Page 27 - Boca ViewPointe - July '23
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July 2023                                                     Viewpointe, Page 27
       Healthy Answers – A Guide To Healthy Living:

       ‘The Ultimate Pity Party!’

      By Dale Brown, B.S.,                               when negativity becomes pervasive and significantly   you to imagine yourself in a future in which you have achieved
      M.A., C.E.C. Dale is a                             affects one’s well-being or relationships an intervention   all your life goals and all your problems have been resolved.
      motivational  speaker  who                         may be needed.  There are methods that can help   For example, write about a future day in your life which would
      has spent many years as a                          individuals develop more positive thinking patterns and   reflect your accomplishments and everything you wished you
      Certified Life Coach and has                       improve their overall outlook on life.            could have done. Then, find a quiet place and spend five minutes
      written numerous articles                             What causes some people to be negative?        imagining that reality. By practicing imaging on a daily basis,
      and e-books relating to self-                         There are many reasons for being pessimistic. Personality   you can significantly improve your positive feelings.
      improvement and ways to                            traits can be influenced by genetic factors or early life experiences.      Keep a journal of positives. Write down what you are
      build a high-performance                           For example, individuals who have experienced frequent   thankful for each day. Practicing gratefulness improves
      team. She is the author of                         disappointments or trauma may develop a negative outlook as a   positive coping skills by breaking a negative thinking style
      the recently published book,                       coping mechanism to protect themselves from further pain.   and substituting it with optimism. Developing a more positive
      “Small Steps...Big Changes:                           Growing up in an environment where negativity was   attitude takes time and consistent effort. Be patient with
      The Personal Stories of a Life Coach.” Her education   prevalent, such as constant criticism or pessimistic attitudes   yourself and practice self-compassion along the way.
      and years of experience in physical fitness and training of   from family members or peers, may influence their thinking.      Practice mindfulness. Think of people in your life who
      elite athletes has enabled her to sharpen her knowledge   Experiences, such as failures or rejections, can create a fear   helped you in some way. Spend one minute each morning
      in many health-related areas. The following introduces   of repeating past failures or a belief that negative outcomes   or evening appreciating the care and support or whatever it
      a new approach to Brown’s series of columns devoted to   are more likely to happen.                  might be that these individuals gave to you. This mindful
      many topics that deal with the mind/body connection and      Can a change in attitude from seeing the glass half empty   exercise will need to be practiced on a regular basis for the
      the importance of living a healthy lifestyle. Dale, a Bocaire   to seeing it half full make a difference in your life span?   brain’s positive outlook to be kept in good shape.
      resident, can be reached at  A most recent study found both men and women with the      Practice self-care. Taking care of your physical and
                                                         highest levels of optimism had an average of 11 to 15 percent   mental well-being is essential for cultivating a positive
         My friend Ellie is the queen of pessimism. If there were   longer life span than those who were on the negative side.   attitude. Engage in activities that bring you joy and
      such a thing as getting awards for negativity, she would   The highest-scoring optimists had the greatest odds of living   relaxation, such as exercise, hobbies, spending time in nature,
      certainly come out on top. She complains that people in her   to be age 85 or beyond!                or practicing self-compassion. When you prioritize self-care,
      community are too old, her kids never call, she has no one      How does optimism help people live longer?   you are more likely to have a positive mindset.
      to dine with, and the latest one: She won’t go on a cruise      • It leads to healthier habits such as regular exercise, a      Optimism is just one factor among many that contribute
      alone because she refuses to pay the single supplement for   balanced diet, and avoiding smoking or excessive alcohol   to overall health and longevity. Genetics, lifestyle choices,
      her deceased husband.                              consumption.                                      socioeconomic factors and access to healthcare also play
         We have been friends for a long time, but her pity      • It promotes better coping skills, and a positive mindset   significant roles. Cultivating an optimistic attitude can
      party has worsened over the years. I have continued our   to bounce back from setbacks.              contribute positively to these factors and promote a healthier
      relationship out of loyalty and my belief that friends are      • It helps reduce cardiovascular risk due to healthier blood   and longer life. Take a good look at your glass and ask
      there to support one another. However, lately her company   pressure, lower cholesterol levels, and reduced inflammation   yourself if it’s half empty or half full? Your answer will tell
      has been too much of a downer for me to handle. As much   markers.                                   you what to do. Oh, and please don’t send me an invitation
      as I’ve tried to shed light on her worst-case scenarios, her      • It strengthens social connections and helps to build and   to your next pity party! 
      constant complaining has taken its toll on our friendship.   maintain fulfilling relationships.
      It got to the point where my only option was to take a      If you’ve been the host of your own pity party, don’t
      break and put some distance between us before seeing   worry. Here are a few ways you can actually train your brain
      each other again.                                  to be more positive.                                       CCCC
         Being negative is not inherently bad, and people may have      One technique that has moved the bar toward optimism is
      valid reasons for their negative outlook. Nevertheless,   called the “Best Possible Self” method. The approach is to ask

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