Page 18 - Boca Club News - January '24
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Page 18, Boca Club News
Medical Matters from page 17 of their body to best advantage. In some cases, persistent The threat of having a stroke invokes considerable fear
rehabilitation efforts have resulted in stimulating normal among most people. The best approach is to do as much as
hypoglycemia (low blood sugar), especially from the over- surviving brain cells to assume the function of some of the we can to prevent this devastating life-changing disease.
dosage of insulin in a diabetic. That is why a CT scan or dead cells, resulting in variable degrees of improvement over Effective continued control of high blood pressure, which is
MRI and other diagnostic tests play an important role in time in symptoms such as paralysis and speech. a major factor, complemented by regular physical exercise,
the evaluation and treatment of these patients. Once the physical disability from a stroke is firmly a low-salt Mediterranean-style low-cholesterol diet with
Once the patient’s condition has stabilized and all established significant emotional issues become evident, statins added when needed, weight control, no smoking,
treatment options have been exhausted, rehabilitation resulting in feelings of helplessness, frustration, apathy, and alcohol in moderation are important. Diabetes and
begins while the patient is still in the hospital. It must be mood changes, loss of sex drive, becoming withdrawn, less obstructive sleep apnea should be treated and drugs such as
rigorous, depending on age and the complication of other social, impulsive and depressed. The goal is to maintain cocaine and methamphetamines strictly avoided. A Fib and
serious medical problems. Follow-up with skilled care self-esteem, connection to others and interest in the world. carotid artery disease must be identified and, when present,
in a rehabilitation facility and then continued at home is They must be patient because rehabilitation takes time. It is vigorously treated.
strongly advised. The goal is to help these victims to live as important to encourage them not to be hard on themselves, This is why it is so important for there to be a trusting
independently as possible while adjusting to their limitations. get out of the house using a wheelchair a walker or a cane. doctor-patient relationship. The doctor can take the time
This involves teamwork with a neurologist, psychologist, Joining a support group with others who are coping with the to fully explain to the patient the importance of all the
psychiatrist, nurse and social worker. Physical, occupational, effects of a stroke, sharing experiences and building new controllable factors involved and stress the lifestyle changes
recreational and speech therapists are all vital. Physical friendships are important. They must be made to understand that can reduce the risk of a heart attack. He can then
therapy is designed to strengthen muscles, improve balance that they are not alone; friends and family should eat and schedule regular follow-up visits to check on compliance
and help paralyzed patients learn to use the normal side converse with them to keep them connected. and if the patient is taking all prescribed medications.
Legal: Real Estate Commissions
By Michael J Posner, Esq., a partner agents who belong to the local real estate cooperative could The court awarded 1.8 billion dollars in damages to class
in Ward, Damon, Posner, Pheterson & list properties on the MLS. members, which sum could be tripled if the defendants are
Bleau, P.L. a mid-sized real estate and The six percent commission was frequently shared found guilty of certain federal anti-trust laws. A similar suit
business-oriented law firm serving all between the listing agent and the agent who introduced the is now pending in Federal court in South Carolina. If the
of South Florida, with three offices in buyer to the property, known as the selling or cooperating lawsuits are upheld on appeal, there will be a massive shift
Palm Beach County. They specialize agent, resulting in each agent being paid three percent in how Realtors charge and price their services, especially
in real estate law and can assist of the sales price. Due to online expansion of real estate how it will relate to cooperating agents.
sellers and purchaser with closing information and competition among agents, it became The end result of these lawsuits is that it is likely that
and financing of residential and common for real estate commissions to be reduced below the Realtors will have to adjust their practice and accept far
commercial real estate including remote closings. They can be original six percent standard. Many agents will malice now less in commissions from the sale properties. The standard
reached at (561) 594-1452 or at list properties for five percent, offering cooperating agents of offering a cooperating agent a two and three percent
Historically, Realtors received a six percent commission between two and three percent for bringing buyers to the commission for bringing buyers to the property will likely
for the sale of any residential real property. In exchange for property. Some agents even offer reduced commissions if end, with the home seller making the decision as to what the
this commission, a listing agent for seller would market the there is no cooperating agent, agreeing to accept only three Realtor can offer them in the MLS.
