Page 12 - Boca ViewPointe - December '23
P. 12
Page 12, Viewpointe December 2023
Hospital Volunteers
– A Family Affair Helene and Howard Cohen
By Arthur Dermer, Volunteer chair assistants moving patients to and from the hospital
entrance to various locations in the Hospital. They enjoyed
Helene and Howard the experience of giving so much that after 5 years they
Cohe n, Boc a Poi nt e began to work a second day. At that time the Hospital was
residents, are among a select opening the newly completed Lynn Cancer Center and they
group of volunteer couples volunteered to work at that facility every Monday and Friday
who assist at the Boca Raton morning. They have been working there for the past 15
Regional Hospital. Twice years. “It is very gratifying to be able to help people when
each week they help patients they need it most”, Helene said. “It is very satisfying to be
and families who come to the able to help people coming to the Cancer Center for the first
Lynn Cancer Institute. The time – to reassure them and give them a welcoming smile.
Cohens started volunteering When people are ill they often need a smile or a friendly
voice or just someone to talk to for a few minutes before
they get treatment. We are most grateful to be in a position
Plastic Every Helene and Howard Cohen, Hospital Volunteers to help them”.
Before moving to Boca, the Cohens lived and worked in
Where You Turn at the Hospital 21 years ago. This followed a serious medical New York City where they ran a family business for thirty
problem which required Howard’s hospitalization during the
years. They enjoy making trips to New York to see family
Christmas holiday period. “It was a time in our lives that Boca
and friends. The Cohens are residents of Prominade and
Regional was lifesaving for us”. The excellent treatment he members of The Club at Boca Pointe. Howard is an avid
By Harold Katz, R.Ph. received there and the friendliness of the medical and nursing golfer. They both enjoy taking advantage of all the activities
staff convinced them to try volunteering at the Hospital. And the Club offers. They like dining out, and socializing and
One of the many the rest is history. They felt that giving of themselves was a visiting family in Florida.
substances filtered out of good way to pay back to the community and over the years Helene said “if you need something to fill your calendar,
our drinking water here they continue to give. To-date they have cumulatively logged volunteering is a wonderful and thankful opportunity to help
in Palm Beach County over 15,000 hours of community service to the Debbie-Rand others.” If you are interested in volunteering there are many
microplastic particles are Memorial Service League, the volunteer arm of the Boca opportunities in Boca Raton to do so. If you would like more
the smallest breakdown Regional Hospital. Very impressive !!! information about volunteering at the Hospital please call
product of the plastics we In 2003 they started volunteering once a week as wheel- 561-955 4098.
consume. Whereas most
other items we use return
to their basic elements Community Association Meetings Monthly Schedule
after use, plastics do not. When returned to the soil, and
taken up by the plants, animals eat the plants; so do we; we (All meetings held via Zoom and in person.)
eat the animals as well. In the lakes and oceans, plankton
swallow the plastics; fish eat the plankton, and we humans
eat the fish. So, whether we consume fish or fowl, or meat
we humans are exposed to microplastics. There has been All meetings will be held electronically via Zoom and in person. The following is our regular schedule of
much concern over how much microplastics humans can monthly meetings, however, sometimes meetings are cancelled or schedules are revised due to holidays, etc. If
ingest before our health is affected. you would like to attend, please call the BPCA office, (561) 395-7551, the day before the meeting to request the
A study published by the WHO (World Health Zoom link be emailed to you.
Organization) in April of this year found that the dangers
of ingesting too much plastic is minimal for most Access Control & Safety Committee TBD
communities; however, filter systems differ in efficiency.
It was comforting to read that our Palm Beach Water Architectural Control Site Committee TBD
Purification System was among the most efficient listed
in terms of microplastic removal. This just highlights how Board of Directors 3rd Tuesday of each month at 9:30 a.m.
important it becomes to recycle every piece of plastic we
can and to reuse it so it does not enter into the microplastic Budget & Finance Committee TBD
furor in the first place. (Aside: Readers who know this
writer also know of his deep interest in recycling going Landscape Committee T B D
back at least 15 years.)
Harold Katz R.Ph., Edgewater Estates.
Norbert Graber, R. Ph.
and Lynn Graber, R. Ph.
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