Page 1 - Boca ViewPointe - January '24
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VOL. 32 NO. 1                                                                            JANUARY 2024

       Meet Your New Board - Zachary Elliott

          My name is Zachary                             New York Law School where I obtained a Juris Doctor. I   a searchable record of all decisions and actions taken by
       Elliott. I was elected as the                     am a licensed attorney in Florida (active) and retired in New   previous Boards to better inform our own Board’s actions.
       District One (Encantada,                          York. I am married, have two small children, and two dogs.   Boca Pointe is currently confronting several large issues of
       The  Palms, Valencia)                             I am taking a hiatus from my web development business to   incredible complexity and I believe that the new board (with
       Director in the last election                     pursue writing a novel, which has been a goal of mine for   the help of homeowners in committees) will solve those
       and this is my first time                         some time. In my spare time I read extensively on Roman   issues and leave the Association stronger and better prepared
       serving on the Boca Pointe                        History, American Politics, and Science Fiction. I also collect   for the future. I invite all interested homeowners to attend
       Master Board. I also sit                          Roman denarii and play tennis.                    our meetings and join the committees that interest them.
       on the Encantada Board                               I currently serve as Vice Chairman of the Master Board   Information on committees can be obtained by contacting
       and serve as the Encantada                        and Chair of the Legal Committee. I have put a great emphasis   our property management office.
       Treasurer. I attended Miami                       on adhering to our communities’ bylaws and Florida law,                              Your neighbor,
       University (Ohio) where                           while making sure that all decision making is fundamentally                                Zach 
       I obtained a Bachelor of                          grounded in Master Board votes. I have been collecting
       Science in Economics and                          and organizing all of Boca Pointe’s documents to establish
      Village Spotlight -  El Dorado

      By Sheryl Sagel                                                                                      outdoor living areas, some of which are elaborate courtyards
                                                                                                           with pools, summer kitchens, and separate guest suites or
         El Dorado is an intimate village of 42                                                            cabanas. Outdoor living space, which ranges in size from
      fabulous homes, located next to the Club at                                                          around 500 to 2,000 SF, is an important and desirable
      Boca Pointe. People are drawn to El Dorado’s                                                         feature of these homes and the homes were constructed with
      beautiful street and interesting architecture.                                                       windows and doors that enable owners to enjoy these spaces
         The homes in El Dorado are unique!                                                                from the inside and out.
      We have a combination of townhouses and                                                                 We  are  pet-friendly! When  on  our  street,  you  will
      single-family homes that are very spacious,                                                          frequently see neighbors walking or gathered with their
      with around 2,700 to over 4,800 SF under                                                             precious pups. Or, neighbors may choose to relax in our
      air. Most homes have three to five bedrooms,                                                         village park area.
      many with en suite baths. Residents enjoy                                                               Residents also enjoy the convenient and close proximity
      wonderful and functional floor plans, volume                                                         of El Dorado to The Club, shops, dining, offices, and more…
      ceilings, and open living areas.                                                                     all within walking distance! 
         Many of the homes in El Dorado are
      designed for maximum enjoyment of the                                                                  Please Help
       From The Desk Of

                                                                                                               It’s a New Year!!! Now is the time to clean out
       Commissioner Marci Woodward                                                                             your closets! The homeless shelters are accepting used
                                                                                                             clothing. Please bring any clean, gently used clothing
                                                                                                             that you would like to donate. The drop off location is
       A Message from Marci                              staff, the county staff, and many players from around the   at the BPCA office located at 6909 SW 18th St., Suite
                                                         county have helped me navigate the sometimes rough   A120 in the Boardwalk shopping plaza. The donations
          Season’s  Greetings  from                      waters of local government.                         are distributed to local churches and homeless shelters.
       District 4! It is hard to believe                    I am regularly asked, “How do you like it?” My answer   Thank you for your generous donations this past year!
       2023 is already coming to an                      is, “I give it a 4 out of 5,” and I think that is pretty good!  It is greatly appreciated! 
       end. It has been an interesting                      Since assuming office, the Board has voted on nearly
       year for me.                                      3,000 agenda items, spanning a wide array of crucial sectors
          All the clichés fit. I went                    such as airports, facilities and development, community
       from baptism by fire to                           services, water utilities, fire rescue, and numerous other
       drinking  from  a  firehose  to                   essential areas.
       keeping my head above water                          Additionally, our office has been responsive to various
       in short order.                                   resident concerns, taking action across multiple fronts
          However, I must say, my                        including the following:
                                                                                   Addressing pest
                                                                                 concerns: we activated the       The Board of Directors and the
                                                                                 county’s mosquito control      staff of the Boca Pointe Community
                                                                                 team to address issues in
                                                                                 Spanish River Park near the    Association would like to wish all of
                                                                                 dog park effectively.        our residents a very Happy New Year!!
                                                                                   Resolving overgrowth
                                                                                 challenges: our request for   May it be filled with Love, Peace, Good

                                                                                  From The Desk Of             Health and Prosperity!! Happy 2024!!!
                                                                                  on page 6
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