Page 9 - Martin Downs Bulletin - May '23
P. 9

Martin Downs, Page 9

                                             in Your communitY

      Exciting Two Months For                              On March 29, the council learned that it was awarded     Proceeds will be used to fund capital improvements
      Environmental Studies Council                      a $100,000 grant from Impact100 Martin for its Wet Lab   including the Wet Lab Revitalization, as well as assist
                                                         Revitalization.                                   with the council’s regular expenses of a teacher’s salary,
      By Jackie Holfelder                                  Then, on April 1, months of hard work culminated   community education and outreach, and boat-related
        It’s been a spectacular two months at the Environmental   in a successful gala that celebrated the center’s 50th   expenses.
      Studies Center, thanks to the hard work of the 501(c)(3)   anniversary and netted over $110,000.       To learn more about the Environmental Studies
      that supports it, the Environmental Studies Council.     Key  sponsors  included Ann  and  Knight  Kiplinger,   Council, visit
                                                         M.E.’s Team, Seacoast Bank, FPL and Kay Sutton. The
                                                         140 attendees enjoyed a buffet dinner, tours of the Bay   Photos provided by Environmental Studies Council
                                                         Tree Lodge property in Sewall’s Point, music, and live
                                                         and silent auctions.

      Sarah Andersen, Shannon Andersen, Juliet Ciaravino and
      Kim Nash, council board member                                                                       Charlie Carr, Gidget Carr, Derek Potter, and council Board
                                                         Sandra Thurlow, Ann Kiplinger and Suzanne Granfield,   Member Lindsey Potter
                                                         council board member

                                                         Knight Kiplinger, Courtney Stein, Jesse Stein, Ellice Condon
      Lisa Tagler and Coltin Radabaugh, council board president   and Bobby Condon                         Jen Nolin, Jaci Ingeman, Carei Baratta and Alison Schoppe

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