Page 16 - Talk of Tequesta- May '23
P. 16

Page 16, The Talk Of Tequesta


                                                   Jupiter Senior Softball

        Three teams won division championships in the 2023   new to the league this year. Participants also included a   as well as for those desiring a more relaxed style of play.
      Jupiter Senior Softball Winter League that ended March 24.  number of seasonal players from the northeast, and two   Games are every Monday, Wednesday and Friday morning
        Winning championship honors were: The Red Division   from Canada.                                  at Jupiter Community Park, beginning at 8:30 a.m. The
      Cremators managed by Gary Newman whose record was 18-    Three teams earned “bragging rights” for playoff   senior softball program is sponsored by the nonprofit Jupiter
      8; The White Division Mavericks that went 16-8, managed   victories following regular league games. They were: Red   Senior Softball Association in cooperation with the Town
      by Paul Straubinger; The Blue Division Sid’s Sluggers with   Division Uncle Mick’s team, managed by Mike Igneri;   of Jupiter.
      a 14-5 record, managed by Sid Dinerstein.         White Division Rascals managed by Mike Triano and Sid’s     Registration may be made online at www.leaguelineup.
        The Winter League began Jan. 11 at Jupiter Community   Sluggers of the Blue Division, managed by Sid Dinerstein.  com/jssa. For more information contact Gary Newman at
      Park and featured 180 players on 14 teams. Players ranged     League Commissioner Paul Storch called this year’s   (917) 623-0791.
      in age from their 50s to 90. They included two dozen players   league a resounding success.

      Red Division championship team members standing left to right are: Barry Williams, Gary   White Division championship team members, back row, left to right are: Dave Trantanella,
      Brann, Cliff Roberts, Gary Wilburn, Mike Parenti, Tom Flynn, Steve Klein, Paul Brown,   Mark Middleton, Barry Skolnik, Mike Pagano, Jim Dalton, Lewie Bergman. Front row, left
      Dave Hernandez. Kneeling, left to right: Pete Furio, Vic Gilson and Gary Newman, manager.   to right: Richard Wendling, Tom Cosentino, Paul Straubinger, manager, and Jerry Barnett.
      Missing: John Gallatin.
                                                        “I saw ball players out there
                                                        three days a week having a
                 iT’s The law                           fantastic time playing ball,
                                                        and without any arguments
                                                        and without any rancor,” he
                                                        said. In the past the league
                                                        hired professional umpires
           Did You Know                                 but this year relied on players
                                                        who volunteered to umpire
      That, In Florida…                                 and who did an excellent job,
                                                        Storch said.
                                                          Pickup games are held
                                                        the rest of the year and new
                    By Adam S. Gumson, Esq.             players are always welcome.
                                                        The slow-pitch  softball
        When a limited liability                        program is open to persons 55
      company merger becomes                            and over. The three-division   Blue Division championship team members, left to right are: Ty Smith, Michael Berry, Marty
      effective, the surviving                          league structure allow games   Henry, Ben Walker, Pete Cohane, Shelly Notgarnie, Ron Zoia, Jimmy Gearty, Sid Dinerstein
      entity continues, but all other                   for more competitive players   (manager), Walt Metzger, Tom Walker, and Paul DeSesso. Missing: Ron Bialosky.
      companies  merged into  it
      cease to exist.
         A personal representative
      is required to settle and
      distribute an estate according
      to the terms of the decedent’s
      will and the Florida statutes.
      Unless the will states
      differently, the personal representative will take possession
      and control of the decedent’s property (except homestead real   Est. 1926
      estate, which is sometimes handled differently).                                 The Heart of Hobe Sound
        In order to file for divorce in Florida, at least one spouse
      must have lived in the state for a minimum of six months before
      the petition is filed with the court.                      HOLY WEEK SERVICE SCHEDULE                       WE are YOUR Community
        Florida law provides for limited  or plenary adult        Sunday, April 2 - Palm Sunday Worship 10:30 AM                Church
      guardianship. Limited means that the court finds that the   Thursday, April 6 - Maundy Thursday Souper Supper 5:30 PM
      ward is able to do some tasks necessary to care for his/her   Thursday, April 6 - Maundy Thursday Communion Service 6:30 PM  All Visitors Welcome
      person or property. Plenary means the ward is unable to   Friday, April 7 - Good Friday Cantata at Palm City PC 7:00 PM
                                                                 Sunday, April 9 - Easter Sunday Worship 10:30 AM
      do anything for him/herself and is in need of total care. The                                                We Invite You to Worship with Us
      court’s objective is to establish the least restrictive form of   CaRIbbEan DInnER & mUSIC                      Every Sunday at 10:30 a.m.
      guardianship as is necessary to protect the ward. A guardianship   April 16 @ 5:30 - Caribbean Dinner and Steel Drum Band in   WE ARE ON FACEBOOK LIVE
      can be terminated when a ward has become “sui juris” (or, if   the Courtyard to support the Building Project. Cost $15/person.   every Sunday morning at 10:30 a.m.
      a minor, has reached the age of majority) or his/her capacity   Dinner includes Roast Pork, Jerk Chicken, Rice & Beans  Give us a call or visit our
      has been restored.                                             LEaRnInG OPPORTUnITIES
        Jupiter Law Center is a private neighborhood law firm         Chair Yoga Classes on Tuesdays @ 10            website for more information.
      located in the RiverPlace Professional Center, 1003 W.         Bible Study Tuesday @ 11 a.m. - Exodus               (772) 546-5043
      Indiantown Road, Suite 210, Jupiter, Fla., (561) 744-4600,     Bible Study Thursday @ 3 p.m. - Genesis The firm provides peace of mind by
      solving problems with integrity and compassion in the areas         Art Classes by appointment
      of estate planning (wills and trusts, powers of attorney, health   Crochet, Cross-stitch and handwork group - 2nd & 4th Thursday
      care surrogates, living wills, probate estates, succession            MONTHLY DINNERS
      planning, contracts and purchase/sale agreements), family   Monthly dinners to help offset some of the almost $350,000 in
      law (divorce, paternity, child support and time sharing,   renovation costs to our church building. The dinners will be held on the
      alimony, property distribution, modifications, collaborative   second Friday of each month at 5:30. Cost is $15 per person
                                                                MAY 12 - ChiCkEn CoRDon BlEu           JunE 9 -  BBQ RiBS
      law, pre/post nuptial agreements) and real estate (community
      association law, residential and commercial transactions,            11933 SE Juno Crescent • Hobe Sound, Florida 33455
      deeds, closings).
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