Page 23 - Boca ViewPointe - July '23
P. 23

July 2023                                                     Viewpointe, Page 23
      Mayor’s Update:

      The Result Of Your City’s Strategic Planning Sessions

      Scott Singer is the 35th                           contribute to our quality of life and economic growth.      I am excited by the results of these sessions and the
      Mayor of Boca Raton and                            Land development regulations and codes are reviewed and   ideas and energy that came from them. As always, I
      was re-elected without                             updated to align with our quality-of-life goals, standards   appreciate your thoughts and ideas. Please email your
      opposition for a final term.                       and changing community needs. We strive to simplify   thoughts  to Your  opinions matter
      A South Florida native,                            and optimize operational processes to reduce delays and   to me. You can also stay in touch with me on Facebook,
      attorney, mediator, and                            costs for the city, private sector and stakeholders.  Instagram, and Twitter at @ScottSingerUSA for more
      small business owner, Scott                        Goal 3: Strong Partnership With The Community     details on future town halls and my regular updates on
      and his wife Bella live in                            Continue to actively engage with neighborhoods,   city news and events. 
      Broken Sound with their                            businesses and stakeholders to strengthen our community
      two young children.                                effectiveness. Strong partnerships with neighborhoods,
                                                         community-based organizations, hospitals, universities   Stamp and Coin Club
         In this month’s Message                         and other governmental agencies increase civic
      from the Mayor, we highlight the results of the 2023/24   engagement and strengthen the relationship between the      Boca Raton Stamp & Coin Club asks you to start
      City Strategic Planning Sessions. In May, the Boca Raton   city and its stakeholders.                   a new hobby.
                                                                                                                Visit with us at the Stratford Courts Auditorium
      City Council and senior city staff held three days of   Goal 4: Vibrant And Sustainable City              located at 6343 Via Sonrisa del Sur, off S.W. 18th
      televised meetings that included public involvement and      Create a more vibrant city center that promotes civic   Street, between Powerline Road and Military Trail.
      full transparency to prioritize bigger picture initiatives   engagement.  Strong partnerships with neighborhoods,      We meet the second and fourth Thursday each
      for the coming years. During these meetings, the City   community-based organizations, hospitals, universities,   month at 7 p.m. Please call membership coordinator
      Council identified six strategic priorities under our four   and other governmental agencies increase civic   Harvey Golinger at (561) 752-4922. 
      guiding principles. Along the way, we catalogued dozens   engagement and strengthen the relationship between the
      of major initiatives underway. Here is a brief summary   city and its stakeholders.
      of our four goal areas, six priorities, and some detail on      Implement workforce/attainable housing. We support
      each of them. Together, we continue to work to ensure   diverse housing options for our families, students and
      that  Boca Raton further progresses even  beyond  the   professionals to enable them to live and work in our   Are You Watching
      world-class city we are today.                     community, thereby attracting and retaining an available
      Goal 1: Financially Sound City                     workforce for industry and commerce. We intend for
         Elevate Boca Raton as the best place to do business   attainable housing to sustain our property values, be high   Your Speed?
      for attracting and retaining diversified businesses. We   quality, aesthetically appealing, and promote neighborhoods.
      promote a vibrant business ecosystem and offer ease of      Continue to implement sustainability and resiliency
      establishing and growing business through predictability,   efforts that ensure our long-term environmental viability.     Please obey all posted speed limit
      clarity of expectations and certainty of processes.  Ongoing sustainability and resiliency efforts in our daily   signs throughout Boca Pointe for the
      Goal 2: World-Class Municipal Services             business operations, community awareness and education,   safety of our residents. As a reminder,
         Improve mobility and connectivity. The City of Boca   and adoption of emerging environmental technologies   the speed limits are as follows:
      Raton encourages and implements safe transportation   fosters our community’s holistic health and well-being.    Boca Pointe Drive 30mph
      solutions for the future that meets the needs and preferences      This by far was the most impactful planning session     Via de Sonrisa del Norte 25mph
      of our residents, businesses, and visitors. We believe that   I have experienced as Mayor. In this era of immediate
      people should have multimodal options for traveling within   communication, sometimes vital details are lost. In this     Promenade Drive 20mph
      and beyond their neighborhoods, regardless of their age or   process, we were able to take the time to have meaningful,     SPEEDING  FINES ARE
      ability, to improve quality of life.               comprehensive discussion in the sunshine about the   BEING ENFORCED!! 
         Facilitate development and redevelopment that   current needs and the future direction of Boca Raton.
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