Page 24 - Boca Club News - December '23
P. 24

Page 24, Boca Club News
      Medical Matters:  Stroke (Part One)

      By Richard Nagler, M.D., a member                 caused by a small blood clot formed on ruptured plaque in      The most important risk factor for a TIA—or full-blown
      of Broken Sound Club and retired                  an artery that supplies blood to the brain, or by a clot that   stroke—is the problem of uncontrolled hypertension that
      physician. After graduating from the              travels to the brain–usually from the heart seen in cases of   affects millions of people and is not only a major factor
      University of Pennsylvania and New                atrial fibrillation (A Fib). This temporary loss of blood supply   in strokes, but in coronary artery heart disease and kidney
      York University’s School of Medicine,             to the brain can last for as short a time as five minutes or up   disease as well. Other important risk factors include: a family
      Dr. Nagler served his internship and              to several hours, after which there is usually a full return to   history of strokes; being 55 of age or over, males slightly
      residency at Baltimore City Hospital              normal. The reason for this is that small clots are likely to   greater than females; being an African American; elevated
      and Johns Hopkins. He followed that               spontaneously dissolve, restoring blood flow to the brain   LDL cholesterol, which contributes to plaque formation in
      with a Fellowship in Gastroenterology             before permanent damage occurs.                    arteries; diabetes; cigarette smoking; alcohol abuse; obesity;
      at Yale University School of Medicine, and was then Chief      There  is  a  sudden  onset  of  symptoms  that  include:   insomnia; sleep apnea; physical inactivity, and too much salt
      of Gastroenterology at Fitzimmons General Army Hospital   weakness; numbness or partial paralysis of the face, arm and   and fat in the diet. Drugs like cocaine, methamphetamines
      in Denver. He returned to the Yale Medical School for one   leg on one side of the body; confusion; slurred or garbled   and birth control pills are implicated.
      year as an Assistant Professor of Medicine before opening   speech; difficulty understanding others; temporary blindness      Prompt medical attention is important when a TIA is
      his own successful private practice in Internal Medicine   in one eye or double vision; vertigo; loss of balance and   suspected. Physical examination includes a blood pressure
      and Gastroenterology. During that time, he also served for   coordination, and a headache.           determination  where  a  high  blood  pressure  reading  is
      ten years as Chief of Medicine at Huntington Hospital in      Since symptoms usually disappear quickly and the person   expected,  palpating  the  carotid  arteries  in  the  neck  to
      Huntington, N.Y.                                  returns to being completely normal, the person tends to ignore   determine the strength of a pulse, as well as listening with a
         There are three million new cases of stroke each year   the incident, which can prove to be disastrous. That is why a   stethoscope for bruits, which are whooshing sounds as blood
      with 800,000 deaths, making it a leading cause of death in   trusted doctor-patient relationship is so important, providing   passes over a partially obstructed area. An eye examination
      the United States, but it is the number one cause of disability   an opportunity for the doctor to sit down with the patient   of the retina can reveal emboli in the tiny blood vessels.
      in more than six million people, mostly over age 65.  and family and thoroughly explain how serious the incident      A blood test for the level of the protein homocysteine is
         A stroke is defined as when the blood supply to the   is, and that the risk of a full-blown ischemic stroke is likely   useful. In addition, an ultrasound examination of the carotid
      brain is interrupted or diminished, depriving it of essential   without treatment. Diagnostic studies can then begin for the   arteries, which can demonstrate narrowing and clots, is
      oxygen and nutrients and resulting within minutes of brain   cause of the TIA and essential treatment started immediately.  advised. A CT scan of the head, an MRI and CTA (CT scan
      cells beginning to die. In contrast to most other cells in the      TIA is caused by diminished blood flow to the brain from   which includes injection of contrast material into the blood
      body, brain cells that are dead cannot be replaced; whatever   a buildup of plaque, usually in the carotid arteries that are in   vessels) are all important to rule out other conditions that can
      bodily functions they controlled will be permanently disabled.   the front of the neck and the smaller branches close to, and   mimic a stroke, such as a brain tumor.
      This is why we so often associate people who have suffered   in, the brain. Fragments of the plaque, or blood clots that tear      An echocardiogram to detect clots in the atrium of the heart is
      a stroke as wheelchair bound with paralysis. We must do   away from it, block the flow of blood.     routinely employed. Arteriography, which involves the injection
      everything possible to prevent a stroke, and if it is in progress      The other major cause of stroke is a complication of A   of dye directly into the arteries followed by x-ray imaging, is
      to intervene quickly before there is irrevocable brain death   Fib, which affects as many as 20% of seniors over 65 and   effective in determining the degree of obstruction. Treatment of
      and disastrous consequences.                      six million people nationwide. It is an irregular heartbeat,   a TIA, even when the symptoms have completely disappeared,
         There  are  three  kinds  of  strokes:  TIA  (transient   which may be rapid or slow. When it is rapid most people   should include an anti-platelet medication such as Plavix or
      ischemic  attack);  a  full-blown  ischemic  stroke,  and  a   will seek medical attention because of symptoms such as   anticoagulants like heparin, Coumadin, warfarin, or such newer
      cerebral hemorrhage.                              palpitations, short of breath, dizziness, weakness and chest   oral agents as Eloquis and Xerelto, which are very effective in
         One-third are caused by a TIA, also characterized as a   pain. It is usually easily diagnosed by a doctor feeling the   preventing a subsequent major stroke from a blood clot, and
      mini stroke. There are at least 240,000 people in the U.S.   irregularity in the pulse, or by listening to the heartbeat and   they should be continued indefinitely. When the carotid arteries
      each year who have a TIA.                         having it confirmed by an EKG.                     are diseased an endarterectomy-–where plaque is surgically
         One in five such cases, if untreated, will have a full-blown      When it is slow there are usually no symptoms, and the   scraped out, or an angioplasty that involves inserting a balloon
      stroke within 90 days. Fifty percent will have a stroke, a heart   irregular heartbeat so subtle as to escape detection other   device into a clogged artery and then a stent to keep it open–is
      attack or die within one year. Thus, a TIA is a significant   than by an EKG. In A Fib, blood clots form in the heart and   a common and very effective preventative treatment.
      warning sign that warrants immediate medical attention. It   travel to a smaller artery near or in the brain and obstruct      In next month’s Medical Matters column: Part Two of
      involves a temporary diminution of blood supply to the brain   blood flow.                           Strokes.
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