Page 10 - Palm City Spotlight - July '23
P. 10

Page 10, Palm City Spotlight


      211 Palm Beach And Treasure                          “211 made a good case for state

      Coast Awarded $1 Million                           funding,”  explained  Sen.  Gayle
                                                         Harrell,  who  co-sponsored  the
      From The State Of Florida For                      award.  “Given  that  the  new  988
                                                         Federal Suicide Hotline calls from
      Its New Headquarters Building                      Palm  Beach  and  Treasure  Coast
                                                         residents  are  directed  to  211,  the
        The board and staff of 211 Palm Beach and Treasure   volume of calls has already increased
      Coast are thrilled to announce that the State of Florida has   significantly and will continue to do
      awarded the nonprofit organization $1 million to support the   so – it made sense to help them build
      construction of a new 12,000-square-foot facility to house   a new facility.”
      its staff and volunteers. This will allow 211 to better meet     Rep.  Dana  Trabulsy  also
      the community’s growing needs as it conducts its lifesaving   cosponsored the award and added
      work as a crisis hotline and community helpline.   her  thoughts:  “I  have  been  a
        “The  granting  of  this  award  demonstrates  the  high   longtime advocate for 211 and have
      regard  that  the  governor  and  legislators  of  the  State   witnessed their growth in meeting the
      of  Florida  hold  for  211  and  its  impact  on  the  local   community’s needs over the years. The current metal-shelled   About 211 Palm Beach And Treasure Coast
      community,” stated Lee Williams, board chair of 211 Palm   building has reached the end of its useful life, is too small     211 Palm Beach and Treasure Coast is the only free
      Beach and Treasure Coast. “With a 56 percent increase in   for the growing staff, and is not hurricane-rated. This makes   and confidential crisis hotline and community helpline
      suicide-related requests for help over the past decade and   it difficult to adequately handle the over 100,000 requests of   serving the 2.2 million residents of Palm Beach County
      a growing population, it is critical that we have a facility   help 211 receives each year.”         and the Treasure Coast that provides suicide prevention,
      that can house the additional staff needed to address the     Sharon L’Herrou, 211’s president and CEO, described   crisis intervention, information, assessment and referral
      growing needs of our community.”                   the breadth of the organization. “211’s highly trained staff   to community services for people of all ages. 211 is
                                                         not only respond to suicide, substance abuse, and natural   available for those experiencing a crisis, 24 hours a day,
                                                         disaster crises but also provide care coordination services
                                                                                                           seven days a week. Demand for 211 Palm Beach and
        Treasure Coast                                   for the community’s most vulnerable citizens – the elderly,   Treasure Coast’s services has increased significantly,
                                                                                                           causing it to outgrow its current headquarters space.
                                                         veterans, jobless, economically disadvantaged, victims of
        Outdoors                                         crime, and more. We are honored that the State of Florida   The needs are expanding even faster than population
                                                         chose to help us fund this critically-needed new facility.”
                                                                                                           growth, and the introduction of the federal 988 Suicide
                                                                                                           Prevention Initiative is expected to drive call volume
                                                           The $1 million infusion of state funds is a significant
                                                         boost for 211’s capital campaign, allowing it to reach the   and the subsequent need for additional staff and space
        Where Have All The Tilefish                      halfway mark of its $6 million campaign to build the new   to unprecedented levels. For these reasons, 211 plans
                                                         building. The private sector has already been generous in
                                                                                                           to build a roughly 12,000-square-foot hurricane-rated
        Gone?                                            providing funds, most recently through its highly successful   building on its current site to house approximately 150
                                                         Spring Celebration, which raised over $500,000 towards   employees. The total project cost is $6 million.
        By Jim Weix                                      the cause. To watch an impactful three-minute video about     To learn more about 211 Palm Beach and Treasure
          For those of us with                           211 and learn more about the capital campaign, please visit   Coast and its services and programs, visit 211palmbeach.
        access to an electric reel,                            org or
        putting a tilefish in the
        box was normally not                                            Business spotligHt
        too  hard. A  quick  trip
        out to 750 to 900 feet of
        water  and a  few  drops
        was all it took.                                 Audi Stuart:                                      award, an Elite Magna Society award and multiple J.D. Power
          That is not the case                                                                             Dealer of Excellence awards. And while Audi Stuart’s customer
        anymore.                                         Small Business, Big Impact                        service is commendable, their contribution to the Treasure Coast
          Although tilefish may                                                                            community is extremely noteworthy. Audi Stuart is known for
        move due to temperature changes, they normally just     Located on the west side of U.S. Route 1 near Pomeroy   their community involvement, and they proudly sponsor Martin
        sit in the mud and wait for food to drift by. As a result,   Street is one of the Florida Treasure Coast’s biggest secrets,   County’s Teacher of the Year Award, Toys for Tots, and Paws
        overfishing can result in the local population being   Audi Stuart, an Audi Magna Society award-winning dealership,   and Claws, just to name a few of the many charities.
        depleted.                                        which has served the area for over ten years. Known for their     “The Treasure Coast has been so kind to us for over ten
          Overfishing never seemed to be an issue, as not that   outstanding customer service, Audi Stuart has earned numerous   years, and we hope at some point we can personally thank each
        many local anglers target them. However, those same   awards, including the aforementioned Audi Magna Society   and every one of you for embracing us,” says Devin Carlson,
        local anglers are now reporting that the tilefish seem                                                                    managing partner of Audi Stuart.
        to have disappeared. So, what happened?                                                                                     So the next time you take a trip
          We  can  only  guess,  but  we  have  noticed  that  a                                                                  up or down U.S. Route 1, make
        commercial  fishing  boat  in  Fort  Pierce  has  been                                                                    sure you stop by and say hi to
        advertising buying fresh fish at the dock. One picture                                                                    the friendly team at Audi Stuart!
        shows what looks like 100 tilefish being advertised                                                                       Thank them for their community
        at $20 dollars per pound. The vessel also sells many                                                                      involvement and congratulate
        other types of fish.                                                                                                      them  on  their  commitment
          I have no problem with local commercial fishermen.                                                                      to  guest  satisfaction,  which
        They are the reason that most of us on the Treasure                                                                       is shown in the awards they
        Coast can buy fresh fish.                                                                                                 proudly display online and in
          Most of these fish, like dolphin, wahoo, and tuna                                                                       their showroom.
        migrate  up  and  down  the  East  Coast.  Not  so  with
        tilefish, they pretty much stay in one spot.
          So  when  a  commercial  vessel  begins  targeting
        them, they can do some serious damage to the local
        population. The commercial fishing boat in Fort Pierce
        began  fresh  fish  dock  sales  in  2020.  Local  anglers
        first noticed in 2022 that it was getting harder to catch
        tilefish. Now recreational anglers are reporting that
        catches are far and few between.
          Again,  it  could  be  just  that  water  temperatures   Home • Auto • Boat • RV • Life
        have changed and the tilefish have simply moved. The
        question remains: “Where are they?”               Flood • Business • Commercial
          Editor’s note: Jim Weix is an avid hunter, angler,
        conservationist, as well as an outdoor writer. Jim is
        included in the Wisconsin Waterfowl Association’s                  Mary-Beth Zipsir
        Hall of Fame for helping restore thousands of acres                Agent in Charge
        of wetlands. Jim is a broker associate with The Keyes              O: (772) 233-4444
        Company. He can be reached at (772) 341-2941 or by
                                                                           It’s our policy that you know yours
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