Page 26 - Boca ViewPointe - January '24
P. 26

Page 26, Viewpointe                                                 January 2024
      Mayor’s Update: Heading Into 2024

       Scott Singer is the 35th                          in years, as the game hosted a Power 5 school, the Syracuse   federal government’s rating. We remain hard at work on a
       Mayor of Boca Raton and                           University Orange, as they faced the University of South   15-year, $750 million infrastructure upgrade plan, all without
       was re-elected without                            Florida Bulls in front of a primetime audience on ESPN.   a millage-rate increase, a rare feat for a city of our size.
       opposition for a final term.                      The city successfully held our 51st Annual Street Parade.      We also marked the one-year anniversary of the Brightline
       A South Florida native,                           While high winds and rains caused our city and four others   high-speed rail station, which has outperformed expectations
       attorney, mediator, and small                     to cancel this year’s boat parade it was a reminder that our   and is prompting more investment by businesses and
       business owner, Scott and                         hurricane season, thankfully, saw no major storms.  upgrades for residents to our downtown.
       his wife Bella live in Broken                        In 2021 Boca Raton was the first city in Florida to adopt      What was your highlight of 2023? Please share your
       Sound with their two young                        an enhanced building recertification ordinance in the wake   thoughts at, and stay connected on
       children.                                         of the tragic building collapse in Surfside. In November the   Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram at @scottsingerusa.
                                                         first recertification of an oceanfront condo under the new laws      As the city approaches its 99th year we look forward to
          As I write this message                        was completed, a small milestone on the path to ensuring the   great things in 2024, and our centennial in 2025. My City
       at the end of 2023, we can reflect on many successes in the   safety of more than 300 buildings. Our swift action put us   Council colleagues and I continue to be honored to serve the
       past month, to go along with numerous achievements as a   ahead of many other cities now governed by a state statute   residents and work with a dedicated team of committed city
       city during the year. Here are just a few.        similar to our ordinance.                         employees. Thank you for the opportunity to keep serving
          December saw a range of holiday and community events.      Our finances remain strong, with our low tax rate and   you, and we look forward to a prosperous new year for our
       The 10th annual Boca Raton Bowl was our most attended   AAA-bond rating, which is higher than the United States   residents! 
       Council Corner:

