Page 22 - Lifestyles in Palm Beach Gardens - March '23
P. 22

Page 22, Lifestyles in Palm Beach Gardens
      Panhellenic Alumnae Of Palm Beach County Announces

      Speaker For March Fundraiser

        Second Vice President, Kimberly Brock, was pleased   extensive to list, so members and guests are looking forward   or above and are residents of Palm Beach County. They
      to announce that everything is in readiness for the March   to hearing all about her life and many careers.   must have a GPA of 3.0 or above and show a financial
      Second Annual  Scholarship  Benefit  Luncheon  of  the     The luncheon will be held at the Abacoa Golf Club in   need. Application forms are found on the Panhellenic
      Panhellenic Alumnae of Palm Beach County during the Feb.   Jupiter. This is the first time it’s been held since 2020, so   Alumnae’s website.
      11 meeting at her home. Cynthia Hite, Florida Emmy Award   its return is well anticipated. As in the past there will be     Panhellenic  Alumnae of Palm Beach County,
      winner, media specialist, a partner in a private investigation   raffle baskets, a silent auction, a 50/50 split of money, a   celebrating  its  96th Anniversary,  is  also  a  member  of
      company, and a talented performer, will discuss her life   chance to win a lottery hat, and door prizes, and for the   National Panhellenic Conference (NPC) which consists
      and various talents at the luncheon. Her biography is too   first time there will be a buffet instead of plated meals.   of 26 women’s NPC sororities or fraternities.
                                                           The event raises money for scholarships to be awarded
                                                         to college women carrying a full load in their third year

      Officers of Panhellenic Alumnae of Palm Beach County Patty                                           Honnie McClear, Meg Kravetz, Cheryl Gooding, Sandy
      Hiscock, Nancy Stainback, Jeanne Hibbard, and Kimberly   With lunch finished, Barbara Palmer, Karen Tirburzi, Jeanne   Scavnicky, Stacey Easterling, Joyce Garberoglio, and
      Brock pose after the business portion of the Feb. 11 meeting.   Hibbard, Shirley Collee, and Kathleen Pollack enjoy time   Anita Spassoff share some time together at the Panhellenic
                                                         to sit and visit.                                 Alumnae meeting.
        ELO Tribute                                                                               “Service is our number one priority”

        Ticket To The                                                                              


        Report and Photos by Penny Sheltz
          Ticket To The Moon, a tribute band, performed a
        June  free  concert  at Abacoa  featuring  the  music  of
        ELO, The Electric Light Orchestra.
          ELO is an English rock band formed in Birmingham
        in 1970 by songwriters-multi-instrumentalists Jeff Lynne
        and Roy Wood with drummer Bev Bevan.
          Their music is a fusion of Beatles pop, and classical
          Hosted by Legends Radio and presented by
        Schumacher Automotive Group, the Abacoa live                                                                                Expires 4/15/23.
        concert series are free each month and open to the
        public who bring their chairs and blankets for an                                                                State Licensed & Insured
        evening of live music in the beautiful outdoor setting.   Serving Palm Beach County                            CPC # 1457468 • LPG#30099
          Some great ELO songs include, Can’t Get It Out of My
        Head, Eldorado, Face the Music, Evil Woman, Strange
        Magic, Don’t Bring Me Down, Shine a Little Love, Last
        Train to London, Out of the Blue, and Newton-John’s
        Magic from Xanadu, Ticket to the Moon, I’m Alive, All
        Over the World, Don’t Walk Away, and more hits.
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