Page 7 - Boca ViewPointe - December '23
P. 7

December 2023                                                    Viewpointe, Page 7
      Meet Your Next-Door Neighbor

      By Lisa Sileo                                                                                           Two things helped push us over the top. First, the ability
                                                                                                           to have input in the design of our apartment that best suited
      Catching up with Boca Pointe residents who moved                                                     our style of living, and second and more importantly, is the
      to Edgewater at Boca Pointe                                                                          capability of continuing our health care by not having to
         “It’s a wonderful place to live and there are no more                                             move or find another place to live if and when needed.
      worries!” said Alan Taylor, a resident of Edgewater at                                               Q:  What might others not know about living at a
      Boca Pointe. Alan and his wife Claire, moved into their                                              continuing care retirement community?
      lovely, renovated apartment in June.                                                                    Claire: There’s much more freedom now, freedom to
         “I have more freedom now than I ever had,” Claire                                                 come and go, the freedom to have a meal when you want,
      Taylor said.                                                                                         freedom to call someone, make a date and not have to
         The Taylors lived at Boca Pointe for more than 31                                                 worry about all the tedious details. I had a friend who said
      years with  homes in La Mirada, Palomar and lastly                                                   to me, she was afraid she would lose me as her friend if
      Encantada. We caught up with the Taylors to find out                                                 I moved in. I told her, but you can come for lunch and to
      what it was like to move to Edgewater at Boca Pointe                                                 play cards. She loves having lunch here.
      and what they’re up to now.                        Claire and Alan Taylor                               Alan:  We are friends with a couple who should
      Q: Why did you move in?                                                                              have moved in years ago. They had a different mindset
         Alan: Originally, I was against it. We had a big house,   Q: How is life easier after your move to Edgewater at   and thought we were going into assisted living; this is
      3,000 square feet right down the street, but like most   Boca Pointe?                                independent living. It’s tough to shake that misconception.
      homes built in the late 80s it was becoming a money pit.      Alan: They take care of everything, there are no more   We are living a fully independent lifestyle with only a
      Our insurance in the last three years went from $6,000   worries about home maintenance. I never have to call a   change in our address.
      to $9,000 and then $16,000. Taxes were nearing $10,000   plumber. They even change the air conditioning filter and      Claire: You have privacy and can come and go as you
      annually. The roof and air conditioners were starting to   clean the unit every three months without asking.  please. “I have more freedom with a social calendar that
      go. In Encantada, unlike some of the other communities,      Claire: We had a problem with the air conditioning,   is active between Edgewater and the Club at Boca Pointe
      we were responsible for the pool and gardening.    and by the time he got off the phone, the repairperson was   and friends with no affiliations.
         Claire: We also had some health issues and with our   at the door to fix it. It is wonderful, extremely convenient.     To learn more about Edgewater at Boca Pointe, or schedule
      children in New York, we felt we should start looking   Q: What do you love most about your new home?  a personal tour, please reach out to 561-465-7011. 
      around. We visited other retirement communities, but we      Claire: I love the privacy here. I can come in, walk
      knew we didn’t want a rental-type community because   into my apartment, and socialize when I want to. You have
                                                         your own apartment and residents have done magnificent
      people were more transient. We wanted to buy in. We have   things with their apartments. Some have put in tile  Watch Your Speed!
      long-term healthcare insurance, which is also wonderful,
      but this is one-stop shopping. Our children are thrilled. I   floors, wood floors, carpeting and they’re all beautifully
      took all the decision making out of their hands.   appointed. You take pride in it. It’s very spacious.    Speeding fines
      Q: Why choose Edgewater at Boca Pointe over other      Alan:  There are also plenty of activities. I also   are being enforced!
      retirement communities?                            currently serve on the Board of Advisors at FAU Lifelong   Fine schedule: 6-20
         Alan: Edgewater, when you walk in, is much friendlier   Learning Institute where I chair the marketing committee.   mph over the limit
      and warmer than when you walk into other places. It’s   I put together a program at Edgewater for a busload of   $50 and more than
      just a different feeling. From day one, the staff has been   residents to take part in the classes offered. There are   21 mph over the
      absolutely amazing. It’s not cold or sterile, it feels more   groups leaving Edgewater daily by bus for excursions,
      like a resort, and everyone knows your name. They talk   shows, shopping and so forth.                 limit $100. Please
      to you, joke with you, treat you like family.         Claire: It’s terrific, I’m active in the Boca Pointe   obey the posted
         Claire: This is a community. It’s wonderful to be here,   Chapter of Pap Corps and socially as well. I have a bridge   speed limit signs
      and relaxing. So many of the daily responsibilities are   game here at Edgewater Fridays and a weekly Canasta   and drive safely! 
      gone.                                              game at Boca Pointe Thursday nights.

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