Page 16 - Lifestyles in Palm Beach Gardens - September '23
P. 16

Page 16, Lifestyles in Palm Beach Gardens
      Benefits Of Minimally Invasive Heart Valve Surgery

      Include A Smaller Scar, Lower Risk Of Infection And

      Shorter Hospital Stay

         Open-heart surgery has long been the standard of care for   valve replacement (TAVR) procedure has revolutionized   Cleveland Clinic participated in the COAPT clinical trial
       most patients with valve disease. More recently, however,   management of this condition. It is now a treatment option   for MitraClip, which has shown the device provides a
       minimally invasive procedures, such as robotically assisted   for some patients with severe aortic stenosis who are too ill   tremendous benefit and improvement in survival and quality
       valve repair, transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR)   to have traditional open-heart surgery to replace the aortic   of life when used in patients with reduced heart function.
       and the MitraClip  procedure, have emerged as safe and   valve.                                       Not all patients are candidates for minimally invasive
       effective alternatives for patients with advanced and complex   MitraClip                           treatment for structural heart or valve disease. Cleveland
       valve disease.                                      Mitral valve degenerative disease is often treated with   Clinic Florida’s multidisciplinary team evaluates each patient
         There are a variety of minimally invasive approaches to   medical therapy. However, patients for whom medical   for the appropriate solution to their structural heart disease
       valve repair or replacement, but all offer the same benefits: a   therapy fails and for whom surgery is too much of a risk may   or valve problems.
       smaller scar, lower risk of infection, less bleeding and trauma,   be candidates for less invasive, catheter-based options, such     To schedule an appointment with a Cleveland
       a shorter hospital stay and a shorter recovery period.   as MitraClip, the first device approved by the FDA to treat   Clinic Florida specialist, call (877) 463-2010 or visit
       Robotically Assisted Valve Repair                 high-risk patients with degenerative mitral regurgitation.
         For people who need a mitral valve repair, studies
       have shown that robotic surgery may be better than other
       minimally invasive approaches for many reasons – it is
       associated with less bleeding, trauma, chance of infection,
       and need for blood products.
         Cleveland Clinic Florida is one of the few centers in the
       country offering a robot-assisted approach to minimally
       invasive valve repair or replacement, which is the most
       advanced approach available. Cleveland Clinic Florida
       surgeons use a state-of-the-art robotic surgical system that
       has been approved by the FDA for use in many surgical
         Using the robot offers the surgeon a wider range of motion
       and more precision in employing the surgical instruments,                                                        Life moves fast—
       along with a more detailed, magnified 3-D view of the

       surgical field than in an open procedure. The robotically                                     prepare for the unexpected
       assisted technique utilizes incisions that are often less than
       2 inches – smaller than the incisions used for conventional                                        with Accident Insurance.
       minimally invasive surgery (about 3 to 4 inches).
       Transcatheter Valve Replacement (TAVR)
         Open procedure valve replacement has been the standard
       of care for most patients with aortic stenosis. However, in
       recent years the minimally invasive transcatheter aortic
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        By Adam S. Gumson,
        Esq.                                              M&A Insurance and Financial Services Inc. is an Independent Broker of Florida Blue.
                                                          Florida Blue is an Independent Licensee of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association. Supplemental, Life, and Disability products are offered by USAble Life. USAble Life is an independent company
          Child support is not                            and operates separately from Florida Blue.
        “a wash” if the parents’                          22L-USAL-0872                                                                          112941 1222
        time-share arrangement is
        on a 50/50 basis unless the
        parents’ respective incomes
        are  equal.  Otherwise,
        determining child support                                  Susan Has Moved To A
        involves using a formula to
        calculate the greater wage
        earner’s obligation based                                                New Location!
        on pro rata percentages. In addition to child support, the
        parents are often obligated to contribute to health insurance
        and/or additional childcare or daycare costs.        Androcles Hair Salon
          A registered agent is appointed by a corporation, foreign
        or within the State of Florida, to accept service of process,   4031 Hood Rd., Suite C-108
        notices or demands received.                             Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33410
          Original wills must be deposited with the Clerk of Court
        within 10 days after the person holding the will is informed
        of the death of the signatory. The Clerk of the Court will hold           Susan
        the original will in original form for a minimum of 20 years.
          While the grantor of a revocable trust is of capacity
        and living, the grantor retains all duties and privileges of           Swafford
        the trustee. Upon the death of the grantor, a revocable trust
        becomes irrevocable. The successor trustee assumes the duties
        of the trustee, but not all rights the grantor held will pass to   561-312-0457
        the successor trustee.
          Jupiter Law Center is a private neighborhood law firm
        located in the RiverPlace Professional Center, 1003 W.
        Indiantown Road, Suite 210, Jupiter, Fla., (561) 744-4600,                     10% The firm provides peace of mind by
        solving problems with integrity and compassion in the areas
        of estate planning (wills and trusts, powers of attorney, health
        care surrogates, living wills, probate estates, succession                     OFF
        planning, contracts and purchase/sale agreements), family
        law (divorce, paternity, child support and time-sharing,
        alimony, property distribution, modifications, collaborative                    Tues.
        law, pre/post nuptial agreements) and real estate (community                                              Products starting at  69
        association law, residential and commercial transactions,                      New clients only
        deeds, closings).
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