Page 9 - Lifestyles in Palm Beach Gardens - July '23
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Lifestyles in Palm Beach Gardens, Page 9

      Cancer Alliance Of Help & Hope from page 8         Thorne, Cheral Turnipseed,
                                                         Jennifer  Whitaker,  and
      the mission of CAHH in supporting local cancer patients in   Gail Worth; Auction Chair,
      their time of need: Grand Honorary Chair, Gloria Herman;   Michael Atchison.
      International Chair, Ari Rifkin; Grand Benefactor Chairs,     Media  Sponsor:  Palm
      Virginia Gildea, Lois Richards, and Kathleen Walgreen;   Beach Illustrated
      Benefactor Chairs, Sandra Bobb, Charles Fisher, Helene   About Cancer Alliance Of
      Karp, Kristina Gustafson, Julie Kampf and Sharon Loeb,   Help & Hope
      Donna  Mulholland,  and  Lisa  Saur; Vice  Chairs,  Mara     Cancer Alliance of Help
      Benjamin, Lori Berg, Dan Drennen, Gail Corder Fisher,   & Hope, Inc. is a Palm
      Beth Goldberg, Arlette Gordon, Jayne Malfitano, Joseph   Beach County not-for-profit
      McNamara,  Max  McNamara,  David  Sarama,  Barbara   organization that eases the
      Zand; Ambassadors,  Mary Ackerman,  Linda Adelson,   burden of qualified local
      Abigail Beebe, Chris Cox, Dale Connor, Lynette Dallas,   cancer patients by paying a
      Elizabeth DeBrule, Nancy Dwyer, Lorre Erlick, Nancy   portion of their nonmedical
      Erlick, Jan Ricci Feldman, Victor Figueredo, Jeff Fowler,   bills, supplementing basic               Arlette Gordon and Gail   Catherine Hart and Lynette
      Barbara Gilbert, David Granville, John Herrick, Sandra   needs,  and  providing  Janet Levy and Mark Levy  Worth             Dallas
      Kriser,  Linda  Lachman,  Beth  Lane,  Chris  Leavitt,   support and information
      Mary Bryant McCourt, Ross Meltzer, Fran Morrissette,   resources.
      Jeff  Pfeifle,  Debra  Roberts,  Sheila  Rosenblum,  Jill     For more information about Cancer Alliance of Help   Testing Children
      Schecter,  Mary  Lou  Schillinger, Terri  Schottenstein,   & Hope, please visit
      Renee Scott, Nancy Stone, Amie Swan, Stacey Coffee-                              Photos by Capehart
                                                                                                            For Autism

                                                                                                            By Jim Forgan, Ph.D.,
                                                                                                            School Psychologist
                                                                                                              Autism diagnoses
                                                                                                            continue to increase.
                                                                                                            According  to  results
                                                                                                            from  a  recent  Centers
                                                                                                            for Disease Control
                                                                                                            and  Prevention  (CDC)
                                                                                                            funded study, the autism
                                                                                                            prevalence was that
                                                                                                            one in 36 children had
                                                                                                            autism. For every one
                                                                                                            girl identified with autism, four boys were identified.
                                                                                                            For the first time, more African-American, Hispanic,
                                                                                                            and Asian children were identified than White children.
                                                                                                            Researchers agree that early identification and use of
                                                                                                            evidenced-based treatments lead to the best outcomes for
                                                                                                            children with autism.
                                                                                                              We test children for autism starting at age 2. There is
                                                                                                            no one test or even a medical test or blood test to diagnose
                                                                                                            autism. In our practice we utilize the gold standard
                                                                                                            assessment called the Autism Diagnostic Observation
                                                                                                            Schedule or ADOS, second edition. In addition, we use
                                                                                                            caregiver interviews and tests of language, attention,
                                                                                                            intelligence, and memory.
                                                                                                              Five criteria should be met for a psychologist to
                                                                                                            diagnose Autism Spectrum Disorder. First, the child
                                                                                                            must demonstrate deficits  in social communication
                                                                                                            and social interaction across settings. Second, the child
                                                                                                            must display restricted, repetitive patterns of behavior,
                                                                                                            interests, or activities, currently or by history. Third, the
                                                                                                            child’s symptoms must have started early. Fourth, there
                                                                                                            must be evidence of a significant impairment. Fifth,
                                                                                                            the symptoms must not be caused by another mental or
                                                                                                            physical condition.
                                                                                                              If your child is diagnosed with autism, we recommend
                                                                                                            you start with treatments identified by the National
                                                                                                            Clearinghouse on Autism Evidence and Practice. These
                                                                                                            are 28 evidenced-based practices that independent
                                                                                                            research documented best help children with autism.
                                                                                                            Treatments include applied behavior analysis (ABA)
                                                                                                            therapy, discrete trial training, cognitive behavioral
                                                                                                            intervention,  and  social  narratives.  Many  insurance
                                                                                                            companies pay for evidenced-based therapies with an
                                                                                                            official autism diagnosis. In addition, Florida offers the
                                                                                                            Family Empowerment Scholarship to provide you funding
                                                                                                            to help your child.
                                                                                                              I co-authored the book Parent’s Quick Start Guide to
                                                                                                            Autism which provides a quick, but deep dive into what
                                                                                                            to immediately do when your child is diagnosed with
                                                                                                            autism. When it comes to helping your young child, time
                                                                                                            is too precious to squander.
                                                                                                              Call to discuss your child as we test for autism,
                                                                                                            dyslexia,  dysgraphia,  attention-deficit  hyperactivity
                                                                                                            disorder  (ADHD),  depression,  and  anxiety.  Visit
                                                                                                   or call (561) 625-4125.

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