Page 14 - PGA Community News - August '23
P. 14

Page 14, PGA C.A.N.!                                                 August 2023                                                                                                                                                   August 2023
      Tasmania’s Gulag Peninsula

      Previously submitted by the                       important was the narrowing
      late Don Kiselewski, MCC,                         of the landmass at Eaglehawk
      D.S., Palm Beach Gardens                          Neck. At this point,  the
      Travel Leaders                                    lower end of the peninsula
         Imagine if you will,                           was squeezed to 100 yards
      being very cold, hungry, and                      between the Norfolk Bay
      without a job or a place to                       and Tasman Sea. Keeping
      live. Imagine that not only                       the prisoners contained
      you but also thousands of                         became easy … all it took
      people – almost the entire                        was a line of vicious dogs
      country – are in the same                         chained at intervals along
      boat. Such was the case in                        the end of Eaglehawk Neck.
      England in the early 19th century. It appeared as though      The center of the lower   The Penitentiary at Port Arthur. The remains of the hospital stand on the hill.
      crime was the only way out. Not so much committing the   portion  of  the  peninsula  is
      crime, and the benefit of the loot, but instead, the prospect of   pierced by Carnarvon Bay,
      being caught and sent to prison. A prison far from the shores   shown on maps as Port
      of the British Isles … and, a prison where one might get the   Arthur. Located in a cove on
      chance to continue life in a new country.         the western side of the bay
         Such was the case with many of the prisoners that were   is Port Arthur, the settlement
      sent far from the British                         named by Captain John Welsh
      Isles to serve out their                          and his surveyor in 1828. The
      prison sentences.                                 prison took its name from
      Many committed what                               the port located at the cove,
      we might think of as                              named Russel Cove during
      petty crimes, such                                the convict period, however
      as stealing a silver                              later it was changed to Mason
      spoon or candlestick                              Cove. During the convict
      or a lace handkerchief.
      However, during this                              Tasmania’s Gulag Peninsula  The Convict Church built in 1836 to 1867. The church was never consecrated because it was
      great depression in                               on page 15               used by different denominations.
      England, these offenses
      got them a boat ride
      to the other end of the                             Experience Dentistry with a Woman’s Touch
      world – Australia.
      the Tasman Peninsula
      (Gulag Peninsula) was                                             Cosmetic & Comprehensive Restorative Dentistry
      ideal for the purpose
      of containing those                                                     State of the Art & Same Day Restorations
      sent  there.  There
      are two bottlenecks                                                    Nitrous Oxide/Oxygen Sedation Available
      in the length of the   The  guard  tower  stands  with
      peninsula, one at   a  prominent  view  of  the  entire
      Dunalley,  but  most   prison facility.                         Joanne Green, D.D.S.

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        The more complex answer is that each yard is different.
        Some yards have drainage swale areas. These are areas
        that are sloped to catch water and filter out pollutants
        as water is absorbed into the ground. Some yards direct
        water to the community drainage system as run-off with
        very little water retained in the yard. Familiarize yourself
        with how your yard was built to determine how water           Upscale Resale
        drains from your home.
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