Page 18 - Boca Exposure - July '23
P. 18

Page 18, Boca Exposure
      Council Corner: Our Top Priorities For Your Future!

      By Deputy Mayor Monica                             I’ve been on the city council. We were laser focused on      Every project the city will undertake in the coming years
      Mayotte, who was re-elected                        how we envision the city for the future and what high-level   will be to further these priorities.
      to another term on the Raton                       priorities do we need to make that vision a reality.     In  case  you  are  looking  for  concerts  around  town,
      City Council, and who is                              Here are the six priorities that the city will be focused   Downtown Boca’s Summer in the City free concert series
      CRA Chair. Mayotte has been                        on in the coming years:                           at the Mizner Park Amphitheater is in full swing. Here’s
      a resident of Boca Raton for                       Critical (Highest Priority)                       the lineup for the rest of the summer.
      more than 20 years, active in                         • Create a more vibrant city center that promotes civic      Friday, July 14: Purple Madness (Prince tribute)
      the community both in our                          engagement                                           Friday, July 21: We Are Yacht Rock (tribute soft rock
      local schools and as a city                           • Improve mobility and connectivity            songs of the late ’70s and early ’80s)
      advisory board member.                                •  Facilitate  development  and  redevelopment  that      Friday, July 28: Neil Diamond Tribute featuring Rob
         Happy   summer   to                             contribute to our quality of life and economic growth  Garrett
      everyone!  I  hope  you  are                       Important                                            Friday, Aug. 4: Battle of the Bands
      enjoying the typical summer slowdown in Boca, when it’s      • Implement workforce/attainable housing     Enjoy and stay safe for the rest of your summer, whether
      easier to get a restaurant reservation and maybe a bit lighter   Desirable                           you are staying here in Boca Raton or traveling to new
      traffic around town.                                  • Elevate Boca Raton as the best place to do business   exciting places!
         Back in May, the city held its annual Strategic Planning   for attracting and retaining diversified businesses;     As always, if you have any questions or concerns, I can
      workshops  over  a  two-and-a-half-day  period.  In  my      • Continue to implement sustainability and resiliency   be contacted at my email address,,
      opinion, it was the best planning session we’ve had since   efforts that ensure our long-term environmental viability.  or cell, (561) 212-5543.
      Mayor’s Update:

      The Result Of Your City’s Strategic Planning Sessions

      Scott Singer is the 35th                           needs. We  strive  to  simplify  and  optimize  operational   Goal 4: Vibrant  And Sustainable City
      Mayor of Boca Raton and                            processes to reduce delays and costs for the city, private      Create a more vibrant city center that promotes civic
      was re-elected without                             sector and stakeholders.                          engagement.  Strong  partnerships  with  neighborhoods,
      opposition for a final term.                       Goal 3: Strong Partnership With The Community     community-based  organizations,  hospitals, universities,
      A  South Florida  native,                             Continue to actively engage with neighborhoods,   and other governmental agencies increase civic engagement
      attorney, mediator, and                            businesses and stakeholders to strengthen our community   and strengthen the relationship between the city and its
      small business owner, Scott                        effectiveness. Strong partnerships with neighborhoods,   stakeholders.
      and his wife Bella live in                         community-based organizations, hospitals, universities      Implement workforce/attainable housing. We support
      Broken Sound with their                            and  other  governmental  agencies  increase  civic   diverse  housing  options  for  our  families,  students and
      two young children.                                engagement and strengthen the relationship between the
         In this month’s message                         city and its stakeholders.                        Mayor’s Update on page 19
      from the mayor, we highlight
      the results of the 2023/24 City Strategic Planning Sessions.   • Air Condi�oning Service and Repair   Are you breathing clean air?
      In May, the Boca Raton City Council and senior city staff   • New Equipment Sales and Installa�on
      held three days of televised meetings that included public                                      Receive a custom and personalized analysis today
      involvement and full transparency to prioritize bigger picture   • Duct Cleaning and Sani�zing  561.899.5000      
      initiatives for the coming years. During these meetings, the   • Smart Thermostat Technologies
      City Council identified six strategic priorities under our four   • Air Purifica�on and Filtra�on Systems
      guiding principles. Along the way, we catalogued dozens   • Preven�ve Maintenance Plans
      of major initiatives underway. Here is a brief summary of
      our four goal areas, six priorities, and some detail on each    %        FREE
      of them. Together, we continue to work to ensure that Boca   15
      Raton further progresses even beyond the world-class city   OFF DUCT CLEANING  AIR QUALITY TEST
      we are today.                                             SERVICES       $300 VALUE
      Goal 1: Financially Sound City
         Elevate Boca Raton as the best place to do business for   Breathe Smart
      attracting and retaining diversified businesses. We promote
      a vibrant business ecosystem and offer ease of establishing   Smart technologies for indoor air comfort, health and energy efficiency.
      and growing business through predictability, clarity of
      expectations and certainty of processes.                                                           Licensed Florida State Certi ed Air Conditioning Contractor License #CAC1817554
      Goal 2: World-Class Municipal Services
         Improve mobility and connectivity. The City of Boca
      Raton  encourages  and  implements  safe  transportation
      solutions for the future that meets the needs and preferences
      of our residents, businesses, and visitors. We believe that
      people should have multimodal options for traveling within                ARCHIVE GALLERIES
      and beyond their neighborhoods, regardless of their age or
      ability, to improve quality of life.
         Facilitate development and redevelopment that contribute
      to our quality of life and economic growth. Land development   PAYS HIGHER PRICES FOR FINE ART AND ANTIQUES
      regulations and codes are reviewed and updated to align with
      our quality-of-life goals, standards and changing community
                                                            • Oil Paintings                   • Sterling Silver               • Collectibles
             Southern Exposure Technologies                 • Oriental Rugs                   • Objects of Art                • Fine Crystal
           Computer Install/Setup/Repair                    • Tapestries                      • Sculptures                    • Orientalia
                     (561) 315-0144                         • Fine Furniture                  • Bronzes                       • Tiffany Items
                          • Service Plates                  • Porcelain                     • Clocks
                            * DSL, Broadband,Wireless Install
                            * Networking, Troubleshooting
                            * Instruction                               We Also Purchase Men’s And Ladies’ Items Including:
                            * Hardware/Software Installation
                            * Virus/Spyware/Adware Fix          • Old Watches • Cufflinks • Smoking Items • Coins • Antique Jewelry
                            * Cleanup/Maintenance/Backup
                            * Business Consult/Startup/Move   • Designer Handbags • Fine Modern Jewelry • Vintage Costume Jewelry
                            * Website Design/Maintenance
              Call S.E.T. to install your “new computer, printer
                       and wireless network”!                                   One Piece Or Entire Contents Purchased
                       GET S.E.T. GO!
                  BASIS RATE OF $75.00 P/HOUR.
          START YOUR NEW YEAR WITH SECURE BACKUPS,                CASH                      561-498-7536                                COURTEOUS
        QUALITY MAINTENANCE, ATTENTION TO DETAIL AND            PAYMENTS                                                                  IN HOME
                        (561) 315-0144                        UPON REQUEST                                                                SERVICE
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