Page 25 - Southern Exposure - November '23
P. 25

Southern Exposure, Page 25

                                                                                                                                         Section B

                                                                symphony news

           Cathie Black And Tom Harvey Take Leadership Roles In

       Palm Beach Symphony’s Pivotal Golden Anniversary Season

                              The Couple Named As 50th Anniversary Chairs And Gala Chairs

        Cathie Black and Tom Harvey have graciously accepted                                               amplify  our  ongoing
      the roles of Palm Beach Symphony’s 50th Anniversary Chairs                                           c om m i t m e nt  t o
      and Gala Chairs. The couple will closely collaborate with the                                        delivering exceptional
      Symphony’s Board and Development Committee to actively                                               musical experiences.
      shape and contribute to the orchestra’s strategic planning                                           The wealth of insights
      efforts during the 2023/24 Golden Anniversary Season.                                                 they bring will play
        “As esteemed members of our board and valued                                                       a crucial role in
      contributors to the Symphony Impresario Society, Cathie                                              expanding our reach to
      Black and Tom Harvey bring distinguished reputations,                                                a broader audience and
      dedication and passion to their new roles,” said Palm Beach                                          securing the essential
      Symphony CEO David McClymont. “Their remarkable                                                      resources  needed
      support for a diverse array of cultural initiatives and                                              for this momentous
      organizations stands as a testament to their unwavering                                              season.”
      commitment to the arts and philanthropy. Without a doubt,   Cathie Black, violinist Joshua Bell and Tom Harvey. Photo     A well-known media
      their influence will leave an indelible mark during this   credit IndieHouse Films                    executive in New York
      pivotal year as we not only celebrate our history but, more                                          City and a best-selling  Tom Harvey and Cathie Black.
      importantly, commit ourselves to ensuring the symphony’s     Black joins Harvey as chairs of Palm Beach Symphony’s   author, Black now  Photo by Capehart Photography
      continued impact on our community and orchestral music   50th Anniversary Gala taking place at the Kravis Center   serves as an advisor,
      well into the future.”                            on Wednesday, March 6, 2024. The evening will feature   board member and
        The 50th Anniversary features six concerts at the Kravis   cocktails and a concert with acclaimed guest artist Emanuel   investor in digital start-ups and entrepreneurial companies.
      Center in which Maestro Gerard Schwarz will be joined by   Ax featuring works by Mozart and Tchaikovsky as well as a   She served for 15 years as president, and later chairman,
      pianists Yefim Bronfman, Vladimir Feltsman, Emanuel Ax   world premiere by Aaron Jay Kernis. The much-anticipated   of Hearst Magazines, one of the world’s largest publishers
      and Ignat Solzhenitsyn and violinists Akiko Suwanai and   celebration culminates in a dinner dance and live auction.  of monthly magazines, where she oversaw numerous titles
      Pinchas Zukerman. Underscoring the symphony’s place     “Our chairs will shape our Golden Anniversary Season,   including Cosmopolitan, Food Network Magazine, Esquire,
      as a leading American orchestra, it will present four world   ensuring it becomes an unforgettable experience for   Good Housekeeping,  Harper’s  Bazaar,  O  The  Oprah
      premieres of works it commissioned by Maestro Schwarz,   our patrons, musicians and the entire community,” said   Magazine, Town & Country and nearly 200 international
      Pulitzer Prize-winners Ellen Taaffe Zwilich and Aaron Jay   Palm Beach Symphony Board Chair James R. Borynack.
      Kernis, and MacArthur Fellowship recipient Bright Sheng.  “Their involvement and support as gala chairs will further   Symphony News on page 26

                                                          Commissioner’s Update

                              Budgeting To Reduce Your Tax Burden

                                                                   By Commissioner Maria Marino

        Preparing a balanced                             taxes. Per Florida Statutes, the other funds on the balance   issuers by rating agencies such as Standard & Poor’s and
      county budget takes more                           sheet include the general fund, special revenue funds   Fitch. Reserves enable us to respond to emergencies and
      than covering expenditures                         restricted or committed to a specific purpose, debt service   unanticipated expenditures without chipping away at
      with revenues. It requires a                       funds, capital projects, and internal services.   services residents rely on.
      focus on providing essential                         With a population of just over 1.5 million, nearly half     Of the total gross budget of $7.9 billion, projected
      services to our residents,                         of our residents live in the unincorporated area.  total property tax revenue is $1.9 billion. Approximately
      from garbage pickup and                              After 11 years with a millage rate of 4.7815, the   72 percent of the property tax revenue is for the general
      disposal, to striping roads,                       commission last year approved a reduction to 4.715, the   fund to provide the budget for the sheriff and other
      to  assisting low-income                           rate applied to each $1,000 of taxable property value.   constitutional officers, judicial facilities and technology,
      elderly folks keep their                           As new residents have continued to make Palm Beach   county departments, capital projects, agency partners who
      utilities on, to preserving                        County their home, tax revenue has increased at a rate   assist the public, and to community development agencies
      our beaches and natural                            of more than 13 percent over the past year. With more   that reinvest in their infrastructure. The remaining 28
      areas. We must use precision to create efficiencies and   money coming into the county coffers, I proposed and   percent pays for fire rescue, libraries and debt service.
      eliminate any waste in our budget in the interest of   achieved unanimous consent from the Board to approve     Feedback from the District 1 communities has made it
      lessening the tax burden on the property owners in this   a further reduction in the millage rate this year to 4.50   clear that reducing the county tax rate is a trend we need
      community and helping households make ends meet.   mils, so that taxpayers can realize more savings.  to follow.
        Property  taxes  make  up  roughly  25  percent  of  the     This reduction allows us to keep a hefty level of reserve     Thank you all for your continued input and please
      operating budget and public safety takes up the largest   funds. The county’s conservative approach to keeping   feel free to contact me at (561) 355-2201 or by email at
      portion. Departments covering airports and water utilities   significant reserves helps us maintain a AAA rating,
      are enterprise funds, not funded primarily by property   which is the highest credit designation assigned to bond
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