Page 18 - Lifestyles in Palm Beach Gardens - March '23
P. 18

Page 18, Lifestyles in Palm Beach Gardens
      Book Review

      The Midnight Library                               school, who explains to                           is a successful surgeon and she the mother of their adorable
                                                         Nora that she is now in the                       daughter.
      By Nils A. Shapiro                                 Midnight Library, a place                           Or, as the author puts it (with ellipses added here to take
        Have you ever wondered                           between life and death …                          the place of text left out for lack of space): “She had been a
      what your life would be                            and that each of the many                         rock star, an Olympian, a music teacher, a primary school
      like now if you had made                           books on the shelves is the                       teacher, a CEO, a PA, a chef, a glaciologist, a climatologist,
      different decisions at various                     story of a life that would                        an acrobat, a tree-planter, an audit manager, a hairdresser, a
      critical  moments  in your                         have been Nora’s if she had                       professional dog walker, an office clerk, a software developer,
      life? Taken a different job?                       made a different decision                         a receptionist, a hotel cleaner, a politician, a lawyer, a
      Decided to take that vacation                      from the one she did make                         shoplifter, the head of an ocean protection charity, a shop
      trip instead of canceling it?                      at so many important points                       worker (again), a waitress, a first-line supervisor, a glass-
      Asked a different girl out on                      in her life – each taking her                     blower and a thousand other things … There had, in short,
      a date? Married a different                        down a different path toward                      been a lot of lives … Sometimes she was in a life for less than
      person?                                            a different journey. And now                      a minute, while in others she was there for days or weeks …
        Each decision you make has the potential to change   Nora was being offered an                     It seemed the more lives she lived, the harder it was to feel
      everything about the rest of your life.            opportunity to select a different life, rather than the one from   at home anywhere.”
        What if you were offered the opportunity to see what your   which she has decided to escape. If she finds one that fulfills     Importantly, what Nora – and we – learn is that the
      life would have been like if you had made different decisions   her, she can stay and complete it; if not, she will return to   decisions we all make affect not only ourselves but others
      at those critical moments?                         the Midnight Library and try another. But at some point her   in our lives as well, sometimes profoundly, and must be
        That is the intriguing premise of author Matt Haig’s   time will run out.                          weighed in the consideration.
      newest bestselling book, the third of his novels that I     Mrs. Elm reaches for a particular volume from a shelf near     There is, very near the end of the book, a one-and-a-half
      have thoroughly enjoyed and will have now reviewed in   her, The Book of Regrets, as a possible reference for Nora to   page note ostensibly written by Nora, but which I assume
      this column. The earlier two were: The Humans, about an   consider.                                  to reflect the views of the author. Under the title, “A Thing
      alien sent to our planet by his kind to assassinate a college     I will leave it for you to discover the life that Nora believes   I Have Learned (Written By a Nobody Who Has Been
      professor who has made a major scientific discovery they   will make her happy, among them:          Everybody),” it is a wise and thoughtful reflection about life
      feel is too dangerous to be left in the hands of “inferior”     • The life of a rich and famous rock star she became by   that for me is the most memorable passage in these pages
      Earthlings, and How to Stop Time, an equally captivating   staying with her brother’s band.          – one that deserves to be copied, printed and hung in every
      story about the life of a 400-year-old man, member of a small,     • The comfortable wife of the kind, gentle man whom she   home as an uplifting reminder about the present lives we
      secret global society of ageless humans who dare not let the   had always regretted turning down years ago when they were   have chosen for ourselves.
      rest of mankind know they exist. Their one cardinal rule:   young and he asked her out for a cup of coffee, and now he     This one belongs in your library, any time of day or night.
      Never fall in love! You can make no personal attachments.
        Instead, he must change identities and move often before
      people realize that he ages so slowly as if not at all. In the
      present, he is a college history teacher – the perfect role for   Susan Has Moved To A
      one who actually performed with Shakespeare and lived
      through the centuries of events he discusses with students.
      A wonderful book!                                                          New Location!
        The Midnight Library is another absorbing read, 288 pages
      that I finished in three sittings.
        Nora Seed is a 35-year-old woman who has given up on   Androcles Hair Salon
      life. She lives alone, except for her cat, Voltaire. Volts, for
      short. Everything she had thought she wanted never panned    4031 Hood Rd., Suite C-108
      out. Among the top high school swimmers in America and     Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33410
      certain to make the Olympic team, she decided to give up
      the sport. A talented piano player, songwriter and member of
      her brother, Joe’s, band, the Labyrinths, she quit just as they             Susan
      were about to get their big break. Inspired by her interest in
      the environment, she considered becoming a glaciologist, but
      gave up the idea. That’s the way her life has been, for reasons          Swafford
      she chalks up to problems in her relationship with her parents.
        The book’s brief opening section begins, “Nineteen years
      before she decided to die, Nora Seed….” Several pages later   561-312-0457
      we begin, “Twenty-seven hours before she decided to die,
      Nora Seed.…” A knock on her door provides for an already
      depressed Nora yet another blow: A young man is sorry to
      tell her that her cat, Voltaire, has been hit by a passing car                   10%
      and is lying on the street, dead. Nora writes a brief suicide
      note, swallows a few antidepressant pills and a bottle of wine,
      then passes out.
        Not expecting to awaken, when her eyes open Nora is                            OFF
      surprised to find herself outside a strange building. Inside
      is a single giant room filled floor to ceiling with countless
      aisles of books covered in shades of green, on metal racks                        Tues.
      as far as she can see – all of the racks moving rapidly back                                                Products starting at  69
      and forth, stopping, then moving again.                                          New clients only
        Suddenly, she sees one person, a woman she recognizes:
      Mrs. Elm, the kind, gentle librarian she knew from her high


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