Page 14 - Lifestyles in Palm Beach Gardens - September '23
P. 14

Page 14, Lifestyles in Palm Beach Gardens
      Uluru: Red Center Of The Australian Continent

      Previously submitted by the                        sighted the rock in 1872, he
      late Don Kiselewski, MCC,                          named it for the former South
      D.S., Palm Beach Gardens                           Australia Minister, Sir Henry
      Travel Leaders                                     Ayers. Today,  most  of  the
        There is perhaps no place                        world refers to the world’s
      on earth that leaves a more                        largest  monolith  as Ayers
      indelible impression in the                        Rock, however, Australian
      mind than the geology of                           maps still use the Aboriginal
      Australia. The  land  at  the                      name, Uluru (the monolith
      center of the country, in                          itself) and Kata Tjuta (the
      the southern portion of the                        rock domes located west of
      Northern Territory, is truly                       Uluru).
      unique. The perimeter of the continent starts with light     It is in these harsh  Uluru (also known as Ayers Rock)
      shades of tan that meet the blue ocean water. From the outer   surroundings that the
      perimeter, moving toward the center of the country, the sandy   Aborigines made their home, starting some 20,000 years ago.   20 to 30 people, they left their marks at the base of the rocks,
      soil intensifies with redder and redder hues of color until, at   Recent findings, still in the process of being re-confirmed   in caves and overhangs that have protected the artwork for
      the center of the continent, the earth has turned to blood red.   by carbon dating, place this civilization some 130,000 years   these many thousands of years.
      The surface of this vast area, affectionately referred to by the   ago. The people who then lived at the base of these huge
      locals as the Outback, is broken by strange rock formations,   monoliths were hunters and gatherers. Traveling in bands of   Uluru on page 15
      completing the intrigue of the area.
        The flat surfaces of the area have been touched by a
      smattering of trees, small scrubs and needle-sharp plugs of
      grass. The tallest of the trees is no more than 20 feet, with
      the brush not getting much higher than 5 feet. The effect at
      the red center becomes one of contrast, with the greenish-
      brown surface being penetrated by the blood red, majestic
      monoliths of the area.
        Uluru is perhaps the most well-known and photographed
      of these unique land features. Projecting more than 1,000
      feet in the air, the red stone monolith has a circumference
      at the base of 9 km. (5.4 miles). When Ernest Giles

      These heart-shaped holes in the smooth face of Uluru were
      created by erosion.
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