Page 14 - Boca Club News - August '23
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Page 14, Boca Club News
      Mental Health Memo…

      Case Studies: Healing from Betrayal

      –A Journey of Transformation

      By  Elyce  Kiperman-Gordon,  MS,                  She noted how the relationship with her mother included      Results.  Therapy and feeling supported can be
      LCMHC, NCC, owner of The Feeling                  constant criticism, belittling, manipulation and invalidation   instrumental in helping individuals heal from the effects
      Expert ,  an  evidence  based  and                of her emotions. Growing up in this type of environment   of narcissistic parenting, develop self-awareness, establish
      holistic  psychotherapy  practice,                can create a pervasive sense of fear, shame and low self-  boundaries and cultivate healthy relationship patterns.
      located  in  Boca  Raton.  She  is  a             worth, which can lay the foundation for future difficulties in   Throughout her therapeutic journey, Nancy experienced
      Board Certified, licensed Clinical                relationships.                                     remarkable growth and transformation. The integration
      Mental Health Counselor, offering                    By exploring her past, it allowed her to better understand   of psychodynamic therapy, polyvagal theory and somatic
      a range of therapeutic approaches                 how her current behaviors and patterns were a result of her   experiencing techniques provided a comprehensive approach
      to treat anxiety, depression, trauma,             traumatic childhood and uncertain upbringing. This helped   to address her emotional challenges and trust issues.
      and relationship issues. Elyce is an Internal Family Systems   her see how the narcissistic behavior of her mother was      It was natural for Nancy to be unsure about rebuilding
      Specialist (IFS) and a Certified International Integral Sound   impacting her adult relationships.   trust in her marriage again. Nancy experienced significant
      Healing Therapist. She can be reached at (844) CAN-HEAL      In conjunction with psychodynamic therapy, I introduced   improvements in emotional regulation, resulting in reduced
      or                    Nancy to polyvagal theory, which proved instrumental   instances of frustration, outbursts and anxiety. When she
                                                        in developing her self-awareness and understanding her   was able to communicate from a more authentic place,
         Disclaimer: Names and identifying characteristics have   physiological responses to stress and trauma. She learned   she was able to create a solid foundation of honesty and
      been changed to protect the privacy of individuals.  practical coping mechanisms, including deep breathing   integrity. She noticed her fear had subsided and she felt
         The Patient. Nancy, a 42-year-old woman, endured a   exercises, psychoeducation and mindfulness strategies.   more engaged with husband and not judge. Her persistent
      painful history of betrayal and infidelity in her marriage.   These tools became invaluable resources for self-regulation,   thoughts of betrayal and worry gradually diminished,
      Seeking a way to heal from the aftermath and work on their   empowering her to manage her anxiety and emotional   allowing her to rebuild trust in herself and her relationship
      marriage, she explored therapy. Her focus was on healing   reactivity more effectively. She was able to learn how to   with her husband. Her husband, who was also invested in
      from the pain, developing her confidence and learning to trust   communicate more effectively and from a place where she   working through the infidelity, began therapy to work on
      others again. She shared that she struggled with self-worth,   felt more in control. Nancy was able to rebuild a sense of   his insecurities and use the time to get to know his wife at
      fear of rejection and bouts of anxiety. She was also plagued   safety, self-trust and self-acceptance. This transformative   a deeper level.
      by persistent thoughts of betrayal and constantly relied on   process facilitated the development of a more positive and      Together they are reconnecting, practicing more active
      others for reassurance. Furthermore, Nancy’s emotional   resilient self-image, contributing to increased self-esteem.   listening with one another, and being more open about
      state remained on edge, impacting her ability to regulate her      Nancy’s trust issues, common among individuals with   their needs. Nancy’s experience highlights the importance
      emotions. This made it difficult for her to deal with stressful   PTSD, were addressed in a safe and non-judgmental space   of addressing past traumas, understanding their impact
      situations and communicate effectively. Whenever there was   using somatic techniques. This helped her gradually develop   on present behavior, and utilizing therapeutic modalities
      conflict or discomfort, she found her heart racing and feeling   a trusting relationship with her own body, fostering healing   that promote self-awareness, emotional regulation and the
      muscle tension in her jaw and shoulders.          and growth.                                        restoration of trust.
         Diagnosis. Infidelity within a relationship can shatter
      the fundamental trust and security that individuals rely on
      for their emotional well-being, which can be particularly
      challenging for those who have already experienced trauma.
      Drawing upon insights from the DSM-5, Nancy’s symptoms
      were indicative of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
      To address her complex needs, I devised a comprehensive
      treatment plan that incorporated psychodynamic therapy,
      polyvagal theory and somatic techniques.
         For individuals with PTSD, the betrayal of infidelity can
      trigger a range of symptoms and exacerbate pre-existing
      trauma-related issues, undermining their ability to form
      healthy, secure and trusting relationships. Infidelity can erode
      trust, not only in the partner who committed the betrayal but
      also in others. Individuals with PTSD often struggle with
      trusting others due to past traumatic experiences. Infidelity
      can exacerbate hyperarousal symptoms, leading to increased
      hypervigilance and suspicion. The individual may constantly
      monitor their partner’s behavior, seek constant reassurance or
      search for signs of potential betrayal, which can contribute
      to ongoing distress and anxiety.
         Treatment. Using psychodynamic therapy, Nancy
      was able to dig deeper into the unresolved conflicts in
      her relationships. By engaging in techniques such as free
      association and interpretation she was able to see how trauma
      from her past had impacted her marriage. Through this
      process, she was able to go back to her childhood and navigate
      her complex relationship with her narcissistic mother.    Happy Hour: Mon -Thurs, All dAy AT bAr only
         We were able to have meaningful dialogue, utilizing active
      listening and reflection to help Nancy uncover the dynamics                Mon - Fri 3 - 6 pM
      that influenced her trust issues and communication patterns.
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