Page 23 - Boca Club News - January '24
P. 23

Boca Club News, Page 23

          Nature & Pets

      You and Your Pet: Canine infectious

      Respiratory Disease Complex (CIRDC)

      By Dr. Cindy Krane DVM, Calusa Veterinary Center, 6900   the media has dubbed it “a mysterious respiratory illness.”     Vaccination is key to controlling CIRDC. Veterinarians,
      Congress Avenue, Boca Raton, FL 33487 (561) 999-3000.      CIRDC is transmitted via contact by the mouth or nose with   boarding kennels, and grooming shops should advise dogs to                                  respiratory secretions that are sneezed or coughed into the air by   be current on the annual Bordetella bronchiseptica vaccination,
         Commonly referred to as Kennel Cough, this infectious   a sick dog, by direct dog-to-dog contact, and via contaminated   and CIV (Canine Influenza Virus, also known as Dog Flu)
      respiratory disease can be caused by several viral and bacterial   fomites (objects that can harbor infection like water bowls, food   vaccination. The vaccine series consists of an initial vaccine
      pathogens. Prevalence of various pathogens involved in   bowls, toys, and bedding). The incubation period from when one   with a doctor and a booster vaccine in three weeks followed
      CIRDC differs based on the geographical area and season.   dog is exposed until they develop clinical signs can range for   by annual boosters. Dogs must be at least eight weeks of age to
      There is currently a virulent respiratory pathogen spreading   2-10 days. The clinical signs include coughing, sneezing, nasal   receive these vaccinations. Dog owners should exercise caution
      rapidly across the United States. The cause is unknown, and   discharge, and in more severe cases lethargy and fever.  or avoid altogether going to dog parks, doggy day care, boarding
                                                                                                           and grooming to minimize exposure to infectious diseases.
                                                                                                              Environmental management is also crucial in reducing the
      Book Review from page 22                          are transported quickly from 1944 to 1945 and back again to   spread of CIRDC. Clean all organic material from the surfaces
                                                        1944 or to the late 1930s...and from one character’s life to   (discharges/food/hairs and urine or stool). The pathogens are
      Resistance to Allied forces with messages about German   another’s. It all moves so smoothly that, each time I began to   readily susceptible to routine disinfectants such as diluted
      military placements, so that the transmitters and their senders   read, before I had a moment to look up I had already turned   bleach. The cleaning product should be applied to all areas and
      can be wiped out.                                 at least sixty or seventy pages.                   have 10 minutes of contact time. Prevent pooling of water and
         In Saint-Malo, those broadcasts are coming from the      In the end, after all the horrors and tragedy of war, what   keep surfaces as dry as possible to decrease microbial growth.
      house where now sixteen-year-old Marie-Laure lives with   survives is the uplifting, indomitable good that cannot be   Ventilation helps reduce the spread of CIRDC. Minimizing
      her uncle, Etienne.                               extinguished in some of humanity.                  stress, reducing overcrowding, and decreasing the length of stay
         While Marie-Laure and Werner are the two main characters,      “All the Light We Cannot See” will most assuredly be made   after their service has been performed, are all useful to prevent
      there are others as well. One of them is Sergeant-Major Reinhold   into a motion picture. You owe it to yourself to read the book   spreading of the disease.
      von Rumpel, who has been assigned by the Nazis to scour   first. Nothing will compare to this original story. I have thought      At this time there is no available vaccine for the “mystery
      Europe in search of the greatest treasures in all forms of art. Hitler   about it and cannot imagine who could play the four roles of   illness” and it will likely take scientists some time to figure
      plans to create at the end of the war the largest museum ever   Marie-Laure and Werner as their young and teen-age characters.   out what the causative agent is (bacteria, virus or other) and to
      built, to house all of the art stolen from the various conquered   The one thing I do know is that I hope my daughters will permit   develop a vaccine. Veterinarians are currently vaccinating dogs
      nations. Von Rumpel has heard of the legendary diamond at the   me to take them to the film as soon as it comes to the theatre.  for the known respiratory pathogens CIV and Bordetella with
      Paris Museum of Natural History. He has another, desperate              *****                        proven safe and effective vaccines. As soon as a vaccine has
      reason for his search: von Rumpel is gravely ill, and if the      All I can say now is, “I told you so.” Way back then,   been developed to prevent the new respiratory disease it should
      curse surrounding the Sea of Flames diamond is true he will   the book eventually stayed on the national bestseller lists   be considered based on your dog’s lifestyle and risk factors.
      not succumb to his illness but will live forever.  for more than 200 weeks! And the much-heralded new film      It is unknown what role COVID-19 has played in the
         What makes this novel so remarkable is not only the story,   version—on TV screens rather than theatres—has received   emergency of the “mysterious respiratory illness.” During
      which is beautiful and memorable in itself, but the unique   mixed reactions from critics and preview audiences, most   the height of COVID, dogs were not socializing nor were
      style in which the author decided to tell it. It is a story that   notably because the screenwriters made so many changes   they getting routine veterinary care. This indirectly may have
      spans a period of eighty years, from 1934 to 2014, but is not   that The Hollywood Reporter wrote, “By the third episode   weakened dogs’ immune systems, lowered their defense and
      told as a straight chronological narrative. Instead, in chapters   the plot barely resembled the novel.” If you didn’t take my   ability to fight new diseases.
      of mostly two and three pages, sometimes of only a page, we   recommendation the first time, do it now. Read the book.
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