Page 3 - Boca Club News - August '23
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Boca Club News, Page 3

      Rotary Club to Present 8th Annual Mayors Ball  from page 1

      auction and an extensive silent auction. In special tribute   exemplary Boca Raton stakeholders and their achievements
      to Boca’s pioneering agricultural heritage of the Yamato   and contributions, as the Club recognizes their exceptional
      Colony, a decadent epicurean farm-to-table menu has   generosity of time, treasure and talent, and valued
      been planned by the creative culinary collaboration of   community efforts that elevate the city’s positioning and
      Boca West  Country  Club  Executive  Chef  Paul  Griffin   uplift its community-at-large. The 2023 Rotary Club
      and Michelin Star Chef Fabio Trabocchi, whose Fabio   Downtown Boca Raton’s George Long Awards, named for
      Trabocchi Restaurants group will be debuting Fiolina Pasta   the City’s first mayor, will be presented to:
      House Boca Raton this fall.                          Boca Raton Airport Authority (business category);
                  Spotlight on “Boca’s Best”               The Faulk Center for Counseling (nonprofit category)
         Centerstage will be the Rotary Club’s annual spotlight on   and, Marta Batmasian (individual category).

                                                                                                           Michelin Star Chef Fabio Trabocchi of Fiolina Pasta House,
                                                                                                           Boca West Country Club Executive Chef Paul Griffin

                                                                                                              In addition to the George Long Awards, the Club’s Dr. Ira
                                                                                                           Gelb Health & Wellness Visionary Award will be presented
                                                                                                           to Boca Raton Regional Hospital/Baptist Health South.
                                                                                                              Mayors Ball tickets at $450 per person will go on sale
                                                                                                           Friday, September 1st at
                                                                                                           For sponsorship and underwriting opportunities and premier
                                                                                                           table reservation, visit
                                                                                                           or contact Jon Kaye at (561) 392-5166, ext.2; jkaye@kcompr.
                                                                                                           com or email
                                                                                                                         All “In It” to Support
                                                                                                              Health and Wellness Needs of Boca’s Nonprofits
                                                                                                              Since the inaugural event in 2015, Mayors Ball proceeds
                                                                                                           have fulfilled more than $495,000 in health and wellness
                                                                                                           grant requests for dozens of Boca’s nonprofits. Distributed
                                                                                                           each year through the Rotary chapter’s formal “Service
                                                                                                           Above Self” grant application process, last year’s 2022
                                                                                                           Mayors Ball proceeds fulfilled grant requests submitted
                                                                                                           by 24+ area nonprofits, as well as a percentage donated to
      8th Boca Raton Mayors Ball Committee                                                                 Rotary International’s fund for polio eradication.
                                                                                                              “Everyone involved in and attending previous Mayors
                                                                                                           Balls should feel immensely proud of both our city and the
      Bocaire to Celebrate 40th Anniversary                                                                contributions they make by supporting this gala event each
      from page 1                                                                                          year,” said 2023 Mayors Ball Co-Chair Jon A. Kaye. “While
                                                                                                           we have been fortunate to generate proceeds to address
      new center bar and casual dining area for                                                            many needs thus far, new challenges continue to arise. Thus,
      unparalleled hospitality, and personalized                                                           with much excitement, we look forward to another sold-
      service. Additionally included in the plans                                                          out event, and expect the dance floor to be filled and lots
      are exceptional recreational amenities                                                               of smiles throughout the ballroom as together we celebrate
      with  the  addition  of  Pickleball  Courts,                                                         all that is Boca!”
      an additional tennis court, a children’s                                                                The 2023 Mayors Ball co-chairs are Bonnie S. Kaye and
      playground and expanded fitness facilities.                                                          Jon A. Kaye. The Rotary chapter’s charter member and past
         This project could not have come to                                                               president 2015-2016 and honorary co-chairs are Jessie and
      fruition at a more appropriate time. The                                                             Alex Price, who accepted the 2021 George Long Award on
      project is slated to be finished as we welcome                                                       behalf of Office Depot. The host committee includes current
      in the New Year. Bocaire Country Club will be                                                        President and 2017 Mayors Ball Co-chair Kim Champion;
      celebrating our 40th Anniversary in the year                                                         President-Elect Bruce Spizler; Immediate Past President
      2024. We believe in fostering a warm, inviting                                                       Jeff Weber; Past Presidents Alan Kaye (2012-2014) and Dr.
      atmosphere that promotes camaraderie and                                                             Allen Konis (2019-2020); past Mayors Ball Co-chairs Ingrid
      social connections among our members                                                                 Fulmer, Arlene Herson, Dyana Kenney, Constance Scott and
      and their families. We believe the planned                                                           Jonathan Whitney; Ann Brown; Stuart Fife; Shaheer Hosh;
      renovations offer a more aesthetically pleasing facility and incredible opportunity for excellence in member experience.  Doug Mithun; Marcia Mithun; Linda Petrakis; Michael
                                                                                                           Pierce; Ron Rubin; Howard Tai; Robin Trompeter; Feri
                                                                                                           Turker; Turi Turker; Gloria Wank and Marilyn Wilson. The
                                                                                                           annual event is produced by Kaye Communications PR &
                                                                                                              To date, 2023 sponsors include:  The  Wechsler
                                   General Dentistry                                                       Foundation,  James  H.  &  Marta T.  Batmasian  Family
                                                                                                           Foundation, E.M. Lynn Foundation, ADT, The Boca Raton,
                                    Cosmetic & Laser                                                       The Rudman Law Group, CP Group, YMCA SPBC, Boca
                                                                                                           Raton Regional Hospital/Baptist South, The Geo Group,
                                                                                                           Konis Family Dental, Sklar Furnishings, Premier Estate
                                                                                                           Properties, Viner Family Foundation, Transworld Business
                                                                                                           Advisors, Transworld Commercial, Wells Fargo Advisors,
                                                                                                           The Addison, Cristino Fine Jewelry, Kaye Communications
                                                                                                           PR & Marketing, Grigsby Design, Scott Grody Travel,
                                                                                                           Mithun Family Foundation, The Siegal Law Group and
                                                                                                           exclusive magazine sponsor: Boca Raton Magazine.
                                                                                                              Founded in July 2012, The Rotary Club Downtown Boca
                                                                                                           Raton is dedicated to impacting the Boca Raton community
                                                                                                           through Rotary International’s mission of “Service Above
                                                                                                           Self.” The award-winning 501(c)3 nonprofit’s purpose is to
                                                                                                           make a difference in the community by enhancing the lives
           Dr. Rosenbusch has been                                                                         of many in an environment that embraces and promotes
        practicing dentistry for 34 years                                                                  integrity, fellowship, and trust. The Boca Raton chapter
                                                                                                           is one of 46,000 Rotary clubs in more than 200 countries
         and has extensive experience in                                                                   connecting 1.4 million Rotarians around the globe. The
         many aspects of dentistry. His                                                                    Rotary Club Downtown Boca Raton meets weekly at the
                                                                                                           Embassy Suites in Boca Raton on Fridays at noon. For
           main focus is on Cosmetic                                                                       information on “health and wellness” fundraising initiatives
                                                                                   visit us at:
         Dentistry, Laser Dentistry and                                    and membership in the Rotary Club Downtown Boca Raton,
              Implant Prosthetics                                                    email:

                                                                                                  Photo credit: Gina Fontana
             Broken Sound Resident               General Dentistry
                    25 Years                     Cosmetic and Laser                                                      h
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