Page 8 - Boca Club News - August '23
P. 8

Page 8, Boca Club News
      The Studio at Mizner Park to Welcome Sommore,

      “Undisputed Queen of Comedy,” August 26th, 27th

         The Studio at Mizner                           and abroad. Oprah Winfrey proclaimed her “a force to be   Chandelier  (2023/Netflix).  She  also  self-produced  and
      Park, 201 Plaza Real,                             reckoned with in the new millennium.”              hosted  All  the  Queen’s  Men  (2018/BET),  a  quartet  of
      will welcome Sommore,                                Born in Trenton, New Jersey, Sommore has had a   her opening acts she hand-picked to feature in a network
      “The Undisputed Queen                             meteoric rise to the top of her field and has been a trailblazer   televised production.
      of Comedy,” on Saturday,                          for women in the comedy business since her beginning in      The Studio at Mizner Park, which opened in December
      August 26th and Sunday,                           1995. The comedian, actress, writer, executive producer,   2022, boasts a 3,750-square-foot theater that seats up to
      August 27th, for four shows,                      entrepreneur and television host has created an undisputed   297 people, complete with front and rear curtains opening
      at 7 p.m. and 9:30 p.m. each                      name for herself as the “Queen of Comedy.”         to a 30’ x 32’ stage; sophisticated sound and lighting; and
      evening.                                             Sommore is talented, hilarious and has made a mark   in-house production team; control room equipped with
         Sommore, a trendsetting,                       in every genre of entertainment. The self-proclaimed   sound and audio; and a dedicated lobby with sound locks.
      highly acclaimed veteran                          “Chandelier” can be seen in such films as “Friday After   The behind-the-scenes spaces include the VIP Green Room
      entertainer, is widely                            Next,” “Soul Plane,” “Something New” and television   and two luxurious dressings rooms.
      considered one of America’s                       shows, including The Parkers and The Hughleys.        The venue’s South Room is a 4,575-square-foot multi-
      top funny women. With a winning combination of class and      She has been a featured guest on The Oprah Winfrey   purpose  space  that  can  transform  into  a  banquet/party
      sass, Sommore offers audiences a hilarious, yet piercing look   Show, The Tonight Show with Jay Leno, The View  and   room for up to 200; exhibition space; and a secondary
      at today’s issues from a woman’s perspective. She is frank   Politically  Incorrect  with  Bill  Maher. She was also   performance venue with a 300-person capacity. The Gallery
      and fearless in her routines, tackling topics that range from the   interviewed on  CNN  Headline  News about her artistic   welcomes guests to the second-level spaces with 4,775
      mundane to the controversial with wit, intelligence and style.   and financial success as a comedienne and was profiled in   square-feet lounge including a full bar and outdoor terrace
         Tickets range from $35 per person (general admission)   Comedy Central’s Special Women in Comedy program.   with views of Mizner Park.
      to $50 (VIP), at      Sommore has written, produced and performed in her      Valet parking is available at the venue, as well as pre-
         Praised by critics, respected by her peers, and adored   own one-woman comedy specials,  The  Queen  Stands   show refreshments provided by in-house caterer Potions in
      by a diverse fan base, she performs her stand-up act to   Alone (2008/Comedy Central), Chandelier Status (2013/  Motion.
      sold-out audiences across the country, and she is among   Showtime),  The  Reign  Continues  (2015/Showtime),  A      For more information and a link to purchase tickets, visit
      the top-grossing stand-up comediennes in the United States   Queen  with  No  Spades  (2018/Showtime)  and  Queen

      Mayor’s Update:

      Congratulations to Boca Club News on a Milestone!

      Scott Singer is the 35th Mayor of                    I look forward to seeing this publication each month  email and with regular social media updates. As always,
      Boca  Raton  and  was  re-elected                 and hope that community partners and institutions will  I encourage you to stay connected for updates in between
      without opposition for a final term.              continue to share news and information that can help bring  those you see here. You can follow me on social media
      A  South  Florida  native,  attorney,             our community together. The City of Boca Raton continues  at @ScottSingerUSA. Thank you for being a part of our
      mediator, and small business owner,               to do the same, with our monthly newsletters available by  thriving city!
      Scott and his wife Bella live in Broken
      Sound with their two young children.
         It is with great pleasure that I
      congratulate  Boca  Club  News on
      reaching the milestone of publishing its 200th issue! For a
      time approaching two decades, editor Nils Shapiro and team
      have produced an outstanding publication that informs and
      entertains residents and has been a mainstay. Even though it is
      only a monthly, it still breaks news and highlights community
      events that would otherwise go unheralded. This publication
      has currency, too: Several residents in my neighborhood of
      Broken Sound have over the years commented on items they
      saw in the “paper.” They didn’t mean just our local dailies,
      the Post and Sun-Sentinel, but rather the Boca Club News.
      Community newspapers like this one are important for
      keeping neighbors connected and engaged.
         I also want to say thank you to both the publishers and
      readers because this milestone makes me realize that I’ve
      authored articles in more than 100 editions. Starting with
      my Council Corner column in 2014, and continuing with my
      Message from the Mayor since 2018, I feel fortunate to share
      news of the City of Boca Raton plans, policies, events and
      happenings with constituents. My City Council colleagues
      have also been able to share their insights and stories in a
      rotating column since I became mayor.

         Editor ............................................................................  Nils  A. Shapiro

       Editorial copy appearing herewith is not necessarily the viewpoint of
       Seabreeze Publications of Central Florida. Most editorial copy is created by
       the homeowners and is edited by their appointed editor.

                      1102 W. Indiantown Rd., Suite 5, Jupiter, FL 33458
                        (561) 746-3244
                        FAX (561) 746-2509

        Seabreeze Publications

                         M. Sean Reid
                            J. Reid

                     Editor: Wendy Bernstein

              Tom English, Laura Berrio, Bret McCormick
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