Page 12 - Palm City Spotlight - July '23
P. 12

Page 12, Palm City Spotlight

                                                    tip of tHe tAil

      Storm Phobia                                         Dogs who experience chronic stress are more likely   from other health concerns or anxieties. If no underlying

                                                         than others to develop fear-related behaviors such   medical  issues  can  be  found,  your  vet  may  prescribe
                                                         as  aggression  or  excessive  barking  when  they  hear   medication  for  treating  thunderstorm  anxiety  in  dogs.
                                                         thunderstorms approaching (or even after one has passed).   These medications can help reduce stress levels during
                                                         If  you  know  that  your  dog  has  been  through  stressful   storms and make them feel less anxious overall. Typically,
                                                         events recently – such as being left alone too often or   these are used if behavioral treatments don’t work. One
                                                         moving into a new home – you should seek professional   of the better treatments, especially for small dogs is Sileo
                                                         help from a certified trainer who can teach you how to   which works within 20 minutes.
                                                         best handle these situations so they don’t become triggers     In conclusion, if you’re the owner of a dog that suffers
                                                         for anxiety later down the road.                  from thunderstorm anxiety, it’s important to know that
                                                           To help your dog manage his anxiety, you’ll need to   there are steps you can take to help your pup feel better.
                                                         create a safe environment for them. One of the best ways   The most important thing is to stay calm yourself and keep
                                                         to do this is by creating a thunderstorm-proof space in   an eye on your dog during storms. If he seems anxious
                                                         your home that has minimal exposure to light and sound.   or starts exhibiting unusual behavior (like hiding under
                                                         If  possible,  keep  them  away  from  windows  and  other   furniture), then it’s time to implement some changes.
         Thunderstorm anxiety is a form of noise phobia that   areas where they could see or hear storms approaching.     Established  in  1981,  Palm  City  Animal  Medical
       can occur in dogs. It’s characterized by fear and anxiety   You can also try using sound therapy and other calming   Center is dedicated to providing the best possible care
       when  there  are  loud  noises  like  thunder,  fireworks,   techniques during storms if they don’t cause too much   for your pets. With focuses on compassionate care in
       or  gunshots.  Common  signs  of  thunderstorm  anxiety   disruption in your home. Sound machines are often used   surgery, physical therapy and rehabilitation, preventative
       include: excessive barking or whining, hiding, destructive   for this purpose, as well as calming music. Be sure to   medicine, extensive diagnostics, and emergency service,
       behavior (chewing on furniture), and panting.     avoid punishment if your dog is experiencing anxiety,   Palm City Animal Medical Center combines exceptional
         You  may  be  able  to  prevent  thunderstorm  anxiety   this can make things worse.              medical care with a caring philosophy for pets and their
       in certain dogs by creating a positive association with     There are several treatment options for thunderstorm   owners. For more information, call (772) 283-0920, visit
       thunderstorms. This can be done by exposing your dog to   anxiety  in  dogs.  The  most  common  are  behavioral  or find us on
       loud noises and storms by playing recordings of storms   treatments, which can be done by your veterinarian or a   Facebook at
       in their presence. You’ll want to start at a low volume to   certified animal behaviorist. Your veterinarian can help
       gauge their response.                             you with diagnosing a noise phobia and differentiating it

                                                           reAl estAte

      Treasure Coast Real Estate                           According to the plaintiffs, total broker compensation   agent’s commission. Here I thought that higher mortgage

