Page 25 - Boca ViewPointe - January '24
P. 25

January 2024                                                    Viewpointe, Page 25
      Film Review: The Wall

      By Nils A. Shapiro                                 Austrian Alps,  written                           one woman – actress Martina Gedeck in a tour de force
                                                         and directed by Julian                            performance – expressed so artfully that time and again
         I have no idea how you                          Polaner. It was originally                        I absorbed this film as a true poetic experience.
      will react to this film.                           released in 2012 and                                 The reason for the lack of dialogue is clear from the
         I started  to  watch  it                        garnered 12 award                                 story line. In the opening moments of the film, a woman
      because I was intrigued                            nominations in several                            is waving her wishes for a pleasant trip to a couple in a
      by the brief description                           categories, winning                               wagon. She has been visiting as a guest in their cabin,
      Amazon  Prime Video                                four, at international                            located in the middle of a forest, and they are going to
      offered of the film as I was                       film  festivals.  Filmed                          the nearest village for the day. The couple call for their
      looking for one deserving                          in the German language,                           dog, Lynx, to join them, but the dog returns instead to
      of a review in this month’s                        the  Prime Video                                  the cabin to be with the woman.
      column. Referring to  it                           version is in English…                               After a while, the woman decides to take a walk in the
      as an “art house film” (which to me denotes a work of   although you need not                        forest accompanied by the wonderful, sweet dog – who
      unusual quality), the two-sentence hint of its story line   be concerned about the                   instantly won me over as my favorite character in the
      made it clear that this would be very different from   quality of dubbing since                      film – and suddenly, shockingly strikes her head into a
      the typical action flicks, comedies and rom-coms that   there is essentially no                      wall, an invisible barrier, one that she cannot see but feels
      dominate today’s streaming services.               dialogue at all after the first minute of the just over 1½   with the palms of her hands and is clearly impenetrable!
         What an understatement that turned out to be!   hours of the film!                                There is no way around it nor over it.
         The Wall is an Austrian production filmed in the      Instead, what we hear are the narrated thoughts of      As she soon discovers, for no discernible reason she
                                                                                                           has been cut off from all humanity. The couple who left
        A Holistic Approach to Joint and Bone                                                              her earlier that day never return; no cars nor travelers
                                                                                                           ever pass. One day she sees through the invisible wall
                                                                                                           an old timer and his wife in strangely silent, unmoving
        Health: Nurturing Resilience                                                                       poses unable to hear her.
                                                                                                             She is alone with her dog, joined as the weeks and

