Page 33 - Southern Exposure - November '23
P. 33

Southern Exposure, Page 33

      mediCal matters from page 32
                                   Jupiter Medical Center Recognized

                            On National List As Leader In Oncology

      Becker’s Healthcare Named Anderson Family Cancer Institute As A “Great Oncology Program”

        Jupiter Medical Center is  celebrating  another   received national recognition from the National Cancer     The Anderson  Family  Cancer  Institute  at  Jupiter
      recognition for its quality of care. Becker’s Healthcare   Institute and are ranked among the top hospitals for   Medical Center brings together multidisciplinary cancer
      recently recognized the independent not-for-profit health   cancer care by U.S. News & World Report. The editors   experts, leading-edge technology, and amenities uniquely
      care system as a “Great Oncology Program.” The annual   also considered centers with internationally known   designed to ensure the highest level of patient comfort
      list features only 100 hospitals and health systems from   specialists, numerous clinical trials and exceptional   and healing in one integrated location. The institute is
      across the country. Jupiter Medical Center was one of   safety ratings.                              accredited by the Commission on Cancer, a distinction
      only five in Florida to achieve the standout recognition.     “This is an incredible distinction among our peers,”   only 30 percent of cancer programs nationwide receive.
        Becker’s Healthcare is the go-to source for health   said Amit Rastogi, M.D., MHCM, president and CEO of   The institute’s multidisciplinary approach allows patients
      care decision-makers. Editors who compiled the list   Jupiter Medical Center. “Cancer care is something we are   to see multiple specialists and the support team in a single
      acknowledged that the hospitals and systems featured   deeply passionate about at Jupiter Medical Center, and   day. Multidisciplinary care is more effective and efficient,
      have earned national recognition for their work in cancer   this recognition reflects that we are leading the way in   given that appointments with various specialists can happen
      care. Many of the  programs that made the list  have   our region.”                                  concurrently, which prevents the lag time created by seeing
                                                                                                           physicians separately. Additionally, Jupiter Medical Center
                                                                                                           introduced next day oncologist appointments last year, so
                                                                                                           newly diagnosed cancer patients could accelerate their cancer
                                                                                                           journey. The hospital’s model has successfully expanded
                                                                                                           access to care in the region.
                                                                                                             “Our approach to cancer care is multifaceted,” said
                                                                                                           Rogerio  C.  Lilenbaum,  M.D.,  FASCO,  SVP  and  chief
                                                                                                           physician executive, and director of The Anderson Family
                                                                                                           Cancer Institute. “As an academic-minded institution, we
                                                                                                           are very focused on expanding access to clinical research,
                                                                                                           utilizing the latest technology, working with world-class
                                                                                                           physicians and improving processes to ensure the greatest
                                                                                                           patient experiences, such as adopting a multidisciplinary
                                                                                                           approach and incorporating next day oncology appointments.
                                                                                                           Through these measures, we can achieve the best possible
                                                                                                           outcomes for our patients.”
                                                                                                             Earlier this year, Jupiter Medical Center was named a
                                                                                                           2023/24 high performing hospital by U.S. News & World
                                                                                                           Report for colon cancer surgery, lung cancer surgery, and
                                                                                                           leukemia lymphoma and myeloma. This is the highest award
                                                                                                           a hospital can earn for U.S. News’ Best Hospitals Procedures
                                                                                                           and Conditions ratings.
                                                                                                             For more information about Jupiter Medical Center or
                                                                                                           the Anderson Family Cancer Institute, visit
                                                                                                           or call (561) 263-2234 or follow Jupiter Medical Center on
                                                                                                           Facebook and Instagram @jupitermedicalcenter or on Twitter
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