Page 15 - Talk of Tequesta- May '23
P. 15

The Talk Of Tequesta, Page 15

                                                                NorTherN NoTes

                              Grass Carp As Biological Weed Control

                                   By Katie Roundtree, Director of Finance and Administration, Northern Palm Beach County Improvement District

        Northern Palm Beach                             removal are costly
      County Improvement                                alternatives
      District uses several                             that often cause
      methods of aquatic weed                           secondary issues,
      control in lakes and                              triploid grass
      canals that we maintain.                          carp can provide
      Some are more obvious,                            a beneficial tool.
      like chemical treatment                           They are most
      or manually removing                              effective in lakes
      unwanted plants from the                          and deeper canals
      waterways. However, there                         since they can grow
      is a lesser-known means                           25 to 35 inches
      that is relatively efficient and more long-term than   long  and require
      other means. The grass carp, also known as white amur   a continual food
      (Ctenopharyngodon  Idella),  can  effectively  control   supply. When introduced, they usually start by consuming   body. Therefore, a limited number of fish are introduced
      unwanted plants in our lakes and canals. The grass carp   torpedo grass but then move on to hydrilla and southern   into the ecosystem so that the native fish also have plenty
      is native to large coastal rivers in Siberia (Amur River)   naiad. The grass carp is a grazer, feeding on vegetation   of food. They are intelligent and are notorious for eluding
      and China that flow into the Pacific Ocean. They are one   near the surface and in shallower waters. The new growth   capture if the population gets out of control. Careful
      of the largest members of the minnow family. The back   of underwater plants is preferred. Plant feeding depends on   program management is imperative to avoid consuming too
      of the grass carp is silvery to dark grey with large scales,   fish size, with small fish preferring grasses like musk grass   many plants and disrupting the natural balance of plants
      and the sides of the body are lighter with a slightly golden   and large fish preferring hardier plants such as hydrilla and   and animals.
      sheen. The belly is silvery white, and the fins are generally   torpedo grass. Small fish will eat only the leaves, but as     Northern strives to maintain our lakes and canals in
      greenish-grey. The carp used in aquatic weed programs in   they increase in size, they will eat both leaves and stems.   optimal condition, allowing water to flow freely, especially
      Florida are triploid grass carp. Triploid grass carp have   As adults, they consume large amounts of plant material.   during storm events. Biologic weed control is one method
      three sets of chromosomes instead of the usual two, which   In suitably warm water, an adult grass carp will consume   that is very effective under the right conditions. Stocking
      renders them functionally sterile. Triploids are produced   its body weight in hydrilla daily. Because of their feeding   grass carp into our deeper lakes and canals helps keep the
      artificially and cannot reproduce. Therefore, only the fish   behavior, they are used under special restricted programs   aquatic weeds under control and water flowing.
      introduced will remain for their life span, and more can   in our area to help manage aquatic plant problems. Florida     Source: University of Florida/ IFAS
      be added to replace them in about five to 10 years.  Fish and Wildlife Commission requires a permit to stock     NPDES tip: Planting a rain garden with native plants
        As the name implies, grass carp consume aquatic plants   lakes with grass carp.                    somewhere around your home helps lock rain water in the
      and submerged grasses. Many aquatic plants that pose     While these fish are an effective means of aquatic plant   ground, reducing the flow of pollutants and poisons into
      problems in Florida are exotic and have few natural insect   control, several factors must be considered before using   the drains. Using organic fertilizers and pesticides in your
      or disease controls; consequently, they frequently create   them. Grass carp are not picky eaters. They will generally   garden further protects and brings health to your yard and
      problems with access, navigation, flood control, irrigation   eat the undesirable plant species first. When those plants   all the species living there.
      and aesthetics. Since chemical herbicides and mechanical   are unavailable, they will move onto any plant in the water

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