Page 20 - Boca Club News - January '24
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Page 20, Boca Club News
                                                        Grape Expectations: Dessert Wines

        Dining Out from page 19

  chefs think we are impressed with their   By Ed Wolfarth, who recently                 become even sweeter and more raisinated, resulting in
        ability to “deconstruct” every standard recipe into   moved to South Florida after                 grapes with concentrated sweetness. In Alsace, late harvest
        something that doesn’t even come close to its origin?   retiring with his wife, Vicki, as          is called “Vendage Tardive,” and in Germany it’s referred
           WHY….do waiters always tell you everything is   Professor of Sports Sciences &                  to as “Spatlese.” Any grape left on the vine can be used for
        great on the menu when you ask for a recommendation?   Physical Education at both Queens           late harvest wines. Most common, however, are Chenin
        And why do they always choose the most expensive   College and Hofstra University.                 Blanc, Semillon and Riesling grapes.
        item as their menu suggestion?                   He is a nationally ranked senior                     Noble Rot is a type of spore called Botrytis Cinerea that
           WHY…do restaurants tell you there are no tables   tennis player and long-time USPTA             eats fruits and vegetables. While it may sound disgusting,
        available as a walk in, when you can obviously see   Elite Teaching Professional. Ed has           noble rot adds unique flavors of ginger, saffron and honey
        open ones? I suggest stepping outside, going to the   written many educational and tennis articles in the past.   to sweet wines. Sauternes and Barsac that use Semillon and
        “Open Table” app and getting the same table with no   Over the past few years, Ed has turned his hobby of wine   Sauvignon Blanc are rich golden-hued sweet wines. The
        problem.                                         collecting into a way of continuing his passion for writing,   most famous of these is Chateau d’Yquem, which sells for
           WHY…hasn’t someone invented a device to level   and has written on the subject for publications. As a self-  hundreds of dollars in small amounts!
        out wobbly tables? The bent papers coasters are not   proclaimed “wine snob,” he has collaborated on many   German Rieslings–the sweetest being labeled Auslese,
        doing the trick!                                 wine lists for private clubs and a few restaurants. Ed can   Beerenauslese and Trockenbeerenauslese. These ultra-sweet
           WHY…aren’t there hooks or more hooks under a   be reached at                 wines with good acidity are a perfect match for almost all
        bar to hang your purse? This one is Hungry D’s most      Basically speaking, there are five main types of dessert   sweet desserts but will cost a pretty penny. On the German
        frustrating curiosity.                           wines: sparkling wine, lightly sweet dessert wine, richly   scale of sweetness they are a step above Kabinett, the least
           WHY…do restaurants constantly over-use the    sweet dessert wine, sweet red wine and fortified wine. For   sweet of the German Rieslings.
        “Farm to Table” concept? Doesn’t all our meat, produce   our purposes we’ll talk about the more common three.      Fortified wines are made when brandy is added to a
        and dairy come from farms?                       Remember, for the most part we want a wine that goes   wine. Most are high in alcohol (about 17-20% ABV) and
           WHY…are there tables located next to noisy    with desserts that are often sweet and rich. These wines   have a long shelf life after they are opened. My favorite
        waiters’ stations, drafty doors, swinging kitchen doors   should be served in small glasses and drunk close to the   dessert wine is Port. Made in the northern part of Portugal
        or aromatic bathroom entrances? Please don’t seat me   vintage date.                               near the Douro River, these rare sweet wines are made with
        there!                                              Lightly sweet dessert wines are also great with spicy   a variety of local grapes. After fermentation and fortification
           WHY…do we all settle for a dish that either tastes   foods, such as Indian or Asian cuisines. Expect these wines to   processes, Port can be made in a few distinct styles. First is
        awful or is improperly cooked to our liking. “I’ll eat it   be exploding with fruit flavors and well-suited to accompany   Ruby. This is the introductory style and least sweet. Then
        anyway” is not a good option when you are spending   vanilla-driven desserts. Consider Gewurztraminer, known   there’s Vintage Port & LBV Port. Both are sweet but not as
        good money. And don’t take it out on your waiter…  for its lychee and rose petals aroma. Gewurztraminer has   sweet as Tawny Port. Tawny Ports taste of figs and nuts;.
        he’s simply the messenger not the cook!          light alcohol and is commonly found in Alsace, Alto-Adige   30- to 40-year-old Tawny is best!
           If you have any of your own curiosities or restaurant   in Italy and New Zealand.                  Sherry comes from Andalusia in Spain. Again, local
        annoyances, please drop me a note and I will be      Riesling–consider the sweeter styles more commonly   grapes are used and purposely oxidized to develop nutty
        happy to add them to the list. Please email them to   found in Germany. A wine with natural acidity, which   aromatics. There’s Fino, or dry Sherry, and Manzanilla,                             helps cut the sweet taste of desserts. Or Chenin Blanc,   also dry. There’s also Moscatel, a sweet Sherry with fig
          Thanks!                                        most often made in a sweet style and found in the U.S.   and date flavors.
                                                         and South Africa and the Loire Valley of France. Viognier,      There are so many other so-called dessert wines,
                                                         which when made in a fruit-driven style can be oily and   including Madeira and Ice Wines, another one of my
                                                         rich on the palate. This wine is best found from Condrieu   favorites, but you get the idea. Dessert wines are simply
                                                         in the Rhone Valley of France.                    made to accompany sweet, rich desserts and should be
                                                            Rich sweet dessert wines. There are several ways to   sipped and savored. A $500 Chateau d’Yquem or an
                                                         produce richly sweet dessert wines and you can understand   Inniskillin Ice Wine from Canada (my personal favorite)
                                                         them better by how they’re made. Late Harvest – Exactly   and others available for much less, offer a perfect way to
                                                         what it’s called! As grapes hang on the vines longer they   end a grand meal and deserve to be savored!

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