Page 11 - Martin Downs Bulletin - May '23
P. 11

Martin Downs, Page 11

                                                          BooK review

      The Chateau                                        are tempted throughout to                         has always been a struggling artist, withholding from
                                                         guess the guilty party. But                       Darcy for many years the fact that Seraphine has been
      By Nils A. Shapiro                                 in the hands of this gifted                       helping to support her art efforts with monthly financial
        (Note: While preparing                           writer, the journey is an                         aid. Now Vix, a lesbian, is recovering from disfiguring
      to  write  this  review,  I                        exceptional treat.                                cancer surgery only to learn that her lover, Juliet, plans
      discovered that there have                           Seraphine Demarglasse,                          to break up their relationship.
      been five or six earlier                           a woman in her 90s, is the                          Their other New York friend from university days is
      books published with the                           lady of the magnificent                           Jade, a Jewish woman who is attractive, stays fit and
      same title,  The Chateau,                          chateau  in  Provence,                            is happily married. But Jade has never forgotten when
      by different authors. The                          France, in which the                              Darcy brought her and Vix to the chateau for the first time
      subject of my review here                          action takes place. She                           during a school vacation, and as they entered through the
      is a novel by Jaclyn Goldis,                       lives alone, except for her                       big iron gates she saw Seraphine’s family crest … and
      which will be published                            longtime housekeeper-                             recognized with shock how that symbol and name had
      officially on May 23.)                             cook, Sylvie, and the                             impacted  Jade’s  own  family’s  history  during  the  Nazi
        Of the almost 200 books I have reviewed over the past   groundskeeper, Raph.                       occupation of World War II!
      16 years, I cannot recall the last time the subject was a     Seraphine has invited her granddaughter, Darcy – who     The fourth woman is Arabelle, housekeeper Sylvie’s
      mystery novel. As regular readers of this column know,   now lives in New York – and three of Darcy’s girlfriends   own granddaughter who, when her parents died while she
      I prefer works of nonfiction, and even when I stray from   to the Chateau for a visit.  Twenty years earlier, the   was just a child, came to live with her grandmother in the
      my preference this particular genre is not my usual choice.  four friends studied together at a French university and   chateau. Arabelle has known Darcy almost her entire life
        But when  The Chateau was suggested to me by     had visited the elderly woman on vacations. But now   and attended the same university with her and the other
      someone whose judgment I trust, my initial reaction was   Seraphine announces that she has a very special reason   girls. Having learned many skills from Sylvie, Arabelle
      overridden by what I felt was my obligation to see if the   for her invitation: a secret that she will explain to all of   opened an inn after getting married. But her husband left
      book would be of interest to the readers of this column   them in person.                            and she has decided to return to the chateau to help Sylvie
      to whom, after all, my monthly efforts are dedicated.    But Seraphine is murdered during the weekend of that   in the kitchen and to care for her.
        Since I am not a fan of contemporary mystery novels   visit, the night before she is to divulge her secret.     The author tells her story entirely through the eyes of
      – although as a teen I read the complete Sherlock Holmes     Of course, each of the women has a reason to wish   her characters. Each brief chapter begins with a name:
      mysteries that my parents owned in our home library, and   the elderly woman dead, and it is up to the reader to try   Darcy … Dade … Arabelle … and so on, and all that
      have read a couple of Agatha Christies – I cannot claim to   to guess the guilty party as the story unfolds.   occurs during that time is seen and told through that
      be an expert of the genre. But I am absolutely prepared to     Darcy,  Seraphine’s  granddaughter,  had  married  an   character’s eyes and perspective. As a result, I found
      state that, on the basis of The Chateau alone, in terms of   American and lives in New York with her husband,   myself scrutinizing every word to see if I could pick up a
      writing skills Jaclyn Goldis stands with the best of them!   Oliver, and their two young children. Although they have   hint as to the guilt or innocence of each of the characters
        The more involved I became in this murder mystery   financial problems, Darcy has been reluctant to ask her   … a slip of the tongue, a word here or there that might
      the more impressed I was with author Jaclyn Goldis’s   grandmother for help despite the enormous wealth of the   betray the truth. As with every reader of murder mysteries,
      seductive  story  line,  exquisitely  descriptive  narrative   chateau that boasts, as just examples, original Van Gogh   I had my hunches, but had to wait until the very end – just
      style, detailed character studies, and a feel for fluid   and Renoir paintings on the walls. Oliver decides that he   as I suspect you will.
      dialogue so natural I couldn’t help but compare it to that   and the children will join her on the trip to France, but     The one confession I will make is that, while I may
      of the masterful dialogue treatment in the Stephen King   will stay in a nearby hotel (not be a part of the chateau   still not be a big fan of murder mysteries in general, the
      novel I had admired.                               visit) and make a family vacation of it afterward.  next time I note Jaclyn Goldis’s name as the author of
        Without giving away more than you need to know – no     Two friends of Darcy who have been invited to visit   a new book, it will be a must-read for me. It should be
      spoilers here – the basic premise of The Chateau is typical   the chateau again are also New Yorkers whom Darcy met   for you, too, starting with The Chateau. Read the book
      enough of such mysteries: a murder takes place; a number   when they were all students at a university in France, and   before the inevitable film comes out.
      of people have reasons to be considered suspects, and we   have been close ever since. Victoria (whom all call “Vix”)

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