Page 17 - Talk of Tequesta- May '23
P. 17

The Talk Of Tequesta, Page 17

                                                                fiNaNCial foCus

                                  Can You Count On Social Security?

                                                                        By Sally Sima Stahl

        If you’re getting closer to retirement, you might be   Social Security Trustees report. However, the large cost   tax is another possibility for
      thinking  more  about  Social  Security.  Specifically,  can   of living adjustment (COLA) (8.7 percent) for 2023 could   boosting funding to Social
      you count on it to contribute part of the income you’ll   cause the trust funds to use up their resources sooner.  Security.
      need as a retiree?                                  But this outlook may represent a worst-case scenario.     And here’s a political
        There’s  been an increase  in  alarming language   For one thing, the cost of the 2023 COLA will be somewhat   reality: Social Security
      surrounding the solvency of Social Security, but in reality,   offset by higher taxes on workers contributing to Social   is a popular program
      its prospects are not nearly as gloomy as you might have   Security. The maximum amount of earnings subject to the   and it’s unlikely that any
      heard.                                            6.2 percent Social Security tax jumped from $147,000   future Congress wants to
        Here’s the story: Under current law, Social Security is   in 2022 to $160,200 in 2023. And in looking down the   be blamed for reducing
      estimated to exhaust its trust funds by 2035, after which   road, further increases in this earnings cap may also help   benefits. Of course, there
      benefits could be cut by 20 percent, according to the 2022   reduce the gap in the trust funds. Increasing the payroll   are no guarantees, but it
                                                                                                           seems fair to say that you
                                                                                                           can reasonably expect some benefits from Social Security
                                                                                                           when you retire.
                                                                                                             But perhaps the bigger issue is just how much you
                                                                                                           should depend on Social Security for your retirement
                                                                                                           income. On average, Social Security benefits will provide
                                                                                                           about 30 percent of a beneficiary’s preretirement earnings,
                                                                                                           according to the Social Security Administration. But the
                                                                                                           higher your earnings before you retire, the lower the
                                                                                                           percentage that will be replaced by Social Security.
                                                                                                             Still, you’ll  want  to  maximize  the  benefits that  are
                                                                                                           available to you — and that means deciding when to start
                                                                                                           taking Social Security. You can begin as early as 62, but
                                                                                                           your monthly payments could be as much as 30 percent
                                                                                                           lower than your normal (or “full”) retirement age, which
                                                                                                           will likely be between 66 and 67.
                                                                                                             Even if you were to wait until your full retirement
                                                                                                           age before collecting Social Security, you’ll also need to
                                                                                                           draw on other sources of funding. So, while you are still
                                                                                                           working, it’s a good idea to keep contributing to your IRA
                                                                                                           and 401(k) or other employer-sponsored retirement plan.
                                                                                                             The amount you contribute should depend on your
                                                                                                           overall financial strategy and your financial needs, so, for
                                                                                                           example, you probably shouldn’t put in so much into your
                                                                                                           retirement accounts that you feel significant stress in your
                                                                                                           monthly cash flow. But when you do get a chance to invest
                                                                                                           more in these accounts, such as when your salary goes
                                                                                                           up, you may want to take advantage of the opportunity.
                                                                                                             Ultimately, you should be able to count on Social
                                                                                                           Security as part of your retirement income. You may want
                                                                                                           to consult with a financial professional to determine when
                                   Innovative care for                                                     taking Social Security makes the most sense for you and
                                                                                                           how you can also get the most from your other retirement
                        every neurological condition.                                                      accounts. You’ll want a retirement income strategy that’s
                                                                                                           built for the long run.
                                                                                                             This article was written by Edward Jones for use by
                                                                                                           your local  Edward  Jones  Financial Advisor,  Edward
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                neurosurgeons specialize in comprehensive care for every neurological condition.             Edward Jones is a licensed insurance producer in
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                                                                                                             Edward Jones, its employees and financial advisors
                                                                                                           cannot provide tax advice. You should consult your
                                                                                                           qualified tax advisor regarding your situation.
                                                                                                             Contact us at (561) 748-7600, Sally Sima Stahl, AAMS,
                                                                                                           1851 W. Indiantown Road, Ste. 106, Jupiter, FL 33458.

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