Page 27 - Boca Club News - December '23
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Boca Club News, Page 27

          Nature & Pets

      You and Your Pet: Cardiac Disease in Cats and Dogs

      By Dr. Siddharth Ajit Ranade, Partner/VPP, Director of   others. When caught early, these diseases can be treated to   as well as the ability to get a cardiology appointment quickly.
      DSRVETMED PA, Veterinary Soft Tissue and Orthopedic   improve the quality and duration of life in affected cats.  Some cardiology appointments could take up to four weeks or
      Surgery, Calusa Veterinary Center, 6900 Congress Avenue,      Arrhythmias, pericardial effusion, aortic stenosis and   more. At Calusa Veterinary Center, we can get you a cardiology
      Boca Raton, FL 33487 (561) 999-3000.  pulmonary hypertension are also cardiac diseases that cause   appointment every Wednesday. Plan ahead.
         There is no single cause of heart disease in dogs and cats.   problems with blood flow to the body and the lungs.
      Aging, obesity, breed and nutrition can all play a role. Heart      Congestive Heart Failure (CHF) is one of the most common
      valve problems are the most common issue and typically affect   end stage cardiac diseases in dogs and cats. CHF occurs when   Film Review from page 26
      small breed dogs that are five years or older. No matter what   the heart is unable to pump blood effectively, leading to a
      heart condition your dog has, it’s important to spot the signs   buildup of fluid in the lungs and/or abdomen. It can be caused by   examples of the points being made in that episode. For
      early. Since most heart conditions in dogs come on as they   various underlying conditions, such as dilated cardiomyopathy,   example, in the first episode, “The Rules of Life,” a
      age, it’s easier to manage as soon as it develops. Hypertrophic   mitral valve disease, or hypertrophic cardiomyopathy in cats.   discussion of adaptation for survival depicts, among
      cardiomyopathy in cats can be congenital, acquired at an older   CHF patients are oxygen dependent and can be treated when   other action, a Tyrannosaurus and her offspring hunting
      age or caused by hyperthyroidism. We see a lot of different heart   hospitalized for a few days. When the duration of time in   a Triceratops. Later, videos include plants as predators
      conditions in dogs, but the following are the two most common.  between episodes of congestive heart failure starts to decrease,   today competing for space in a crowded forest, and then
         Valve disease: Mitral regurgitation and tricuspid regurgitation   the prognosis is grave.          as prey forced to defend themselves against caterpillars
      are valve diseases, which are common causes of heart murmurs      Common signs that your dog might have heart disease   that feed on them.
      in dogs. Blood flow becomes turbulent and creates a murmur.   include coughing and difficulty breathing, getting tired on walks,      This series is so packed with information that it is not
      Murmurs are graded on a scale of 1 to 6. The higher the number,   swelling of the abdomen (belly) and sudden onset of back leg   until Episode 5, “In the Shadow of Giants,” that we enter
      the more obvious the murmur. Your dog can lead a normal life   weakness or paralysis. Cats with cardiac disease that are not   the Jurassic Age made so popular by the hit Jurassic Park
      with a heart murmur. Common dog breeds affected by valvular   doing well hide, show weakness, open mouth breathe or have   motion pictures.
      disease are King Charles Cavaliers, Chihuahuas and Yorkshire   faster breathing.                         By the time today’s viewers have experienced the final
      terriers, among other small breed dogs.              Your veterinarian should be able to diagnose cardiac   three episodes—“Out of the Ashes,” “Inheriting the Earth”
         Heart muscle disease: DCM, or dilated cardiomyopathy, is   disease from a thorough history, physical exam, auscultation   and “Age of Ice and Fire”—one thing will be clear. While
      the most common form of heart muscle disease. With DCM,   and radiographs. The doctor can also perform a blood pressure   it is impossible to remember the encyclopedic range of facts
      the muscles degenerate and begin to wear thin. That thinning   via doppler, an ECG, and blood work such as PROBNP   presented about the many creatures and other life forms we
      decreases the heart’s ability to contract and pump blood and   cardiac enzyme testing to look at the severity of the disease.   meet on our 500 million year journey, the stunning creative
      leads to congestive heart failure. DCM in dogs is irreversible but   Once these results are collected, the pet needs to have an   imagery of Steven Spielberg’s production will burn in your
      can be controlled through medications available through your   echocardiogram with a cardiologist who will be able to look at   memory long afterward.
      board-certified Veterinary cardiologist. Common dog breeds   the internal structure of the heart, measure the cardiac muscle      Most important is the lesson of this series for all of us:
      with DCM are Dobermans, Boxers, Pit bulls and their mixes,   size and calculate heart chamber and valvular pressures, blood   that those who forget, or ignore, history are doomed to
      as well as other large breed deep chested dogs. A board-certified   flow velocities to make a confirmed diagnosis of the disease.   repeat it. We live on a planet that has undergone wave after
      Veterinary cardiologist can diagnose and help treat the conditions   The cardiologist will then be able to prescribe the appropriate   wave of cataclysmic environmental cycles already resulting
      with the help of an echocardiogram (heart ultrasound).  medications for the disease, give a prognosis, expectations   five times in the extinction of almost all life on Earth. Now
         By far the single most common heart problem that affects   for length of life, and when to return for the next follow-up   that we have reached a significant level of knowledge and
      cats is hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, or HCM. This is a   cardiology consult and echocardiogram.       science that enables us to at least mitigate the dangers of
      genetic-based disease that causes the heart muscle to become      In conclusion, cardiac disease in cats and dogs can be   climate change, our individual reaction to the hard reality
      too thick, which in turn can impair the heart’s ability to pump   managed well between your veterinarian and a board-certified   of our planet’s current climate crisis answers the question
      blood effectively. Congenital cardiac diseases are common in   veterinary cardiologist. The important rate limiting steps will be   about whether each of us has learned that lesson.
      Himalayans, Persians, polydactyl Hemingway cats, among   keeping a close eye on subtle changes in activity and fatigue,

