Page 26 - Southern Exposure - November '23
P. 26

Page 26, Southern Exposure

      symphony news from page 25                          Harvey served as a major in the United States Army and   McElveen-Hunter, The McNulty Charitable Foundation, David
                                                        received a Silver Star and a Purple Heart for his service in   Moscow, NetJets, Palm Beach Design Masters, Patrick and
      editions. Her achievements include being named to Fortune   Vietnam. He received his bachelor’s degree and J.D. from the   Milly Park/Park Foundation, Nancy and Ellis J. Parker, III, PNC
      magazine’s list of the Most Powerful Women in Business   University of Notre Dame before studying at the University   Private Bank, Lois Pope, Provident Jewelry, Ari Rifkin/The
      for 11 consecutive years and inclusion on Forbes’ Power   College School of Law at the University of London and receiving   Len-Ari Foundation, Dr. Martha Rodriguez, Karen and Kenneth
      List for many years. Most recently, Black was inducted into   a Master of Law degree from New York University.  Rogers, Ronald Rosenfeld, David Schafer, Seth Sprague
      the American Advertising Federation’s Advertising Hall of     Proud sponsors of Palm Beach Symphony include Cindy   Foundation, Robin B. Smith, Kimberly V. Strauss, Dodie and
      Fame which noted that “Cathie Black opened the world of   Anderson and Jerome Canty, Max and Christine Ansbacher,   Manley Thaler and the Thaler/Howell Foundation, Jerome
      women to advertising and the world of advertising to women   Mrs. James N. Bay, Alan Benaroya, Arthur & Mara Benjamin   and Carol Trautschold, Sieglinde Wikstrom/The Wikstrom
      … Along the way, she was ‘first’ in many roles.”   Foundation, JoAnne Berkow, Kathy Lee Bickham and John   Foundation, and The Ann Eden Woodward Foundation/James
        Black served on the boards of IBM and the Coca-Cola   Bickham, Leslie Rogers Blum, Jeffrey and Tina Bolton, James   and Judy Woods. Programs are also sponsored in part by the State
      Company each for 20 years and most recently has been a   R. Borynack and Adolfo Zaralegui/FINDLAY Galleries,   of Florida, Department of State, Division of Arts and Culture,
      board member of PubMatic as well as an advisor to The   Braman Motorcars, Thomas and Carol Bruce, CIBC Private   and the Florida Council on Arts and Culture.
      Daily Muse and Vivid + Co. Mentoring young women has   Wealth, Amy and John Collins, The Colony Hotel, CORPGOV,   About Palm Beach Symphony
      always been one of her passions. Her New York Times and   Suzanne Mott Dansby, The David Minkin Foundation, The     Palm Beach Symphony is South Florida’s premier orchestra
      Wall Street Journal best-seller, Basic Black: The Essential   Frederick A. DeLuca Foundation, Willard H. Dow and Kelly   known for its diverse repertoire and commitment to community.
      Guide for Getting Ahead at Work (and in Life), has been   Winter, Dr. Richard and Diane Farber, Bill and Kem Frick/  Founded in 1974, this 501(c)(3) nonprofit arts organization
      translated into 12 languages. A graduate of Trinity College   The Frick Foundation, Inc., Gerry Gibian and Marjorie Yashar,   adheres to a mission of engaging, educating, and entertaining
      in Washington, D.C., she holds 10 honorary degrees.  Morgan Glazar/Tom James Company, Paul and Sandra Goldner,   the greater community of the Palm Beaches through live
        Harvey’s distinguished career in public service includes   Douglas and Jo Gressette, Irwin and Janet Gusman, Thomas   performances of inspiring orchestral music under the direction of
      serving  as Assistant  Secretary  of Veterans Affairs for   E. Harvey & Cathleen P. Black Foundation, Doris Hastings   its Music Director Gerard Schwarz. The orchestra is celebrated
      Congressional Affairs; General Counsel and Congressional   Foundation, Carol S. and Joseph Andrew Hays, John Herrick,   for delivering spirited performances by first-rate musicians and
      Liaison at the U.S. Information Agency; Chief Counsel   Addison Hines Charitable Trust, George Hines, HSS Florida,   distinguished guest artists. Recognized by The Cultural Council
      and Staff Director for the U.S. Senate Veterans’ Affairs   IPO Edge, IYC, Charles and Ann Johnson/The C and A Johnson   for Palm Beach County with a 2020 Muse Award for Outstanding
      Committee; Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of the   Family Foundation, Barbara and William Karatz Fund/William   Community Engagement, Palm Beach Symphony continues
      Navy (Logistics), U.S. Department of Defense; and Deputy   Karatz and Joan G. Smith, Elaine Kay, Leonard and Norma   to expand its education and community outreach programs
      Assistant Secretary of the Army (Acquisition). Additional   Klorfine Foundation, The Kovner Foundation, Gary and Linda   with children’s concerts, student coaching sessions and master
      career highlights include serving as senior counsel for the   Lachman/The Lachman Family Foundation, Patricia Lambrecht,   classes, instrument donations and free public concerts. For more
      Institute of International Education.             Tova Leidesdorf, Lugano Diamonds, The Honorable Bonnie   information, visit