property including listing the property in the local multiple percent or even less upon sale. For example, a Realtor may agree to list the property for
listing service (MLS), which was a proprietary database For homeowners willing to do much of the work sale at a three percent commission and offer only one percent
run by local cooperating real estate brokers to provide data themselves, new one percent brokers appeared online offering to any cooperating agent. The drawback is that many agents
about properties for sale. This MLS database was the primary to list properties in the MLS for only one percent of the sales may simply ignore properties that do not offer sufficient
method to locate property for sale prior to the explosion of price. These agents offer no other services except on a la compensation for them to bring their buyers to review the
real estate sites on the Internet. In addition, only licensed carte fixed fee basis. For sophisticated sellers this offers an property. Obviously, this will result in buyers missing out on
opportunity to save thousands of dollars on the sale of the certain properties. Therefore, given the changing landscape,
A Free Opportunity property. Inevitably, this one percent offer has been reduced buyers must discuss this issue with their Realtor to ensure that
even further with some agents willing to list properties in the
they do not miss out on properties that offer low commissions
For Animal MLS for a flat fee of $99. to cooperating Realtors. One option may be that buyers will
begin paying commissions to their agent to compensate them
The standard fee structure, which is still used by a majority
Lovers ... of homes being sold, was recently challenged in a class- for finding optimal properties due to the low cooperating
agent commission being offered by sellers.
action lawsuit filed in Missouri. The plaintiffs argued that
As a result of this uncertainty, and the current rising
Now Feed 6 Shelter Dogs and Cats several rules by the National Association of Realtors (NAR) interest rates, it appears that the residential real estate market
acted to stifle competition among brokers, including rules
Every Day at No Cost to You ... that effectively required sellers to make a non-negotiable is in for a bumpy road over the next five years. If these
in Less Than a Minute ... commission offer to cooperating agents before the property lawsuits are successful, many agents will exit the market due
with just “Click” was added to the MLS. to the lower commissions and the difficulty in making sales.
The real question is whether consumers will greatly benefit
The federal court in Missouri ruled that NAR and some
Want to feel really good about yourself? If, like most of the nation’s largest real estate brokerages were guilty of from the savings due to the loss and services that will clearly
of us, those TV announcements bring tears to your eyes conspiring to illegally keep commissions artificially high. accompany that price reduction.
with photos of sad shelter dogs and cats in small cages,
hoping somehow to be brought into loving homes – when
you wish over and over again that you could somehow
bring joy into their lives, here is an act of loving kindness
that will cost you absolutely nothing ... and take less than
a minute a day.
Visit the website: and
click on the words “Click here to feed a dog or cat.” A
“button” will appear on your screen, and all you have to
do is click on it once. Each time a person clicks on that
button, the website’s sponsors provide bowls of food, Stylish Modern Atmosphere Make Reservations happy hour
free, to feed 6 dogs and cats. Mon. - Thurs.
That’s all there is to it. In only seconds each day, you
can see to it that 6 animals are fed. The folks who run at Bar Only all Day
the website never bother you with tons of promotional Mon. - Fri. 3 - 6 pm
e-mails. You can, if you wish, click on a link that sends
a daily reminder to you. I did that; the reminder is
e-mailed, and that is it. No hard-sell follow-ups. And if Lunch SpeciaLS
you realize how good it will make you feel to be able
to do at least something for these poor, loving creatures every Day
who are there through no fault of their own (some have starting at 11
been rescued from abusive owners), imagine how even
bowls of food will help make the animals feel better.
Please take just seconds a day to lift 6 animals’ spirits
... and your own. Thanks.
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