       Happy New Year–Time To Look Back And Move Ahead

       By Marc Wigder,                                   staff looks at these issues on a daily and continuous basis   and Fiolina Pasta House. Midtown is becoming its own
       Boca Raton Council                                as our city responsibly plans its future.         trendy neighborhood with more yet to come.
       Member and CRA Chair                                 In our downtown CRA district, Boca Raton’s holiday      As you can see there is a lot happening in Boca and
                                                         festivals, parade, and events highlight what a wonderful   a lot to see. So, make your Boca New Year’s resolution!
          I  am  pleased  to  wish                       place our downtown is; truly what a wonderful place our   Visit all the new restaurants and businesses that have
       our Boca Raton neighbors                          whole city is, yet we know it is still evolving and there   chosen to make Boca Raton their home, as well as those
       a Happy New  Year as                              remains more work to do. Our connection to Florida   that have been here for a time and are staples in our
       your Council member and                           Atlantic University continues to strengthen as their famed   community, which indeed are too many to list. You can
       downtown Community                                men’s basketball team pursues another historic season,   find them on the web at or in the downtown
       Redevelopment Agency                              their growth in academic standing continues to reach new   website DowntownBoca.Org; through the fantastic
       chair. It has been an honor                       heights, and they hosted the eighth annual bowl game   Boca Raton Chamber of Commerce, and in your own
       serving the people of Boca                        featured on ESPN!                                 neighborhoods as they are everywhere! As always, we are
       Raton over the past year working with Mayor Singer, my      We are also fortunate to see, as Mayor Singer aptly   always available and interested to hear your concerns and
       Council colleagues and many talented and dedicated staff   described, a renaissance of our midtown district with   ideas to make Boca Raton even better than it already is.
       members on important policy initiatives to keep Boca   the openings of the Red Pine restaurant, the acclaimed   Please contact me at or call at (561)
       Raton moving forward every day.                   renovation of the Renaissance Hotel, the opening of the   334-9709. Do not forget to be alert for safety updates and
          As we welcome 2024, we also welcome our “new”   adjacent Meat Market restaurant and the even more recent   important news, and have a happy, healthy, and safe new
       City Manager, George Brown. And though he may be   opening just  before Christmas of the Restaurant  Row   year! 
       our new city manager he is not new to our city! Brown   complex anchored by the amazing designs in El Camino,
       has been Deputy City Manager to Mr. Ahnell for 20-
       plus years and has worked for the city for over 45 years.
       His dedication to the people of Boca Raton has been
       unwavering as it has been long, and we are excited for    A BETTER RETIREMENT PLAN
       his leadership and his new initiatives.
          Likewise, we also congratulate outgoing City Manager   REQUIRES A SHIFT IN THINKING
       Leif Ahnell on his retirement and thank him for his more
       than two decades of service to Boca Raton. Through
       Ahnell’s fiscal management, Boca has grown organically                                Case Study # 1
       and smartly, our tax rates have remained stable, and our                              Paying Off  Debt to Free Up More Cash
       municipal services are as you expect from a world-class
       city. We wish him the best in his future endeavors.                                   •   Meet Robert
          As we all witnessed, last Oct. 7 was a dark and sad day                            •   Robert, age 77, wants to pay off his existing mortgage to free up more
       for Israel, the United States, and the Jewish people with                             •   cash flow to pay for aging at home services.
                                                                                                 Home value: $610,000
       the unprovoked terrorist attacks by Hamas. Our Mayor                                  •   Current Loan: $225,000 (8 Years Left) 4.0%
       and Council continue to condemn these heinous acts, as                                •   Monthly Payment: $2,300
       well as all acts of antisemitism, bigotry, and hatred in all                          •   With a reverse mortgage, Robert can pay off his mortgage saving him
       its forms as we stand with the people of Israel. We pray   Case Study # 2                 $2300 per month and $27,600 annually!
       for the remaining hostages to be returned safely – as we   Replacing Lost Income
       pray for peace. Likewise in our city, Boca’s dedicated
       police force has worked tirelessly to keep our people,   •  Meet Carol
       religious  institutions,  and schools  safe  throughout  our   •  Carol, age 80, is a widow, who sought upfront cash to mitigate the costs of
                                                                 her husband’s final care. She also needed to replace lost income.
       city. We thank them for their continued service during   •  Lost Income: $800 (her Social Security income) + $450 (husband’s pension)
       these challenging times.                              •   Remaining income: $2,100 (husband’s social security income)
          In addition to increased focus and funding on public   •  Home value: $650,000, free, and clear
       safety, this budget year the Council approved important   •  With a reverse mortgage, Carol was able to replace her lost income by
       policy priorities including: initiating the process to plan   opting for tenure payments - and additional $2,114.81 per month in her
       and build a new government and community center
       campus for City Hall, moving forward with a responsible                            Case Study # 3
       Transit Oriented Re-Development zone to complement                                 The Power Of  Planning With a Line Of  Credit
       our investment in our new Brightline station, and working
       to implement a downtown circulator with on-demand app                              • •  Meet George and Barbara
                                                                                              George (75) and Barbara (68) were referred via a financial planner as they
       technology to make  it easier  to get  around downtown                                 were seeking to establish a line of credit to hedge against longevity risk.
       while reducing traffic.                                                            •   Great monthly cash flow
          Council, staff, our Bicycle and Pedestrian Committee                            •   Assets depleting due to retirement income draws
       and involved residents have also been working to improve                           • •  Barbara was concerned about expenses and care for George as he ages.
                                                                                              Home value: $620,000, free, and clear
       Boca’s walkability, pedestrianism and “bikeability” in                             •   With a reverse mortgage, George and Barbara were able to achieve peace
       our downtown and throughout the city. By expanding our                                 of mind by establishing a $191,445.80 line of credit for future needs.
       shared use trail network anchored by our unique El Rio
       Trail - as well as other important connection points – we            Reversing PA Mortgage, LLC
       are on track to further elevate our city’s leading standing          Michael J. Friedman, Broker/Owner      “Call Today
       as a bike-friendly community. Stay tuned for more on                 215-901-6521 / 561-631-1701          No Obligation”
       these exciting initiatives.                                
                                                                                                                This material is not from HUD or
          Additionally, working through the local impacts of                      FHA and has not been approved by
       legislative mandates passed by Tallahassee to reduce                 Available Day, Evenings & Weekends   HUD or a government agency.
                                                                            NMLS# 1396947  NMLS# 131880
       barriers for affordable housing throughout the state is an
       important and current initiative that Council and staff are   DISCLAIMER: The homeowner must meet all loan obligations including living in the property as the principal residence and paying property charges, including property taxes, fees, hazard
                                                                 insurance. The homeowner must maintain the home, if the homeowner does not meet the loan obligations, then the loan will need to be repaid. License in PA #53672 and FL # MBR2252.
       working to complete. Smart growth is sustainable growth   Examples are for illustration purposes only. Numbers vary depending on the state you live in. Subject to change at anytime.
       which does not overwhelm our services – and roads! Our
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