                                       Palm Beach Symphony Receives

                                       Two Emmy Award Nominations

            Eudora’s Fable: The Shoe Bird Has Aired On South Florida PBS And Around The Nation

        Palm Beach Symphony has been nominated for two   around the United States since March. The program is offered   in the television industry and the gatekeeper of the prestigious
      Emmy  Awards in the Suncoast Region for its South Florida   for national broadcast by American Public Media through the   regional Emmy Awards in the Suncoast Region. The Suncoast
      PBS broadcast of Eudora’s Fable: The Shoe Bird, originally   symphony’s partnership with South Florida PBS.  Chapter represents the best and brightest television and media
      performed in concert as part of the symphony’s Dale A.     Performed and recorded locally in 2021, Eudora’s Fable:   professionals from all disciplines of the industry and from all
      McNulty Children’s Concert Series.                The Shoe Bird is an adaptation of Pulitzer Prize winner Eudora   of the Suncoast region’s television markets. The 47th Annual
        Palm Beach Symphony Music Director Gerard Schwarz,   Welty’s only children’s book. Composer Samuel Jones adapted   Suncoast Regional Emmy Awards will be held Saturday, Dec.
      a multi-time Emmy Award winner who led the symphony   the story to create the music and lyrics. The concert is narrated   2 at the Diplomat Beach Resort in Hollywood, Fla.
      in the televised concert, was nominated in the category of   by Charlie Adler, named one of the “Top All-Time Voice-Over     The Palm Beach Symphony’s education programs are made
      Director, Long Form Content. Music Producer Carlos Lopez, a   Artists” by Animation Magazine. The Young Singers of the   possible through support from The Paul and Sandra Goldner
      Grammy  Award winner and three-time Latin Grammy Award   Palm Beaches also appear as a guest chorus.  Conservatory of Music, Frederick A. DeLuca Foundation,
      recipient, received a nomination in the Audio category.     “We are thrilled to be recognized by the Suncoast Chapter   The McNulty Charitable Foundation, James R. Borynack
        In addition to its broadcasts on South Florida PBS, the   of the National Academy of Television Arts & Sciences for   and Adolfo Zaralegui/FINDLAY Galleries, Mr. William
      concert has been seen by more than 114.7 million viewers   the inaugural broadcast in our Dale A. McNulty Children’s   Robertson, The Rickel Foundation, James H. and Marta T.
                                                        Concert Series that introduces young audiences to orchestral   Batmasian Family Foundation, Florida Power & Light, Edith
                                                        music,” said Palm Beach Symphony CEO David McClymont.   Hall Friedheim/Eric Friedheim Foundation, Inc., Walter
                                                        “It is among the many firsts of our 50th Anniversary Season   Harper, The Spoto Family Fund, The Harry T. Mangurian, Jr.
                                                        which will include four world premieres.”          Foundation Inc., Lois Pope, Peter and Felicia Gottsegen/The
                                                          The Suncoast Chapter of The National Academy of   Gottsegen Family Foundation, and Yvonne S. Boice Trust and
                                                        Television Arts & Sciences is the standard-bearer for excellence   Alfred Zucaro.

                                                                   Susan Has Moved To A

                                                                                 New Location!

                                                             Androcles Hair Salon

                                                                   4031 Hood Rd., Suite C-108
                                                                 Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33410






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