                                                               CLeveLand CLiniC

                                                                  FLorida news

                          Advances In Colorectal Cancer Treatment

        An estimated 150,000 U.S. adults will be diagnosed with   continence after colorectal surgery. Fewer patients today     The Maroone Cancer
      colorectal cancer this year. Excluding skin cancer, it is the   require a permanent colostomy, in which stool is diverted   Center at Cleveland Clinic
      third most common cancer diagnosed in both men and women   from the lower part of the digestive tract by connecting the   Weston Hospital is an ACS
      each year in the United States.                    end of the colon to an opening in the belly. Thanks to newer   Commission on Cancer
        Now for the good news. The five-year survival rate for   surgical techniques developed and/or refined at Cleveland   Accredited Program and
      colorectal cancer has more than doubled since 1970, climbing   Clinic Weston Hospital, it is more common for patients to   was the first in Florida and
      to 65 percent, due to medical advances and early screening.   need only a temporary ileostomy to let the body rest and   second in the nation to earn
      For people with localized colorectal cancer (stage 1) the   heal, rather than a permanent colostomy.   accreditation from the ACS
      survival rate is 91 percent.                         “Preserving and improving the quality of life are always   National  Accreditation
        “Colorectal cancer is both preventable and highly   our top priorities, and the work being done by my colleagues   Program for Rectal Cancer.
      treatable when we catch it early,” says Steven Wexner,   in Florida, Ohio, London and Abu Dhabi attest to these   Call  (877)  463-2010  to
      M.D., Ph.D., director of the Ellen Leifer Shulman and   priorities,” says Wexner. “For patients with colorectal cancer,   schedule an appointment, or
      Steven Shulman Digestive Disease Center at Cleveland   that means eliminating their cancer while helping them   visit ClevelandClinicFlorida.
      Clinic Weston Hospital. “Patients can live long, quality   preserve bowel continence whenever possible.”   org/Colorectal to learn more. Steven Wexner, M.D.
      lives after a colorectal cancer diagnosis thanks to treatment
      advancements.”                                                                              “Service is our number one priority”
      Advanced Surgical Care
        Treatment options for colon and rectal cancers vary                                                     561-743-0070
      depending upon a person’s health, age and cancer stage.
      While surgery is the most common treatment, chemotherapy                                     
      and radiation therapy may be needed as well. The type of
      surgery performed will depend on the extent of the cancer
      and where it’s located.
        Some patients will require the removal of part or all of the
      colon (colectomy) or rectum (rectal resection). Others may
      require the removal of both. These procedures can be done
      during open surgery, through one large incision, or using
      minimally invasive techniques, which include laparoscopy,
      robotic, and transanal endoscopic surgery through a few
      small incisions.
        “Patients benefit from minimally invasive surgery in many
      ways, including less pain and scarring, a shorter hospital stay,
      and quicker recovery,” explains Wexner, who led the Cleveland
      Clinic team in Florida that pioneered this approach. “Most
      importantly, we can perform these less invasive procedures                                                                    Expires 4/15/24.
      while still minimizing the risk for cancer recurrence.”
      Preserving Quality Of Life                                                                                         State Licensed & Insured
        Advancements in surgical care have made it possible for   Serving Palm Beach County                            CPC # 1457468 • LPG#30099
      many patients to achieve normal bowel habits and bowel
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