Page 31 - Boca ViewPointe - January '24
P. 31

January 2024                                                    Viewpointe, Page 31

      Book Review from page 30                           greatest treasures in all forms of art. Hitler plans to create   what survives is the uplifting, indomitable good that
                                                         at the end of the war the largest museum ever built, to   cannot be extinguished in some of humanity.
      What ultimately saves him is his skill with radios, which   house all of the art stolen from the various conquered      All the Light We Cannot See will most assuredly be
      is highly valuable to the Nazis.                   nations. Von Rumpel has heard of the legendary diamond   made into a motion picture. You owe it to yourself to read
         Werner’s story – witnessing the contradiction between   at the Paris Museum of Natural History. He has another,   the book first. Nothing will compare to this original story.
      Nazi propaganda of their army’s great victories even as   desperate reason for his search: von Rumpel is gravely ill,   I have thought about it and cannot imagine who could
      the devastation and corpses pile up around him while   and if the curse surrounding the Sea of Flames diamond   play the four roles of Marie-Laure and Werner as their
      he serves in Russia and then retreats across Europe into   is true he will not succumb to his illness but will live   young and teenage characters. The one thing I do know
      France and, finally, Saint-Malo – takes up most of the   forever.                                    is that I hope my daughters will permit me to take them
      other half of the book. One of Werner’s most important      What makes this novel so remarkable is not only the   to the film as soon as it comes to the theatre.
      assignments is to determine the location of radio   story, which is beautiful and memorable in itself, but
      broadcasts, especially those being sent by the Resistance   the unique style in which the author decided to tell it. It   *****
      to Allied forces with messages about German military   is a story that spans a period of 80 years, from 1934 to
      placements, so that the transmitters and their senders can   2014, but is not told as a straight chronological narrative.      All I can say now is, “I told you so.” Way back then,
      be wiped out.                                      Instead, in chapters of mostly two  and three pages,   the book eventually stayed on the national bestseller
         In Saint-Malo, those broadcasts are coming from the   sometimes of only a page, we are transported quickly   lists for more than 200 weeks! And the much-heralded
      house where now 16-year-old Marie-Laure lives with her   from 1944 to 1945 and back again to 1944 or to the late   new film version – on TV screens rather than theatres –
      uncle, Etienne.                                    1930s ... and from one character’s life to another’s. It all   has received mixed reactions from critics and preview
         While  Marie-Laure  and Werner  are  the  two  main   moves so smoothly that, each time I began to read, before   audiences, most notably because the screenwriters made
      characters, there are others as well. One of them is   I had a moment to look up I had already turned at least   so many changes that The Hollywood Reporter wrote, “By
      Sergeant-Major Reinhold von Rumpel, who has been   60 or 70 pages.                                   the third episode the plot barely resembled the novel.” If
      assigned by the Nazis to scour Europe in search of the      In the end, after all the horrors and tragedy of war,   you didn’t take my recommendation the first time, do it
                                                                                                           now. Read the book.

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                                                                                                               Boca Pointe Drive 30mph
                                                                                                               Via de Sonrisa del Norte 25mph
                                                                                                               Promenade Drive 20mph
                                                                                                               SPEEDING  FINES ARE
                                                                                                             BEING ENFORCED!! 

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           BUYER?                                  Call Joe Young          SELLER?                            is currently broadcast on Comcast channel 63 and

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         (561) 756-8508                                                  (561) 756-8508                       committee meeting dates and current events. 

         Hope everyone is doing okay during these challenging times. I am here to assist any way I can.

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