Page 10 - PGA Community News - August '23
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Page 10, PGA C.A.N.!                                                 August 2023                                                                                                                                                   August 2023

      Wounded Veterans Relief Fund from page 9

         “We hope that by providing dental care to veterans, we can  It’s The Law!
      help improve their overall health and well-being, and provide
      a clear path for employment and a better life,” Durkee said.   Did You Know That, In                 and training course. An online notary may notarize an
      “We are grateful for the support of our partners, as well as                                         electronic signature. There is a lot of fine print to be
      the state legislature, in making this initiative possible.”  Florida …                               understood though, so before setting up that remote
                                                                                                           will signing, make sure you understand the details.
         Visit, call (561) 855-4207, or email info@wvrf.                                 > | Member SIPC
      org for more information about WVRF and its veteran dental   By Adam S. Gumson, Esq.                    In the case of a deceased person, the  personal
      care initiatives.                                      Re m o t e   o nl i ne                        representative appointed during  probate has the
      About The Wounded Veterans Relief Fund              notarizations can be                             authority to sign documents and make decisions
         The Wounded Veterans Relief Fund (WVRF) is a veteran-  done, but they aren’t                      concerning the disposition of the estate. A person’s
      led nonprofit organization that provides urgent financial   easy.  Florida  Statute                  position as an heir to the deceased does not necessarily
      assistance, critical dental care, and access to professional   §117.201 to 117.305                   make him or her an owner until probate is closed. In
      services  for  Florida’s  eligible  wounded  veterans.  The   went into effect on Jan.               addition, a power of attorney (even a durable one)
      nonprofit was founded in 2009 and Army Veteran Michael   1, 2020. These provisions                   cannot survive the death of the principal.
      Durkee is the executive director. WVRF is headquartered   authorize Florida notaries                   A corporation for profit that is solely performing
      in North Palm Beach, Fla., with additional team members   to perform online remote                   the purposes of a not-for-profit corporation can petition
      located in the Pensacola, Tampa, and Orlando regions.   notarizations after they                     the Circuit Court of the county in which the principal
      “Like” WVRF on Facebook at WoundedVeteransReliefFund   complete an application                       place of business is located for a change in status.
      and follow on Instagram at @wvrelieffund and Twitter @                         > | Member SIPC
                                       Photos by WVRF
                         You're retired.                                                                                 You’re retired.

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