Page 11 - Lifestyles in Palm Beach Gardens - September '23
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Lifestyles in Palm Beach Gardens, Page 11
      Professional Firefighters And Paramedics

      Of Palm Beach County

        September is typically the                       medical episodes, so it                           and muscle cramps can be signs of the beginning of a heat-
      peak of hurricane activity,                        is  extremely important                           related illness. Should you or someone you are with begin
      so please remember to have                         to limit unnecessary                              to experience these symptoms, stop your activity, move to
      your hurricane supplies and                        strenuous activity, and                           a cool ventilated place and make sure to hydrate. If you see
      preparation kits prepared                          make sure to stay fully                           someone lose consciousness, make sure to get local Fire
      and stored so that it is handy                     hydrated. It is not only                          Rescue responding by dialing 9-1-1, making sure to give
      should  you  need  it. Also,                       important to take care of                         your exact location.
      make sure you already have                         ourselves, but also to look after those who may not be able     Random Ac t  O f
      a  plan  in  place  for  your                      to make those responsible decisions for themselves, such as   Kindness: Give a cold water
      family in the event you are                        the very young and elderly.                       or sports drink to a sanitation
      instructed to evacuate.                              The body’s temperature regulating systems may not   worker, landscaper or anyone
        This summer’s unprecedented heat continues to impact all   function properly in the very young, the elderly and those   else you happen upon who is
      aspects of daily activities for all segments of the population   with underlying medical conditions, so heat-related illnesses   working outside to make our
      in our community.                                  may be more severe and occur with sudden onset. Dizziness,   community better.
        Excessive heat can lead to serious and sometimes deadly   thirst, severe headache, inability to think clearly, vomiting     Some of the most
                                                                                                           preventable tragic incidents
                                                                                                           that occur in summer are
                                                                                                           those of children dying after
                                                                                                           being forgotten and left
                                                                                                           behind in a car. In 90-degree
                                                                                                           weather, a parked car can
                                                                                                           quickly reach 138 degrees
                                                                                                           inside. reports that on average, 38 children
                    Upscale Resale                                                                         die in the United States each year, and as of Aug. 3 there have
                                                                                                           been 15 so far. Florida is second to Texas in the number of
                                                                                                           hot-car deaths of children. The solution is simple: Don’t let
           Experience The Difference                                                                       yourself get distracted by your electronic device and take
                                                                                                           care of the most precious cargo you will ever have in your
            New and consigned furniture, unique lighting, accessories and gifts.                           vehicle.
               Complete wallpaper and fabric library for all your design needs.                                            Steen Eriksson, Community Relations,
                                                                                                                         Professional Firefighters and Paramedics
                                                                                                                                        of Palm Beach County,
                                                                                                                         IAFF Local 2928,

                                                                                                            Nearly 200 Animals Found Homes from page 10

                                                                                                            homes for homeless and neglected companion animals,
                                                                                                            to advocate animal welfare, community involvement,
                                                                                                            and education to further the bond between people
                                Call us to sell. See us to buy.                                             and  animals.  Peggy Adams Animal  Rescue  League
                                                                                                            has a 4-star rating from Charity Navigator, America’s
        Over 32,000 sq. ft. in 2 locations to serve you!                                                    largest independent charity navigator. Peggy Adams is
                                                                                                            an independent nonprofit animal rescue organization
        PALM BEACH GARDENS:                    New Location                                                 operating continuously since 1925. For more information
        7700 N Military Trail • 561.694.0964                                                                and to donate, please visit
                                                                                                            About Palm Beach County Animal Care And Control
        WELLINGTON: Wellington Marketplace                                                                    The mission of Palm Beach County Animal Care and
        13857 Wellington Trace • 561.798.5222                                                               Control is to encourage pet owners to be responsible for
                                                                                                            pets in their care by providing educational programs
                                              Nanci Smith, CEO              on humane treatment, animal behavior training, and
                                                                                                            proper control. Animal Care and Control offers safe
                                                                                                            shelter and veterinary care for lost, abandoned, and
                                                                                                            unwanted animals; returns to owners or adopts to
                                                                                                            new homes as many impounded animals as possible;
                                                                                                            encourages spay/neuter by providing reduced-cost
                                                                                                            surgery for Palm Beach County pet owners. The agency
                                                                                                            also enforces county, state, and federal animal laws and
                                                                                                            conducts other effective programs which protect the
                                                                                                            health, safety, and welfare of animals and the residents
                                                                                                            of Palm Beach County. For more information, please
                                                                                                                  Photos by Peggy Adams Animal Rescue League

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