Page 15 - Boca Exposure - July '23
P. 15

Boca Exposure, Page 15
      Book Review…

                                                                                                              What’s more, Dale’s writing style is warm, friendly and very
      Small Steps ... Big Changes:                       my opinion of this book as                          personal; you soon have the feeling that you are hearing from
                                                         reflected  in  the  following
      The Personal Stories Of A Life                     review, the more pertinent                        a very dear and caring friend.
                                                                                                              The problems discussed here range so widely that they

                                                         and telling fact is that, upon
      Coach                                              its publication, I personally                     are certain to cover virtually everyone’s personal situation,
                                                         purchased seven copies of it                      whether they relate to your own issues or those of family
      By Nils A. Shapiro                                 as gifts for my two daughters                     members or friends that you wish could be changed: an
         For the purpose of full                         and five grown grandchildren                      annoying  attitude;  whining  and  complaining;  constant
      transparency, I should begin                       (three of them married) as my                     blaming; denial of a problem; being too judgmental; a negative
      this column by explaining                          way of introducing them to a                      outlook on life; poor communication skills; inability to cope
      that through the course of                         valuable friend-and-advisor-                      with crises; the need to “lighten up”; getting rid of bad habits;
      my career I have edited the                        in-print  to  turn  to  when                      aging gracefully; setting goals for yourself ... these topics just
      authors’  manuscripts  of                          needed in the coming years.                       scratch the surface of the book’s 62 sections that are covered
      20  books  assigned  to  me                           Dale Brown’s professional                      in the pages of this book.
      by  their  publishers,  and                        training as a certified life coach                   You are certain to recognize yourself, or someone you care
      –  while  this  is  not  one  of                   and motivational speaker – in addition to other skills, which will   about, in a number of the life situations described in these pages.
      those – I have nevertheless                        be touched upon later here – have provided Dale with a wealth      It is only natural that, when any of us is in one of these
      over the years become very                         of experience in helping clients to confront, understand and   difficult personal situations, complex emotions and other factors
      familiar with the writings of its author, Dale Brown.  successfully resolve the many different kinds of issues that all of   block us from thinking clearly enough to deal with the problem
         While you can be assured that this has not influenced   us must come to terms with at various times in our daily lives.  ourselves. That’s why Dale Brown – who combines training as
                                                                                                           a certified life coach with her own natural wisdom and caring
       10th Annual Boca Raton Bowl Game                                                                    nature – has drawn on all of her many years of experience and
                                                                                                           success with clients to provide here, as in personal private
       Set For Dec. 21                                                                                     counseling sessions, the sensible, small, easy-to-take steps that
                                                                                                           are so often all that is needed to resolve the problem and set one
                                                                                                           back on the path to a happy, more relaxed and fulfilled life.
                                                                                                              Importantly, this is a book you can benefit from reading front
          The 10th Annual Boca Raton Bowl will website and enter your   page to last ... or by turning to any session whenever you feel
       be played on Thursday, Dec. 21, kicking off at 8 p.m. in   information on the Ticket Pre-Sale tab.  the need for advice about a specific problem.
       FAU Stadium on the campus of Florida Atlantic University.      Mosley added: “We’re planning a great party for our 10th      As an interesting and helpful bonus, Dale has added at the
       The game will be broadcast nationally on ESPN and ESPN   game and we want fans to join the celebration! This offer is a   end of each chapter a list of takeaways – brief thoughts to keep
       Radio and locally on ESPN 106.3.                  special opportunity to lock in tickets now for this year’s game   in mind from the previous section that will help you to stay on
          “College football fans are very accustomed to Thursday   at a discount, and we hope fans will take advantage of it.”  the right path.
       night games throughout the season, so we’re thrilled to      The  Boca  Raton  Bowl,  one  of  17      In addition to being a certified life coach, motivational
       showcase this year’s Boca Raton Bowl in this   bowl games owned and operated by ESPN Events, has   speaker, writer and trainer, Dale Brown has a master’s degree in
       high-profile primetime window,” said the game’s Executive   agreements  with  five  conferences  (American Athletic   physical education and 20 years’ experience working with and
       Director Doug Mosley. “We look forward to a great audience   Conference, Conference USA, Mid-American Conference,   training high level athletes in the sport of women’s gymnastics,
       both in the stands and tuning in on TV and radio.”  Mountain West Conference, Sun Belt Conference) plus select   including having worked extensively with U.S. gymnastic
          For  this  year’s  10th  edition  of  the   independents for berths in this year’s game.  teams. I believe that she brings a whole person approach to her
       Boca Raton Bowl, fans can reserve tickets for a special      ESPN Events, a division of ESPN, owns and operates a   understanding of human nature and the issues we all face.
       $10  off  price:  $47  for  sideline  seats  and  $22  for  end   portfolio of collegiate sporting events nationwide. In 2023,      I highly recommend Small Steps…Big Changes – for
       zone seats, after the discount. To sign up for this offer,                                          interesting reading, and for the comfort of knowing it will be
       go  to  the Tickets  dropdown  on  the  front  page  of  the   10th Annual Boca Raton Bowl on page 16  there for you should you ever need its guidance.
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