Page 7 - Abacoa Community News - April '23
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Abacoa, Page 7

       Live Like Jake from page 1
                                                                                                            Live Like Jake 5K Run/
         After Jake passed away, his parents, Keri and Roarke
      Morrison founded the Live Like Jake Foundation to                                                     Walk
      raise awareness for childhood drowning prevention. The
      foundation provides scholarships for Infant Swimming                                                     The ninth annual
      Resource (ISR) self-rescue swimming lessons to families                                               Live  Like  Jake  5K
      that cannot afford them as well as provides financial                                                 Run/Walk will take
      assistance for funeral and medical expenses following a                                               place on Saturday,
      drowning accident. To date the foundation has granted                                                 April  29,  1200
      over 3,200 scholarships in 41 states and has financially                                              University Blvd.,
      assisted hundreds of families with medical and funeral                                                Abacoa in Jupiter.
      expenses. In November 2020, Live Like Jake opened an                                                     There  will  be
      indoor swim facility in Palm Beach Gardens for year-                                                  awards given to
      round ISR lessons. Drowning knows no season and now                                                   overall male/female
      swimming lessons don’t either.                                                                        in categories: Age 9
         Drowning is the leading cause of death in children                                                 and under, 10 to 14, 15 to 19, 20 to 24, 25 to 29, 30
      ages 1 through 4 and the second leading cause of death for                                            to 34, 35 to 39, 40 to 44, 45 to 49, 50 to 54, 55 to 59,
      children 14 and under. The Live Like Jake Foundation was                                              60 to 64, and 65 and up.
      created to end this epidemic. Keri and Roarke continue                                                5K Run/Walk Registration Includes
      to educate and spread the word about water safety and   what an epidemic childhood drowning is and how most   • Custom high performance race shirt (youth, women
      the importance of lifesaving swimming lessons in hopes   deaths  occur  during  “non-swimming”  times. There  is   and men) or custom Live Like Jake hat
      to help prevent a terrible accident like Jake’s. Parents   water everywhere in Florida and it only takes seconds   • Custom finisher medal
      assume they have taken all the safety precautions when   for a young child to find it, but it is preventable!  • Registration swag bag (First 500)
      their children are around water, but many are unaware   •  Stay  vigilant  when  a  child  is  near  water.  Drowning   Virtual 5K Run/Walk Registration Includes
                                                         happens when there is a lapse (not lack) in supervision.  • Custom high performance race shirt (youth, women
                                                         •  Designate  a  water  watcher.  This  can  be  done  in   and men) or custom Live Like Jake hat
                                                         15-minute shifts, so there are always eyes on the water.   • Custom finisher medal
                                                         • Install a pool fence that is 4 to 6 feet tall and has a self-     Packet Pickup: 10311 Ironwood Road, Palm Beach
                                                         latching and self-closing gate.                    Gardens, dates and times to be determined.
                                                         • Erase all temptation of entering the water. Remove all      For more information contact Keri Morrison, Race
                                                         pool toys when the pool isn’t in use and move poolside   Director, Live Like Jake Foundation, livelikejake@
                                                         furniture that smaller children could climb on.
                                                         • All  caregivers  should  learn  CPR.  If  there  is  an      Your  participation  will  help  us  continue  to
                                                         emergency,  you  will  be  skilled  in  what  to  do  and  can   raise  funds  for  ISR  self-rescue  swimming  lesson
                                                         move quickly.                                      scholarships and financially assist families who have
                                                         • Remove dog doors that could be easy exits for small   lost a child or have a child with critical care needs.
                                                         • Add alarms that will sound when doors or windows are
                                                         opened and when the child touches the water.
                                                         • Self-rescue swim lessons – even for infants – can serve
                                                         as an added layer of protection and save children’s lives.
                                                         •  Most importantly, if a child goes missing, always
                                                         check the water first.
                                                            The foundation is working around the clock to keep
                                                         numerous fundraisers going throughout the year. One
                                                         of  their  biggest  events  is  the  Live  Like  Jake  5K  held
                                                         in Abacoa on April 29 with the proceeds benefiting
                                                         swimming lesson scholarships. Please check out the
                                                         website  to  join  in  the  race  or
                                                         volunteer. Be sure to bring the entire family, after the 5K
                                                         is complete there will be a kid’s area open with various
                                                         activities and games for everyone to enjoy.

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