                                                                                                           months pass by two cats and a cow that somehow strays
                                                                                                           onto the cabin’s property before giving birth to a calf.
        Introduction: Arthritis, affecting 21.2% of all U.S. adults,   nourishing calcium. Dive into the ocean of canned   Over a period of three years, alone with her animals – and
        emerges as a pervasive challenge transcending physical   salmon,  where  the  soft  bones  hidden  within  are  a
        discomfort. With staggering costs of hundreds of billions   treasure trove of this vital mineral. Embrace plant milks,   despite her horror of the need to hunt and kill deer and
        every year, arthritis stands as a primary cause of work   tofu, almonds, almond butter, and white canned beans   other small creatures of the forest in order to provide food
        disability.  Osteoarthritis,  gout,  rheumatoid  arthritis,   as your culinary allies, easily woven into the fabric of   for her own and her animals companions’ survival – we
        and  lupus  collectively  impact  53.2  million  individuals,   your daily meals. These lesser-known gems aren’t just   are witnesses as the woman undergoes stages of emotional
        creating a pressing need for comprehensive solutions.  foods; they are nutritional elixirs, infusing your bones   and psychological confusion, terror, calm and acceptance
                                                        with the strength to withstand the test of time.   in an effort to retain some semblance of sanity.
        Understanding  the  Impact:  Symptoms  of  arthritis,                                                 During that time she decides to write a report of her
        including  pain,  aching,  stiffness,  and  swelling,  extend   Holistic Approaches and Technologies: The Synergy of   daily life as a way to fill the loneliness, and most of what
        beyond joints. Rheumatoid arthritis and lupus, reaching   Tradition and Innovation                 we hear are words she writes … both exquisite and tragic.
        multiple  organs,  cause  widespread  symptoms.  51.7%   Dr. Yaron Seidman redefines bone health at his Holistic      Then, just as the woman has found solace in the beauty
        of U.S. adults with arthritis in the 18 to 64 age bracket   MedSpa. Acupuncture, a cornerstone of his approach,   of the nature that surrounds her – the scents and sights of
        face limitations, hindering professional capabilities and   transcends  the  notion  of  mere  needles,  embodying
        routine activities.                             a  time-honored  practice  that  activates  the  body’s   the pastures and mountains, the trees that provide wood
                                                        inherent  healing  mechanisms,  fostering  bone  health   for warming hearth fires in the cold winters, the endless
        Exercise  for  Resilient  Bones:  Unlock  the  Power  of   from within.                            stars that fill her night skies – humanity appears once
        Movement                                                                                           again in her life!
        Engaging  in  weight-bearing  exercises  is  not  merely  a   Halo  salt  therapy introduces  the therapeutic  power of      And with the reappearance of humanity – a man in her
        routine;  it’s  a  transformative  journey  toward  resilient   salt, creating an environment to reduce inflammation in   forest – comes an act so inhumane that it depressed me
        bones and enhanced overall mobility. Imagine walking   your  joints.  Infrared  therapy  utilizes  heat  to  penetrate   to the point only my commitment to this review kept me
        through life with bones strengthened by the rhythmic   tissues,  enhancing  circulation  and  reducing  muscle   from turning off the film without waiting for the ending.
        steps  of  walking  or  the  joyous  rhythm  of  dancing.   tension. Whole-body vibration therapy engages the body      To explain further would be a spoiler and unfair to
        Regular physical activity becomes a formidable natural   in  rhythmic  vibrations,  contributing  to  improved  bone   those of you whose sensitivity to the particular act might
        defense  against  the  encroaching  discomfort  of  joint   density and overall physical wellness. Lastly, PEMF (Pulsed   not equal mine. This film deserves better than that.
        pain. It’s not just exercise; it’s a commitment to your   Electromagnetic  Field)  therapy  completes  the  holistic
        bone health, a pledge to empower your body and defy   symphony,  utilizing  electromagnetic  fields  to  promote      I opened this review by noting that I have no idea how
        the limitations that often accompany aging.     cellular health and enhance the well-being of your bones.   this column’s readers will react to The Wall. My wife,
                                                        Together,  these  modalities  form  a  harmonious  blend   Linda, watched it with me. After the first half hour, she
        Why  Every  Step  Matters:  Every  step  taken  during  a   of tradition and cutting-edge technology, nurturing the   turned to me and asked, “How can you watch this film?” I
        brisk  walk  or  every  movement  in  the  dance  studio   holistic well-being of individuals.     didn’t reply because I saw promise in what was unfolding
        sends  a  signal  to  your  bones—stimulating  them  to                                            on the screen.
        adapt, grow stronger, and resist the wear and tear of   Why Wait? Embrace Your Bone Health Today!     When the film was over, Linda’s opinion had changed:
        time. Joint flexibility and muscle strength are not just   Every  step,  every  bite,  and  every  holistic  practice  is   “What a brilliant and fascinating film. You really must
        maintained; they flourish with each intentional stride.   a  stride  toward  a  future  where  your  bones  stand  as   write about it.”
        This isn’t about grueling workouts; it’s about the joyous   resilient sentinels of your overall well-being. Exercise,      The rest is up to you. 
        celebration  of  movement  that  echoes  through  your   dietary choices, and holistic approaches aren’t chores;
        bones,  leaving  them  fortified  and  ready  to  face  the   they are invitations to a life where your bones, strong
        years ahead.                                    and fortified, propel you into the limitless possibilities
                                                        that lie ahead. Don’t just move; dance through life with
        Dietary Choices for Bone Health: Nourish Your Bones,   bones  that  echo  the  rhythm  of  strength  and  vitality.
        Fortify Your Future                             Nourish  your  bones,  explore  the  hidden  treasures
        Your kitchen holds the key to fortifying your bones from   of  nutrition,  and  embark  on  a  holistic  journey  that
        within. A calcium-rich diet isn’t a dietary restriction; it’s   transcends time. Accept an invitation to embrace your
        an  invitation  to  a  banquet  of  bone-boosting  delights.   bone health today!
        Incorporate  dairy  products,  the  traditional  guardians
        of bone health, and let green vegetables and fish join   Dr. Yaron Seidman, a
        the  feast,  contributing  their  share  of  calcium.  Bathe   distinguished  author  with
        in the sunlight, nature’s vitamin D bestower, or savor   eight   wellness   books,
        fortified  foods  that  ensure  your  body’s  absorption  of   public   speaker,   expert
        the bone-strengthening mineral. It’s more than a diet;   herbalist,  and  seasoned
        it’s a flavorful investment in the longevity and strength   acupuncture  practitioner
        of your bones.                                  for over three decades,
                                                        leads   the   innovative
        A  Life  Without  Limits:  Moderation  in  alcohol  and   Hunyuan  Life  Wellness
        bidding farewell to smoking aren’t sacrifices; they are   Spa  in  Boca  Raton.  This
        emancipations. Imagine a life where your bones are no   all-encompassing   studio
        longer burdened by the detrimental effects of excessive   harmoniously   blends
        alcohol  or  the  toxic  cloud  of  smoke.  It’s  a  choice  to   cutting-edge  technologies
        liberate  your  bones,  allowing  them  to  thrive  in  an   with time-honored holistic
        environment  conducive  to  their  well-being.  Quitting   modalities,   providing
        smoking isn’t just a lifestyle change; it’s a profound act   effective  support  for  bone  health.  For  personalized
        of kindness to your bones, granting them the freedom   consultations, contact directly at 561-400-6743 or book
        to age gracefully.                              online at using code MyHealth10
                                                        for an extra 10% discount on health programs.
        Beyond the Basics: Discover the Hidden Gems of Bone
        The  world  of  calcium-rich  foods  extends  far  beyond
        the familiar. Venture into the realm of dried figs, where
        each succulent piece is a concentrated source of bone-
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