      Report                                             in the United States is typically 5 to 6 percent of the home   rates were the primary reason real estate sales would tank.
                                                         sales price, with approximately half of that amount—and
                                                                                                             The plaintiffs argue that most buyers find their homes on
      Class Action Lawsuits May Disrupt Real             increasingly more than half—paid to the buyer broker.   sites like Zillow and Redfin, and just need the buyer’s agent
                                                                                                           to open the door. What most buyers don’t realize is that
                                                         The defendants’ conspiracy has kept buyer broker
      Estate Commissions And Tank The Real               commissions in the 2.5 to 3.0 percent range for many   these sites charge the Buyer’s agent up to 35 percent of the
      Estate Market                                      years despite the diminishing role of buyer brokers due   commission for the so-called lead. What happens to these
                                                         to buyers independently identifying homes through online   sites that buyers like to use if there is little or no income?
      By Jim Weix                                        services and retaining buyer brokers only after they have     I  don’t  know  how  this  will  all  end,  but  it  has  the
        It has been a longstanding                       found the home they wish to buy.                  makings of a real circus. You can read more at:
      tradition that a Realtor, acting                     When I first read about this lawsuit, I figured it would
      as  a  buyer’s  agent,  when                       just go away. It seems too ridiculous to gain traction. I   national-association-realtors-et-al.
      helping a buyer to purchase                        was wrong and it is moving forward.                 Feel free to call me if you would like to discuss your
      a home is paid a commission                          Now before any buyers or sellers start cheering, there   options. I can be reached at (772) 341-2941 or jimweix@
      by the listing real estate firm.                   are some issues if the lawsuit is successful. I’ll skip the
      In  other  words,  the  seller                     big issues, but I do see a few problems.            Jim Weix is a broker associate with The Keyes
      pays the whole commission.                           If the buyer’s agent doesn’t get paid by the listing firm,   Company. Jim has 25 years of experience selling real
        I n  f a c t ,   o f f e ri ng                   who pays the buyer’s agent? I guess the buyer would have   estate full-time. If you have questions or want the services
      compensation to the buyer’s                        to. So in addition to a down payment, closing costs, and   of an  experienced  expert,  you  can reach Jim  at (772)
      agent is required if the home                      additional expenses, the buyer will now have to pay their   341-2941 or
      is to be placed into the Multiple Listing Service.
        However,  not  all  sellers  were  happy  with  that
      arrangement  and  filed  a  class  action  lawsuit.  The                     Kids Corner
      defendants include the National Association of Realtors
      (NAR),  several  large  real  estate  firms,  and  numerous
      Multiple Listing Services for conspiring to require home
      sellers to pay the broker representing the buyer of their   Testing Children For Autism              diagnose Autism Spectrum Disorder. First, the child
      homes, and to pay at an inflated amount, in violation of                                             must demonstrate deficits in social communication and
      federal antitrust law. The plaintiffs allege that defendants’   By Jim Forgan, Ph.D.,                social interaction across settings. Second, the child must
      conspiracy has  centered  around  NAR’s  adoption  and   School Psychologist                         display restricted, repetitive patterns of behavior, interests,
      implementation  of  a  mandatory  rule  that  requires  all     Autism  diagnoses                    or activities, currently or by history. Third, the child’s
      brokers to make a blanket, nonnegotiable offer of buyer   continue to increase.                      symptoms must have started early. Fourth, there must be
      broker  compensation  (the  “Buyer  Broker  Commission   According  to  results                      evidence of a significant impairment. Fifth, the symptoms
      Rule”) when listing a property on an MLS.            from  a  recent  Centers                        must not be caused by another mental or physical condition.
                                                           for  Disease  Control                             If your child is diagnosed with autism, we recommend
                     Answer for                            and  Prevention  (CDC)                          you start with treatments identified by the National
                                                           funded study, the autism
                                                                                                           Clearinghouse on Autism Evidence and Practice. These
                Crossword Puzzle                           prevalence was that                             are 28 evidenced-based practices that independent research
                                                           one in 36 children had
                                                                                                           documented best help children with autism. Treatments
                                                           autism. For every one                           include  applied  behavior  analysis  (ABA)  therapy,
                                                           girl identified with autism, four boys were identified.   discrete trial training, cognitive behavioral intervention,
                                                           For the first time, more African-American, Hispanic,   and social narratives. Many insurance companies pay for
                                                           and Asian children were identified than White children.   evidenced-based therapies with an official autism diagnosis.
                                                           Researchers agree that early identification and use of   In addition, Florida offers the Family Empowerment
                                                           evidenced-based treatments lead to the best outcomes   Scholarship to provide you funding to help your child.
                                                           for children with autism.                         I co-authored the book Parent’s Quick Start Guide to
                                                             We test children for autism starting at age 2. There   Autism which provides  a quick, but deep dive into what to
                                                           is no one test or even a medical test or blood test to   immediately do when your child is diagnosed with autism.
                                                           diagnose autism. In our practice we utilize the gold   When it comes to helping your young child, time is too
                                                           standard  assessment  called  the  Autism  Diagnostic   precious to squander.
                                                           Observation  Schedule or ADOS,  second  edition. In     Call to discuss your child as we test for autism, dyslexia,
                                                           addition,  we  use  caregiver  interviews  and  tests  of   dysgraphia,  attention-deficit  hyperactivity  disorder
                                                           language, attention, intelligence, and memory.  (ADHD), depression, and anxiety. Visit
                                                             Five criteria should be met for a psychologist to   or call (561) 625-4125.

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