Page 4 - Abacoa Community News - April '23
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Page 4, Abacoa
APoA News & Activities
From The Desk Of The Property Manager
Spring Has Sprung And
Spring Cleaning Has Begun!
By Jacqueline Coniglio,
Director of Property Management, Abacoa POA
Love it or hate it, spring cleaning carries with it a sense of a
clean slate, which can help us feel like we are setting ourselves If you can’t remember the last time, you cleaned
up for success. Researchers call this “the fresh start effect.” depression and reduces risk of injuries. A clean home something, it’s a must-do this spring! This list usually
We are happy to report that the APOA “spring cleaning” is promotes wellness, makes for a “happier” feeling, can includes tasks like cleaning coffee pots, changing water
well under way. Finalized in February was the annual branch strengthen the immune system, and help avoid illness. filters, clearing drain pipes, cleaning trash cans, scrubbing
trimming and clearing of oak trees. Completed in March was Nothing beats that feeling of accomplishment when down the fridge and freezer, discarding cracked food storage
the annual spring pressure cleaning of the area monuments. home and yard spring cleaning is completed. So, what’s containers, cleaning wood cutting boards with salt and lemon,
We know that spring cleaning can feel like a giant chore! important, where do we start? then oil. Don’t forget shower curtains/doors and ceiling fans.
Why is spring cleaning so important? Following are some tips from well renowned industry Prioritize most day-to-day forgotten nooks and crannies!
Experts say doing a thorough spring-cleaning of home experts we found useful: Clean out the pantry, remove any open foods. Sweep/
and yard has a number of health benefits. For starters, Open up your doors and windows! One of the most mop floors where unwanted critters might find scraps,
a decluttered inside and out increases focus and energy, common mistakes people make while spring cleaning is including that pet dish on the floor. Move furniture and clean
boosting productivity levels. It can reduce stress and turning on a fan to circulate air, which instead riles up dust underneath. Declutter shelves, cabinets, drawers and closets.
mites that have been settling into bedding, carpets, and other Check mattresses! Treat stains by spraying white vinegar
Deadline for the next fabrics. Flinging open doors and windows (at least for a short and scrubbing with a soft bristle brush. For freshness, when
the surface is dry, finish up with a sprinkling of baking soda,
period of time here in Florida) helps with air circulation too.
Abacoa newspaper Cleaning with harsh chemicals? Wear a face covering to letting it sit for a few hours before vacuuming up. Tackle
is the 11th of the month. keep your lungs free of fumes and debris. This is especially home upholstery with this too! Avoid steam-cleaning carpets
as this will increase moisture.
Submit articles/pictures recommended by allergists for those with allergies or asthma. All in all, start small and pace yourself. Listen to some
Make degerming top of your spring-cleaning checklist!
to abacoaadmin@ Wiping down and sanitizing all high-traffic areas such as music and/or the fresh spring sounds of nature. Before you doorknobs, cabinets, light switches, handles, countertops, know it you’ll be enjoying your own “fresh start effect”, and
out catching the many fun spring events and activities here
and computer keyboards is essential for avoiding the
accumulation of germs and bacteria. in beautiful Abacoa!
Recently, there have been increased reports of vandalism Abacoa POA Meeting Notices
on the Abacoa golf course. If you see such activity, we
ask you to please report it to the Town of Jupiter by
calling (561) 746-5134. If the trespassers are present, Official notification is posted via the bulletin board outside the Abacoa POA office as well as the www.
we urge you to call Jupiter Police Department at (561) website. Members may now download Abacoa POA agendas and minutes from our website.
746-6201. Together we can help keep our beautiful
community the most ideal place to live, work and play. Notice of APOA Board of Directors Meeting – Tuesday, April 18, 2023, 11:30 a.m. – APOA Office or Zoom
Notice of Monthly CAC Meeting – Tuesday, April 25, 2023, 9:30 a.m. (subject to change) – APOA Office or Zoom
NEED A/C? We’ve Got You Covered! **All Abacoa POA meetings to be held at the offices of the Abacoa POA, 1200 University Blvd., Suite 102,
via, call us unless otherwise posted. All agendas, as well as approved minutes, will be available at
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