Page 21 - Boca ViewPointe - July '23
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July 2023                                                     Viewpointe, Page 21

       Celebrating At The Club At Boca Pointe

         Full calendars of events and
      continued investment in the Club
      are further reasons Club Members
      are celebrating! Now, Boca Pointe
      homeowners have a reason to
      celebrate too! All Boca Pointe
      homeowners receive a preferred membership offer. Contact
      the  Membership Team  for  all  the  details.  See contact
      information below.
      Celebrating The Holidays

         There’s no better place to spend the holidays than at the
      Club at Boca Pointe! Members look forward to each event
      while leaving all the party details to the Club.   Kids’ Sports & Fitness Camp
         Mother’s Day, Memorial Day, and Father’s Day were all      This camp provides an action-packed day camp with  Investment In The Club
      celebrated in style! From dance parties, elaborate buffets,   activities galore: Tennis, Golf, Pool Time, Fitness Fun, Arts
      pool parties, ceremonies, Golf, Tennis & Pickleball Mixers,   & Crafts, and Fun Fridays. Follow this link https://www.     Heritage Golf Group continues to invest in the Club at
      each holiday was celebrated to the full! Members are looking or contact   Boca Pointe. We are currently breaking ground on a new
      forward to extraordinary events in the 2023-2024 season:   Ashley Rozo, for details.  multimillion-dollar al fresco patio experience featuring a
         Thanksgiving Day Buffet, Hanukkah Candle Lighting   Kids’ Club                                    large covered bar and dining space, soft seating, media,
      Ceremony & Buffet, Christmas Tree Lighting, Christmas      Kids have fun while parents enjoy their favorite activities   music, firepits, and an expansive outdoor bar. In addition,
      Eve Buffet, Valentine Dinner & Dance, Passover Ceremony   at the Club – 7 days a week. Kids enjoy creative play, arts   a new spin studio is being created in the Sports Club!
      & Dinner, Easter Brunch, Easter Egg Hunt & Easter Bunny,   and crafts, and games during this time.   Members can look forward to enjoying this experience
      Memorial Day Ceremony, Memorial Day Dinner & Dance,   Kids’ Birthday Parties & Catered Events at the Pool  in the fall.
      Memorial Day Kick-Off Summer Pool Party, Independence      Need a fun and fuss-free space for your next kids’ event?
      Day Dinner & Dance, Independence Day Pool Party, Labor   Contact to get details and   Reserve Our Spot In The Sun
      Day Dinner & Dance, Labor Day Pool Party, High Holiday   book your next party.
      Ceremonies and Dinners, Halloween Dinner & Dance   Adult Activities                                     Contact the Membership Team to schedule your tour
                                                         Monthly Club Programming                          today, 561.864.8538.
      Programming For All Ages                              The activity calendar is packed with something for everyone.      Roxanne Domer,,
                                                         Area excursions, game nights, family movie nights, classic   Director of Membership & Marketing
         Holidays are just the tip of extensive programming   movie matinees, popular speakers, Member mixers, pool parties,      Alexis Robertson, arobertson@heritagegolfgroup.
      enjoyed by our smallest to founding Members.       wine dinners, and classes including dancing, art, and cards.  com, Membership Director
      Kids’ Programming                                  Weekly Golf, Tennis, Pickleball, and Fitness         Friends become family here at the Club at Boca
      Kids Learn How                                        Members enjoy learning from our professionals! The Club   Pointe! Visit our new website for more Club details and
         From tennis and pickleball to swimming, golf, and fitness,   offers classes for the novice golf, tennis, and pickleballer to   information, Follow the fun through
      the Club at Boca Pointe offers clinics and lessons for our   advanced clinics and lessons for those who want to take the   Boca Pointe social media:
      youngest Members. It’s a place where the whole family can   next step. If health is your goal, the Club offers a wide variety   theclubatbocapointe/ and
      learn and grow together.                           of complimentary classes that get and keep you on track.  bocapointecc/. 
      From The Desk Of Commissioner Marci Woodward

      A Message from Marci                               Emergency Applications                               To determine your property taxes, search the property’s
                                                                                                           address on Palm Beach County Property Appraiser’s
         In preparation for hurricane                       • PBC DART (app) for vital information such as storm   website at
      season, I toured the county’s                      surge evacuation areas, flood zones, shelter locations, and      At the bottom of the property detail page, you will see
      Emergency Operations Center                        locations with emergency generators.              a “Property Tax Calculator” button.
      in West Palm Beach, also                              • AlertPBC  is  the  county’s  Emergency Alert  &      Enter the purchase price and whether or not you intend
      known as the EOC.                                  Notification System that notifies users of imminent threats   to homestead the property, and the calculator will give
         The EOC is one of the                           via text messages, email, or telephone calls. To sign up, visit   you a property tax estimate.
      most  important  facilities                                                  Additionally, the Property Tax Detail provides a list of
      in our county. It features a                                                                         ad valorem and non-ad valorem taxing authorities applied
      state-of-the-art operations                        Palmetto Park Rd. Bridge                          to the property (i.e., Palm Beach County operating taxes,
      room and is ground zero                                                                              the School District and the Health Care District) and their
      during emergencies. It can                         Update                                            millage rates.
      even withstand a category                                                                               To calculate your property taxes, visit www.pbcgov.
      five hurricane and has 12-inch walls of solid concrete.      Below is a recent update from the Engineering and   org/papa/.
         The EOC is activated during emergencies. Depending on   Public Works Department on the Palmetto Park Road Bridge      Preliminary millage rates are set in August and
      the severity, representatives from county departments, FEMA   project.                               finalized in October for the November Tax bill.
      and FPL along with state and local emergency officials are      The bridge reconstruction necessitated re-routing
      available 24/7 to assist before, during and after emergencies.  certain utilities (i.e., water main) since they are attached to   Nonprofit Spotlight
         These key agency representatives have access to high-  the south bridge (eastbound travel) and needed to be done
      tech tracking and communication systems that monitor   before removing the remaining south bridge structure.      The Habilitation Center (HAB) is a local nonprofit
      weather, roadways, shelter and evacuation operations and      The new water main will be put into service this week   dedicated to serving adults with lifelong developmental
      damage assessments.                                and bridge demolition will continue the week of July 19,   and intellectual disabilities.
         The coordination is substantial and can include members   weather permitting.                        The center provides a full-time day program with
      of more than 100 responding agencies.                 The project schedule shows completion in October 2023.  services, including mental/behavioral health, job
         While county emergency officials are prepared, we      I live nearby and recognize the impact this project is   training and placement, and educational and recreational
      urge everyone to take the necessary steps in preparing for a   having on residents and businesses and will continue to   activities.
      potential active hurricane season.                 monitor it closely and provide updates.              The HAB manufacturing facility provides training
         Emergency officials advise that residents be prepared to                                          and work opportunities in a highly sophisticated
      survive on their own for at least 72 hours.        Property Tax Calculator                           technical environment that supplies products for aviation/
         Supplies sell out fast once a storm has been forecasted,                                          aerospace, maritime, communications, medical and
      so planning is imperative.                            Property tax exemptions follow the property owner;   pharmaceutical industries.
         Please  take  some  time  to  prepare  and  access  the   consequently, a new owner will most often pay a different
      resources below.                                   tax amount for the same property.                 From The Desk Of on page 22
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