Page 8 - Jupiter Ocean Mile - September '23
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Page 8, Jupiter Ocean Mile
      Medicare Corner With Kathy O

      It’s That Time Again To                            because you may miss out on additional benefits and/or   advantage plan, and in the first year want to switch back
      Ask – Am I On The Right                            lower costs.                                      to your supplement, you have guarantee issue under “trial
                                                           Can I change my plan anytime I want? Every year
                                                                                                           rights,” which means you can switch back to your supplement
      Medicare Plan?                                     all active Medicare A and B recipients are eligible to make   anytime during the next 12 months.
                                                         changes to their plan during what is known as the annual     How do I go about comparing plans? As a consumer,
        Medicare open enrollment                         enrollment period (AEP) which runs from Oct. 15 to Dec.   there are two important lists you should have when comparing
      is around the corner from                          7. Plans are effective January of the following year.   plans and making the best decision for you: 1) A list of your
      Oct. 15 to Dec. 7. If you                            So, what do I do now and what are my options? If   medical providers and 2) A list of your prescription drugs.
      are on an advantage plan,                          you are on a Medicare Advantage or Prescription Drug Plan   You have several resources to assist your decision-making
      you  will  receive  a  notice                      (PDP), you will receive an Annual Notice of Change that   process for AEP. You can contact Medicare by phone at
      of change that explains the                        will explain any changes that are effective January 2024.   800-MEDICARE or online at or you
      changes for your current                           If you do not get this important document, contact your   can contact a local agent like me!
      2024 plan mid-September.                           plan provider. If you are satisfied with your current plan     What about all those commercials? These ads are
        This is what you need to                         and the upcoming changes, you do not need to do anything.   designed to generate the most incoming calls possible. They
      know …                                             The plan will automatically renew January 2024. If you do   list all possible free benefits, but include a disclaimer that
        Insurance companies                              not like the coverage or are interested in seeing if there are   you may not qualify for these benefits. As a local agent, I can
      are continuing to make                             other options with more benefits or lower costs, contact a   help clarify which benefits you may or may not be qualified
      improvements in benefits to their advantage plans to help   local agent like me!                     for and assist you in enrolling in a new plan.
      members receive low-cost care and extra benefits beyond     For those on a Medicare supplement plan, you have     For a no cost or obligation plan review, please call me
      original Medicare. It is important to annually review your   the option during AEP to change to a Medicare advantage   at (561) 212-7640. I conduct reviews in person and on the
      plan and look at some other options available in your area,   plan that may have a $0 monthly premium. If you try the   phone. I speak Medicare.
       Inflexible Children Struggle

      By Jim Forgan, Ph.D.,                                Perhaps you’ve heard the saying, “That person has   They can be bossy when playing and want to do things their
      School Psychologist                                a one-track mind.” That saying captures what happens   way. This inflexibility can create friendship issues with same
        “We don’t spring any                             when inflexible people get something stuck in their   age peers and inflexible children might prefer to play with
      unexpected changes on him                          minds and they can’t get it out. They perseverate. Their   younger children whom they can boss around.
      or he has a huge meltdown,”                        brain is like a train riding down a track and it can’t     The term executive functioning describes our brain’s
      explained one mom. Her                             make a shift to a new track until it gets to a junction.   management system. Kids with executive functioning
      8-year-old son had daily                           Unfortunately for some people, their brain goes on for   difficulty need to learn skill rather than take pills to help
      tantrums when things did                           “miles” before it reaches a junction. As a parent you   them. Mom was happy medication was not the answer for
      not go his way. Mom was                            might think, “Just get over it and move on,” but it is not   her child. My Day is Ruined!: A Story Teaching Flexible
      concerned he might have                            that easy for your child.                         Thinking by Bryan Smith is a book you can read with your
      ADHD so we evaluated him                             Inflexible children often have difficulty making   child to teach skills.
      to determine the root cause of                     transitions at home and at school. They often see things     Call  to  discuss  your  child  as  we  test  for  executive
      his meltdowns. Our evaluation showed it was not ADHD but   their way and have difficulty going with the flow.   functioning difficulty, autism, dyslexia, dysgraphia,
      rather he had executive functioning difficulty with shifting   This contributes to their meltdowns and stubbornness.   ADHD, depression, and anxiety. Visit or
      attention and cognitive flexibility.               Inflexible children are not always pleasant to be around.   call (561) 625-4125.
       Commissioner’s Update

      Recycling Right                                      Palm Beach County achieved the                  who recovered and put yard waste, construction and
                                                         highest recycling rate of Florida’s               demolition debris, and concrete into beneficial use.
      By Commissioner                                    67 counties for calendar year 2022,                 It has been our mission at SWA over the years to
      Maria Marino                                       at an overall recycling rate of 80                preserve landfill capacity, recover valuable resources, and
        The mission of the Solid                         percent.  This is a result of the                 manage the county’s waste right here. Most importantly,
      Waste Authority (SWA), for                         highly successful residential and                 thanks goes to the residents and businesses of Palm
      which I serve as vice chair,                       commercial recycling programs,                    Beach County for supporting what we do at SWA, and
      is to manage the materials                         and the performance of waste-to-energy facilities in   for “recycling right.”
      discarded by residents                             recovering metals and energy from waste. Further     Please contact me if I can assist you at (561) 355-2201
      and businesses of Palm                             contributing to this success was the performance of   or by email at
      Beach County according                             permitted partners, for-profit, and not-for-profit entities
      to legislative mandate and
      following applicable local,
      state and federal ordinances,
      regulations and laws.
        Our goal is to reduce the amount of waste that goes
      to  landfills  for  disposal,  and  provide  services  that  are
      environmentally responsible and fiscally sound. An
      important part of meeting that goal is our recycling
      program. This involves separating materials from the
      waste stream, either at the source or by recovering
      materials from mixed waste prior to disposal, and turning
      those materials into commodities.

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