        Holistic Approaches to Managing Chronic Pain:

        A Comprehensive Guide

        Introduction:                                    promotes overall health but also plays a crucial role in pain  Vibroacoustic and Infrared Sauna: Harmonizing Sound
          Chronic pain is a persistent challenge that affects  management. Exercise aids in maintaining joint flexibility,  and Heat
        millions of adults. For those dealing with various ailments,  building muscle strength, and releasing endorphins,     Embracing technology, vibroacoustic therapy harnesses
        finding effective and sustainable ways to manage pain  fostering a natural defense against pain. Tailoring an  the power of sound vibrations to influence physical and
        becomes paramount. In this article, we will explore  exercise regimen to individual needs and limitations is key,  mental well-being. By integrating rhythmic vibrations with
        holistic approaches that go beyond conventional methods,  making activities such as swimming, walking, or gentle yoga  music or sound frequencies, this therapy aims to reduce pain
        focusing on mindfulness, meditation, and gentle exercises  and Tai Chi accessible options for those navigating chronic  and induce relaxation. Infrared saunas, on the other hand,
        as key components of a comprehensive pain management  pain.                                       leverage heat to penetrate tissues, promoting improved
        strategy.                                                                                         circulation and easing muscle tension. Combined, these
           In the United States alone, 50 million people grapple  Massage: The Healing Touch              modalities provide a holistic approach, addressing both
        with chronic pain, and among them, 20 million bear the     Massage therapy transcends mere relaxation; it has  physical and psychological facets of chronic pain.
        weight of high-impact chronic pain. The implications  established itself as a viable component of holistic pain     In conclusion, the journey toward managing chronic
        are profound, as chronic pain has been correlated with  management. Through targeted manipulation of muscles  pain encompasses a rich tapestry of holistic strategies, each
        an elevated risk of severe mental conditions such as  and soft tissues, massage contributes to improved blood  offering unique benefits. Acupuncture taps into ancient
        depression, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress disorder. The  circulation, reduced muscle tension, and enhanced  wisdom, exercise mobilizes the body’s defenses, massage
        scientific understanding of this plight reveals that a body  flexibility. These effects synergize to alleviate chronic pain  provides  healing  touch,  stress-reduction  techniques
        entrenched in chronic pain continually dispatches stress  symptoms. Specific massage techniques, such as Swedish  empower the mind, supplements offer natural nourishment,
        signals to the brain. This not only intensifies the experience  massage or deep tissue massage, can be tailored to address  and innovative technologies like vibroacoustic therapy and
        of pain itself but also amplifies the perceived level of threat.  individual pain patterns, providing a personalized approach  infrared saunas harmonize sound and heat. By embracing
        It’s a relentless cycle, difficult to break or control.  to relief.                               these diverse approaches, individuals can cultivate a
           Conventionally, when a person receives a diagnosis of                                          personalized, comprehensive pain management plan that
        chronic pain, the first recourse is typically pain medication.  Stress-Reduction Techniques: Mindfulness and Meditation  goes beyond the confines of conventional medicine, offering
        While effective for some, the downside lies in potential side  Mastery                            hope and relief in the face of persistent discomfort.
        effects, ranging from nausea to heart complications, which     Acknowledging the intricate connection between the
        may overshadow the relief provided.              mind and body, stress-reduction techniques like mindfulness    Dr. Yaron Seidman, an
           For those inclined to explore a holistic approach to pain  and meditation training offer profound benefits for chronic  acclaimed author boasting
        management—either independently or in conjunction with  pain sufferers. By cultivating a heightened awareness of  eight wellness books, a
        traditional medicine—a diverse array of options awaits  the present moment, individuals can effectively manage  seasoned public speaker, and
        consideration.                                   stress, subsequently influencing pain perception. Through  a committed acupuncture
                                                         regular practice, these techniques empower individuals to  practitioner for over 35
        Acupuncture: The Art of Healing Needles          develop resilience in the face of chronic pain, fostering a  years, is the visionary behind
           Acupuncture, rooted in ancient Chinese medicine,  more adaptive response to discomfort.        the Hunyuan Life Wellness
        involves the insertion of thin needles into specific points                                       Center in Boca Raton. This
        on the body. This practice is believed to balance the  Vitamin or Herbal Supplements: Nourishment from  comprehensive studio
        flow of energy, known as qi, throughout the body. The  Nature                                     seamlessly integrates cutting-
        benefits of acupuncture for chronic pain have been widely     Supplements, whether in the form of vitamins or  edge technologies with
        acknowledged. The needles stimulate the nervous system,  herbal remedies, present an alternative avenue in holistic  ancient holistic modalities to
        prompting the release of endorphins, the body’s natural  pain management. Certain vitamins, like vitamin D, have  effectively manage pain. To
        painkillers. Additionally, acupuncture may modulate the  been linked to bone health, potentially impacting chronic  arrange a consultation, you can contact him directly at (561)
        way the brain processes pain signals, offering relief to those  pain conditions. Herbal supplements, such as turmeric  400-6743 or easily book online at
        ensnared in the grip of chronic discomfort.      or ginger, are renowned for their anti-inflammatory
                                                         properties, offering a natural approach to reducing pain
        Exercise: Mobilizing the Body, Easing the Pain   and inflammation. Prioritizing a balanced, nutrient-rich diet
           Physical activity emerges as a potent ally in the battle  complemented by targeted supplements can contribute to
        against chronic pain. Engaging in regular exercise not only  overall well-being and resilience against chronic pain.
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