Page 5 - Abacoa Community News - April '23
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Abacoa, Page 5
      Get A Taste Of New Orleans

      At The Fifth Annual Cajun Crawfish And Music Festival

      On April 22 And 23

      Downtown Abacoa

      Live Music, Authentic Cajun Food, Cooking
      Demonstrations, And More!

         The  Fifth Annual
      Cajun  Crawfish  and
      Music Festival sponsored
      by Good Greek Moving
      & Storage  returns to
      Abacoa on Saturday from
      10 a.m. to 10 p.m. and
      Sunday from 10 a.m. to 8
      p.m. This premier Cajun
      Crawfish  and  Music
      Festival will celebrate
      the culture and traditions
      of Louisiana through
      food, music, and dance!
      Virginia Sinicki  from
      The KVJ Show, will
      serve  as  the  master  of
      ceremonies throughout                                                                                Orleans!) Jerry and I both love that we can give back to
      the weekend  and will                                                                                amazing charities like Little Smiles and Maddie’s Fight
      bring her personal flair                                                                             Foundation. There’s no party like a party with a purpose!”
      as a local who grew up                             Zydeco Hellraisers band members have over 100 years of   said Virginia Sinicki, master of ceremonies.
      in New Orleans.                                    combined experience playing Zydeco music and it shows in      Experience Louisiana in style, reserve a stage pod with
         The streets of Abacoa will be filled with Mardi Gras   every performance. The energy and true talent that Dwayne   four seats and a table or a private VIP chalet with eight seats
      themed decorations, banners, with lots of purple, green   Dopsie and the Zydeco Hellraisers emit from stage make   and a table under a tent, including waiter/waitress service.
      and gold. You will be transported to Bourbon Street when   it obvious that there is no competition for this band.   These are available for purchase on Eventbrite. Children
      you arrive as the aroma of the Cajun food will be in the air.      Adding  to  the  lineup:  Performing  Saturday:  Snack   ages 12 and younger get in for free. General lawn seating
      Come get a taste of N’awlins with authentic Cajun food   Pack (from KVJ Show), 4 p.m., The Rockin’ Jake Band   will also be available for those who would like to bring
      featuring a crawfish boil, jambalaya, gumbo, po’ boys,   at 6 p.m. Performing Sunday: new this year, Black Water   their own chair/blanket to enjoy the all-day entertainment.
      Crawfish Monica, muffalettas, red beans and rice, and   Sound – a local Southern rock band at noon, folk rock   About Little Smiles
      the famous beignets, and more. There will be a crawfish   band, Hot Sauce Moon at 1 p.m., the return of The Porch      This fun-filled, cultural event benefits Little Smiles.
      eating contest again this year on Saturday, at 1 p.m.   Dogs at 3:30 p.m., and local favorite, Making Faces with   Little Smiles is a volunteer driven, nonprofit 501(c)(3)
         Experience free cooking demonstrations featuring   a Mardi Gras themed show to end the fun weekend.   children’s charity. Their mission is to help heal hearts and
      local chefs as they create their personal Cajun food and      Two amazing charities will be onsite all weekend at   create little smiles by providing gifts and fun activities
      specialty drinks. Enjoy the Bourbon Street atmosphere   The Cajun Crawfish and Music Festival. First, we have   to children impacted by serious illness, homelessness,
      with  all  the  classic  cocktails  such  as  Hurricanes,   Maddie’s Fight Foundation. They are incredible at helping   or tragedy. With the guidance of local professionals
      Grenades, and a champagne hurricane. Atoll Vodka will   families dealing with childhood cancer. Second, we have   such as doctors, nurses, child life specialists and social
      be giving away samples throughout the festival.    our beloved Little Smiles, which helps children going   workers, they strive to help kids escape their unfortunate
         Headlining the two-day festival is 2022 winner – Jazz   through personal or medical crises. Visit their booths to   circumstances, even if only for a brief period of time. For
      Fest a New Orleans Story Grammy winner for Best Music   learn more about these children’s charities. They will be   more information visit:
      Film 2022, and 2018 two-time Grammy nominee, Dwayne   onsite creating awareness to their cause and raising money.   About Maddie’s Fight Foundation
      Dopsie and the Zydeco Hellraisers. Dopsie grew up in      “This festival is the best of what New Orleans is      Founded in 2017, Maddie’s Fight Foundation is a
      Lafayette, La., and he will be performing Saturday at 8   famous for. Amazing food, incredible live music, and   fully licensed 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated
      p.m. Dwayne taught himself how to play the accordion   the most delicious party libations on earth. I love helping   to providing financial assistance to families of children
      by watching videos of his father and Clifton Chenier. The   Jerry Somma host  this  party every year! (Nobody   with cancer and to supporting research for osteosarcoma
      knowledge of Dwayne’s musical ability along with his   knows how to host a party like a crazy girl from New   treatment. Visit:
                                                                                                           Calendar Listing
                                                                                                              The Fifth Annual Cajun Crawfish and Music Festival
                                               Patriot Sliding Glass Door                                    (benefiting Little Smiles, and Maddie’s Fight Foundation)
                                                                                                           is Saturday, April 22 from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m., and Sunday,
                                                 Maintenance and Repair                                    April 23 from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. at Abacoa Amphitheater in
                                                                                                           Jupiter. The event is $5, children 12 and under free. VIP
                                                                                                           stage pod seating and Creole Cottages are available. The
                                                                                                           event will be filled with authentic Cajun food featuring
                                                                                                           a crawfish boil, jambalaya, gumbo, shrimp po’ boys, and
                                                                                                           live  New  Orleans  and  Cajun  zydeco  music.  For  more
                                                                                                           information visit
                                                                                                                                  Photos provided by Festival
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