Page 31 - Southern Exposure - November '23
P. 31

Southern Exposure, Page 31

      mediCal matters from page 30
                          How Palm Beach Gardens Medical Center

                                         Is Committed To Cardiac Care

        Pa l m  B e a c h                                 Conventional open heart                          The hospital’s commitment to bloodless surgery is a testament
      Gardens Medical                                   valve surgery is performed                         to its dedication to providing personalized care to every
      Center’s journey                                  through  the  sternum.                             patient.
      into advanced                                     Minimally invasive mitral                            The bloodless surgery program at Palm Beach Gardens
      cardiac care began in                             valve, aortic valve, and                           Medical Center utilizes advanced techniques and technologies
      1983 when it became                               tricuspid valve procedures                         to minimize blood loss during surgery. This includes
      the  first  hospital  in                           can be performed without                           innovative surgical methods, careful preoperative planning,
      Palm Beach County                                 dividing the sternum, or                           and the use of blood-saving medications and equipment.
      to  perform open                                  chest bone. The procedures                           Beyond these specialized procedures, Palm Beach
      heart surgery. This achievement marked the beginning   are performed through the                     Gardens Medical Center offers a comprehensive range
      of a legacy dedicated to improving the lives of countless   side, between the ribs, and              of  cardiac  care  services.  From  enhanced  recovery
      individuals affected by cardiovascular diseases.  allows for less bleeding, less                     programs, diagnostic tests and medical management to
        Over the years, the hospital has consistently invested   pain, shorter length of stay in   Dr. Nishant Patel   interventional procedures and cardiac rehabilitation, the
      in the latest medical technologies and attracted a team of   the hospital, and faster return         hospital provides a continuum of care that addresses the
      highly skilled cardiac specialists, surgeons, and support   to activity.                             unique needs of each patient.
      staff.  This  commitment  has  allowed  the  hospital  to     “Palm Beach Gardens Medical Center has always put     The  multidisciplinary  team  of  cardiac  specialists  at
      continuously advance its cardiac care services, staying   the patient first. We invest in the latest medical technology,   Palm Beach Gardens Medical Center collaborates closely
      at the forefront of medical innovation.           and we have an experienced team. We are proud to provide   to ensure that patients receive the most appropriate and
        One of the hallmarks of Palm Beach Gardens Medical   access to high quality, minimally invasive heart procedures   effective treatments tailored to their individual conditions.
      Center’s cardiac care is its dedication to offering minimally   to our community,” said Dr. Nishant Patel, a cardiothoracic   This patient-centered approach reflects the hospital’s
      invasive procedures. The hospital understands that patient   surgeon on staff here at Palm Beach Gardens Medical Center.  commitment to achieving the best possible outcomes for
      comfort,  shorter  recovery  times,  and  reduced  post-    In addition to minimally invasive procedures, Palm Beach   every person in its care.
      operative complications are of paramount importance.   Gardens Medical Center also routinely performs bloodless     Palm Beach  Gardens Medical  Center’s  cardiac  care
      To that end, it has embraced innovative techniques such   heart surgery. This approach is especially crucial for patients   legacy is one of innovation, commitment, and excellence.
      as minimally invasive heart valve surgery.        who, for various reasons, cannot receive blood transfusions.   With 40 years of experience as a pioneer in the field of
                                                                                                           cardiac surgery and care, the hospital continues to lead
                                                                                                           the way in providing advanced, minimally invasive
                                                                                                           treatments. As it looks to the future, Palm Beach Gardens
                                                                                                           Medical Center remains dedicated to improving the lives
                                                                                                           of individuals suffering from cardiovascular diseases,
                                                                                                           offering hope and healing through its world-class cardiac
                                                                                                           care services.
                                                                                                             To learn more about our minimally invasive heart
                                                                                                           surgery program, please visit:
                                                                                                           or call (833) 265-3925.

                                                                                                           Medical Matters on page 32

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