Page 13 - Lifestyles in Palm Beach Gardens - March '23
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Lifestyles in Palm Beach Gardens, Page 13
The Arc Of Florida Appoints Client Of The Arc Of Palm
Beach County As New Self-Advocate Board Member
The Arc of Palm Beach County is honored to announce also represented The Arc at a Town of Palm Beach United
the appointment of Jaclyn (Jackie) Applebaum as a new Way event in 2019, and has spoken at numerous events
self-advocate board member of The Arc of Florida’s Board throughout 2022 on behalf of those with disabilities.
of Directors. Additionally, she has volunteered at The Arc’s respite
A Palm Beach County resident of nine years, Jackie camps, and has served as a mentor in The Arc’s AmeriCorps
is a driven and active member of The Arc of Palm Beach program to help Potentials School students meet daily
County. She is a role model that is breaking barriers every learning goals.
day for individuals with intellectual and developmental “I’m very excited and honored to be a board member for
disabilities. Jackie began working through The Arc’s mobile The Arc of Florida,” said Jackie. “I look forward to coming
crew with Otis Elevator in 2016 and presently continues to up with new ideas and representing my fellow members of
work with the Otis family as a part-time employee. She has The Arc community.”
shown the disability community how employment creates a About The Arc Of Palm Beach County
tremendous source of pride, achievement, and self-worth. The Arc is changing the conversation around disabilities
“Jackie is a natural leader committed to giving people by defying definitions, inspiring possibilities, and improving
with disabilities a voice,” said president and CEO of The Jackie is a fierce advocate and has represented The Arc the lives of the people we serve, their families, and
Arc of Palm Beach County, Kimberly McCarten. “Her at state conventions and with state legislators. In 2019, our community. Since 1958, The Arc has envisioned a
unlimited energy, creativity, and passion will help create she was honored with the Unicorn Foundation Employee community where every person feels welcome, connected,
opportunities for each person to live up to their potential.” of the Year award after being nominated twice. Jackie has and accepted.
Nurturing Creativity In Dyslexics
By Jim Forgan, Ph.D., talented at mathematics. Other kids might believe they are talents. Some activities will be tried and shelved while
School Psychologist science experts with a deep knowledge of space or fossils. others might continue to develop and be refined throughout
All children need to Your child’s natural talent might be athletics and being a adolescence. It’s often our natural strengths that carry us
believe they excel at some fast runner, best basketball free thrower, dancer, or figure through in life and shape our career choices. Your child
area in their life because skater. Does your child have an innate musical ability? is smart in many ways so help other family members and
this helps develop our self- Recognize and reinforce your child’s strength area. teachers understand your child’s natural assets. Someone
esteem and healthy self- If you need ideas consider reading, The Dyslexia has to recognize your child’s gifts and we hope it’s you.
esteem advances success Empowerment Plan: A Blueprint for Renewing Your Call to discuss your child as we test children ages 5.5
in life. Self-esteem is Child’s Confidence and Love of Learning. Author Ben Foss through college for dyslexia, learning disabilities, ADHD,
developed by combining describes his own struggles with dyslexia and provides you depression, anxiety, and other processing disorders. Visit
our internal beliefs with our with a new perspective that remediation of what is broken or call (561) 625-4125.
external feedback. Thus, our in your child is not the ultimate goal. He explains, “There
self-esteem is a combination of how we view ourselves and are specific attitudes and habits that will have a huge impact
how we believe others view us. on whether your child will be able to apply her strengths at
We want your child with dyslexia to develop healthy school and beyond.”
self-esteem and feel good about him or herself. So, in what Since children develop at different rates you can provide
area does your child excel? Although it might be academic your child with opportunities to sample various activities,
related, it might not. Perhaps your child believes she is athletics, arts, and hobbies to gauge their interest and
(786) 318-1450
(201) 452-6859