Page 14 - Boca ViewPointe - December '23
P. 14

Page 14, Viewpointe                                                 December 2023
      The Holiday Season – A Busy Time Or Not?

      By Josette Veltri                                     • Ask  for  support. Asking  for  support  lowers  your   giving and in the words
                                                         expectations that you can do it all.              of Winston S. Churchill,
         The  Holiday  Season                            2. Remember to Self-Care                          “We  make  a  living  by
      is  here,  and  according  to                         • Don’t push yourself – rest if you must.      what we get. We make, it is the                        • Step outside often and let nature nurture you. Research   a life by what we give.”
      busiest time of the year IF                        shows spending time in nature reduces stress, improves   It is said, when we have
      we are not mindful of what,                        concentration and mental energy. (  given something or done
      how and where our thoughts                            • Practice mindful awareness – focus on what you are   something for someone,
      are taking us.                                     grateful for in each moment.                      it  actually  gives  us  a
         Many  will  act  as  in                         3. Avoid Overspending                             sense of satisfaction and brings joy into our homes and hearts.
      days of old and allow their                           • Make a budget and stick to it. Purchase items on sale      Research shows the act of savoring the holiday’s unique
      thoughts to run wild on what                       and shop supermarkets offering BOGOs.             moments activates a region in our brains called the ventral
      to cook, planning and questioning to host/not host, who to      • Don’t buy gifts that you’ll be paying off for the rest of   striatum which lowers the levels of cortisol, a stress hormone.
      invite/not invite, shopping, decorating and more. And, once   the year. (  (
      we allow our emotional wild horses (our thoughts) out of   4. Just be Kind                              And, if we are willing to give at least one of the above
      the barn, we will find ourselves unhinged, dysregulated,      • During the holiday season, many people may experience   tips a try, it may even help us to remember the Reason for
      physically exhausted, irritable, frustrated and overwhelmed.   the loss of a family member, a friend or pet increasing their   this Holiday Season.
         In the movie Conversations with God, Neal hears God   grief and loneliness. Instead of avoiding them, consider
      asking, “Have you had enough?” And, so I ask the same   inviting them to share a cup of tea/coffee or asking if they      Josette Veltri, a Boca Point resident, is a certified
      question, “Have you had enough? Are you willing to pause,   would like to go with you on a walk. Remember, the need   educator and coach on loss and transition. Her purpose, to
      take a breath, stop the rushing here, there, everywhere and   for support may be the greatest during the holidays. (grief.  assist clients heal and move forward so they can go from I
      decide to enjoy this Holiday Season?” If yes, continue   com)                                        Can’t to I Can, One Step at a Time. She can be reached at
      reading. However, I must warn you to be mindfully aware      • Consider giving some of your time and/or making (
      of the devious, maladaptive default mode network (DMN)   a donation to a charity of your choice. There is joy in   in/josettejveltri/). 
      that tends to keep us stuck in thinking, I Can’t Do That!
      Four Mindful Tips for Holiday Self-Care
      1. Prevent Burnout                                                 WISHINg ALL MY FRIENDS, NEIgHBORS & CLIENTS A  BLESSED HOLIDAY SEASON
         • Have the courage and self-compassion to say no thank
      you. Not every party needs to be attended and not every party,                I AM A RESIDENT OWNER & SELL ALL AREAS OF BOCA & BOCA POINTE!
      we choose to host, needs to be filled with people who don’t                  NOW IS THE TIME FOR THE quICkEST SALE WITH THE HIgHEST PROFIT!
      get along or just because we …. yada, yada.                                          ExPERIENCE ISN’T ExPENSIvE - IT’S PRICELESS!
         • Create a list filled with joyful tasks and prioritize them.              Prudence J. (PJ) Carswell
      Joy is not just a mere fleeting emotion – it triggers a host of
      significant physiological and psychological changes that can                                REALTOR EMERITUS 42 Years
      improve our physical and mental health. (                               Licensed Real Estate Advisor. Licensed CAM
         • Simplify when you can and impress less. No one really                                    would love your business! ª
      cares how the napkins are folded or if the silverware is real                         Resident OwneR Of La MiRada ViLLage and bOca pOinte neighbOR
      or plastic except you.                                                                     Direct: (954) 242-4260
                                                                                            980 N. FEDERAL HIgHWAY, S-110, BOCA RATON, FLA 33432
                 Open Call                                                      Licensed Professional Absentee Owner House Sitting Service Available $100 per month
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                                                                                Please call or text me 24 -7
          For Viewpointe



           We are looking for volunteers, whether experienced
        or hobbyist, interested in writing an article or a column
        for the Viewpointe. You may be interested in writing
        just  once,  occasionally  or  on  a  regular  basis.  It’s  a
        great way to sharpen your skills or develop your talent
        while enlightening your community. Some themes we
        would like to include in the Viewpoint are as follows:
           • Village Spotlight - write about your community.
        A different village will be featured each month.
           • My Story - featuring a member of the community
        with a unique or interesting story.
           • Student Life - High school students writing about
        school or a topic that interests them. Student writers
        will be eligible to earn community service hours.
           •  Global  Cuisine  or  Gourmet  Recipes  -  share
        a  special,  gourmet  recipe  or  a  recipe  from  our
        international community.
           • Share an idea you may have for a new column or
           A Meet & Greet event with refreshments will be
        scheduled  for  current  and  new  writers.  Show  your
        interest in joining the writing team by contacting Lisa
        Cammaleri at 

          On behalf of The Club at Boca Pointe
        we would like to remind our
        residents that NO walking,
        running, bicycle riding or
        dog walking is permitted
        on the golf course or golf
        cart  paths.  For  safety
        reasons, the paths are
        for golf carts only.

          Thank  you  for  cooperating  with The  Club's
        policy. 
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