Page 16 - Boca Exposure - July '23
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Page 16, Boca Exposure
      Boca’s Original Jewish Film Festival Announces

      Seventh Annual Winners, Schedule For 2023 Summer Fest

         Boca  Raton’s                                   premiere destination for Jewish and Israeli films and has   per month at 1 p.m., June through October at the Levis
      original Jewish film                               become one of the country’s largest niche film festivals.   JCC. Tickets are $10 per film. To purchase tickets to the
      festival,  The  Judy                                  More than 80 feature-length films, documentaries and   following  films,  visit
      Levis  Krug  Boca                                  shorts were judged by viewers based on the overall quality   events/:
      Raton  Jewish  Film                                of the film, effectiveness of the message, entertainment      The first film in the series, Fanny’s Journey, was
      Festival,  presented                               value  and  audience  popularity,  among  other  criteria.   screened on June 28. The rest of the series schedule
      by  the  Adolph  &                                 Viewers selected the top three finalists in each category:   is as follows:
      Rose  Levis  JCC                                   best narrative, best documentary and best short.   July 26: Baltic Truth
      has  announced  the                                   “At  the  heart  of  the  festival’s  mission  is  our   Aug. 23: Farewell Mr. Haffman
      audience  winners                                  commitment to showcasing films that capture the rich and   Sept. 13: Welcome to Kutsher’s: The Last Catskills Resort
      from  its  seventh                                 multifaceted experiences of Jewish culture and history,”   Oct. 11: Fiddler’s Journey to the Big Screen
      annual  event,  as                                 said Nina Rosenzweig, chair of the festival’s Screening      The eighth annual festival will be held Jan. 28 to Feb.
      well as the schedule  Dr Stewart and Judy Levis Krug   Committee.  “Our  dedicated  Screening  Committee  and   18, 2024. The festival’s Screening Committee, an integral
      for its 2023 Summer  at the Judy Levis Krug Boca Raton   I take great care to curate a diverse selection of films   part of the festival each year, is currently accepting new
      Fest film series, and  Jewish Film Festival        that  challenge,  inspire  and  provoke  thought,  and  we   members;  this  is  an  active  committee  that  is  involved
      a call for Screening                               are privileged to collaborate with talented film makers   in carefully curating the final roster of films that will
      Committee members. Viewed by more than 3,000 film   from all corners of the world who share our passion for   be presented to the 2024 festival audiences. Contact the
      lovers  in  2023,  the  film  festival  is  recognized  as  a   storytelling.”                       festival’s Director, Lisa Barash, at for
                                                            The top three winners in each category are:    more information.
                                                         Best Narratives                                      Sponsorship  opportunities  are  also  available. The
        10th Annual Boca Raton Bowl from page 15         1. Farewell Mr. Haffman                           Levis JCC Sandler Center is located at 21050 95th Ave.,
                                                         2. Simone Veil: A Woman of the Century            S. in Boca Raton.
        the 32-event schedule includes four early-season college   3. The Accusation                       About The Judy Levis Krug Boca Raton Jewish Film
        football  kickoff  games,  17  college  bowl  games,  10   Best Documentary Films                  Festival
        college basketball events, and a college softball event,   1. Baltic Truth                            The mission of the Judy Levis Krug Boca Raton Jewish
        in addition to a new college gymnastics event coming   2. The Rhapsody                             Film Festival is to provide the newest, most stimulating
        in 2024. Collectively, these events account for over 400   3. Reckonings                           and thought-provoking films that encourage audiences to
        hours of live programming on ESPN platforms while   Best Short Films                               expand their awareness and understanding of the Jewish
        reaching 60 million viewers and attracting more than   1. Nakam                                    world and engage in dialogue to explore the many diverse
        650,000 annual attendees.                        2. Twenty Minutes                                 perspectives portrayed by the films presented. Due to the
           Each year, the portfolio of events features more   3. The Caretaker                             generous swupport from donors Billi and Bernie Marcus,
        than 20 Division I conferences and hosts over 4,000      “This is more than just a film festival – three weeks,   the festival has been able to expand, offering year-round
        participating  student  athletes. With  satellite  offices   80 films or nine winners – it’s a celebration of Jewish   Jewish-themed film programming.
        in  more  than  10  cities  across  the  country,  ESPN   culture and a testament to the vibrant community that   About The Levis JCC Sandler Center
        Events builds relationships with conferences, schools   supports it,” said Stephanie Owitz, vice president of Arts,      The Levis JCC’s Phyllis & Harvey Sandler Center,
        and local communities, as well as providing unique   Culture and Learning, Levis JCC Sandler Center.   which highlights renowned talent from artists and actors
        experiences for teams and fans. For more information,      Demand for enriching cultural arts programming in   to authors and so much more, gives adults of all ages
        visit  the  official  website,  Facebook,  Twitter  or   our area remains strong during the summer months. The   and faiths an opportunity to connect with others who
        YouTube pages.                                   Levis JCC’s Film Festival is proud to present its Summer   share similar interests in continuing education, travel
                                                         Fest film series. Films will be screened one Wednesday   and social events. Learn more at


                                                                                 Shayna Franco

                                                                                 YOUR LOCAL REALTOR           ®

                                                                                 Shayna is a luxury real estate professional who grew up in Boca Raton,
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                                                                                 Her unwavering commitment to excellence ensures that every client feels
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                                                                                 that you’re in the hands of an exceptional real estate professional.

                                                                                 Shayna Franco

                                                                                 GLOBAL REAL ESTATE ADVISOR
                                                                                                                            BOCA RATON OFFICE
                                                                                 561.445.8964                            200 E PALMETTO PARK RD
                                                                                 SFRANCO@ONESOTHEBYSREALTY.COM              BOCA RATON, FL 33432

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