Page 5 - Jupiter Ocean Mile - September '23
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Jupiter Ocean Mile, Page 5
      Nearly 200 Animals Found Homes

      At The 10th Annual Countdown 2 Zero Pet Adoption Event

        This year’s event took place at multiple locations   Second  Chance Animal
      throughout Palm Beach County.                      Rescue, Furry Friends, GTS
        The 10th annual Countdown 2 Zero (C2Z) Mega Pet   Husky Rescue, Justin Bartlett
      Adoption Event took place on Saturday, July 22 at multiple   Animal Rescue, Palm Beach
      locations in Palm Beach County. This year’s event featured   Parrot Rescue and Tri-County
      an updated model, as local rescues and shelters organized   Animal Rescue.
      their promotions and events, partnering with pet stores and     Sponsors of the 10th
      businesses or hosting events at their respective locations. A   annual C2Z Event included
      total of 191 animals found loving forever homes during the   Polk Wealth  Management
      daylong event.                                     Group, MetLife Pet
        Organized by Peggy                               Insurance, ShelterLuv,
      Adams Animal Rescue                                Scenthound, Nozzle
      League and Palm Beach                              Nolen  Pest  Solutions,
      County Animal  Care                                Very Important Paws,
      and Control (PBCACC),                              Camp Rusty Dog Retreat,
      the Countdown 2 Zero                               PetMeds, Searcy Denney
      Adoption Event is a                                Scarola Barnhart & Shipley,
      collaborative effort of                            PA, Inn the DogHouse,
      a dozen local animal                               Velocity Community Credit
      rescue organizations to                            Union, WPBF 25 News, and
      save the lives of animals                          Hubbard Radio Stations.   Peggy Adams staff with Saturday adoption total - 87
      in Palm Beach County.                              About The Countdown 2
      To date, C2Z adoption                              Zero Initiative
      events have found over                               Launched in 2014, Countdown 2 Zero is a public/
      2,700  animals  their  Adopter Anaiz with dog Kendall  private community collaboration initiated by Peggy
      forever homes.                                     Adams Animal Rescue League and the PBC Board of
        “We are so excited                               County Commissioners, to bring local animal welfare
      that 87 animals at Peggy                           organizations together  and end the  euthanasia  of
      Adams were adopted                                 adoptable animals in PBC. To learn more, please visit
      during the 10th annual                    or email
      C2Z event,” said Sue                               About Peggy Adams Animal Rescue League
      Berry, CEO of Peggy                                  Peggy Adams Animal Rescue League is a nonprofit
      Adams Animal Rescue                                organization that provides critical services to more than
      League. “All of the                                35,000 animals each year and collaborates with local area
      participating rescue                               rescues to expand the lifesaving work in Palm Beach County.
      groups were able to find                             The mission of the Peggy  Adams  Animal Rescue
      forever homes for many  Adopter Olga with kitten Stanley  League is to provide shelter to lost, homeless, and   Adopters Laura and Kim
      of the  animals in their                           unwanted animals, to provide spay and neuter and
      care and are grateful to                           other medical services for companion animals, and to   pets in their care by providing educational programs on
      all those who came out                             care for, protect, and find quality homes for homeless   humane treatment, animal behavior training, and proper
      to adopt.”                                         and neglected companion animals, to advocate animal   control. Animal Care and Control offers safe shelter
        Rescue organizations                             welfare, community involvement, and education to   and veterinary care for lost, abandoned, and unwanted
      participating included                             further the bond between people and animals. Peggy   animals; returns to owners or adopts to new homes as
      Peggy Adams Animal                                 Adams Animal Rescue League has a 4-star rating from   many impounded animals as possible; encourages spay/
      Rescue League, Palm                                Charity Navigator, America’s largest independent charity   neuter by providing reduced-cost surgery for Palm Beach
      Beach  County Animal                               navigator. Peggy Adams is an independent nonprofit   County pet owners. The agency also enforces county, state,
      Care and Control, Ali                              animal rescue organization operating continuously since   and federal animal laws and conducts other effective
      Cat  Rescue,  Animal                               1925. For more information and to donate, please visit   programs which protect the health, safety, and welfare
      Rescue Force of South                                                       of animals and the residents of Palm Beach County. For
      Florida, Barky Pines                               About Palm Beach County Animal Care And Control   more information, please visit
      Animal Rescue and  Adopters Mick and Brie with       The mission of Palm Beach County Animal Care and       Photos by Peggy Adams Animal Rescue League
      Sanctuary, Dezzy’s  dog Nemo                       Control is to encourage pet owners to be responsible for

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