Page 31 - Boca ViewPointe - February '23
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February 2023                                                   Viewpointe, Page 31
      Mayor’s Update: Reasons To Vote Yes On Question 1

      In The March 14 City Election

      Scott  Singer  is  the  35th                       to change the term of office for city council members and      • Nonpartisanship: It is a good thing that our city
      Mayor of Boca Raton and                            the mayor to four years, all while maintaining the current   elections remain nonpartisan. As a result, we have less of
      was  re-elected  without                           two-term limit for each role. Even though I will not be on   the constant fighting seen in Washington and the nation.
      opposition for a final term.                       the ballot, as I’m honored to have been reelected without   If we do not make a change now, our next election will
      A  South  Florida  native,                         opposition, I still think it’s important that you vote on March   coincide with the presidential preference primary in 2024,
      attorney, mediator, and                            14. Here are several reasons why voters should say yes to   and again in future cycles. No matter who is in the White
      small business owner, Scott                        Question 1:                                       House, the electorate will be more partisan and different
      and  his  wife  Bella  live  in                       • Less Politicking: When Boca Raton residents in 2006   from the voters who take the time to focus on city issues,
      Broken Sound with their two                        overwhelmingly approved the change from two-year to   with fewer independent voters coming out. If we want to
      young children.                                    three-year terms, it was to focus more on policy and less on   avoid excessive partisan politics in our city elections and
                                                         constant politicking with elections every year. Yet we still have   remain focused on serving the residents on local issues,
         Boca Raton residents will                       elections either four out of every five years or three out of five,   now is the time to make this change.
      have a choice to vote on March 14 for a good-governance   which impacts long-term planning and has some costs. The      • Consistency: Boca Raton is the only city of Florida’s
      measure that will keep our city elections nonpartisan,   change would reduce potential impacts of special interests,   25 most populous cities that does not have a four-year term
      freer from special interests and constant politicking, while   especially with campaign cycles lasting longer and longer.   for mayor or commission members. Eighty-two percent of
      preserving term limits. Question 1 will ask if voters want   Future candidates might be less beholden to certain interests.  the top 50 cities also have four-year terms. Our other local
                                                                                                           offices of county commission, school board, and Beach &
                                                                                                           Parks District all also have four-year terms. This reform
                                                                                                           measure would bring consistency to the election cycles
                Do you need                                                                                  completely in place, and the proposal would provide elections
                                                                                                           we already expect.
                                                                                                             •  Term Limits Still In Place: Term limits remain

                                                                                                           every two years for half the council to ensure accountability
                                                                                                           with stability. Unlike many other cities that have no term
                                                                                                           limits, we would retain the two-term limit.

                                                                                                             • Why Now? Now is an especially appropriate time to
                                                        Help?                                              ensure more long-term stability on the city council, with
                                                                                                           the city manager due to retire in just over a year and the city
                                                                                                           attorney soon thereafter. Both have been on the job for more
                                                                                                           than two decades. The change necessarily gives some council
                                                                                                           members an extra year, and the experience may prove for the
                                                                                                           better for continuity. We also just had an election where all
                                                                                                           three council seats were filled without opposition. The extra
                                                                                                           year would deepen the pool of potential public servants.
                                                                                                              •  Long-Term Accountability: I have experienced
                                                                                                           firsthand how time on the dais and seasoned relationships
                                                                                                           with residents and neighborhoods has helped me and others
                                                                                                           be more effective public servants. Our current irregular
                                                                                                           schedule has an impact on getting focus on multiyear
                                                                                                           priorities, which is part of why residents approved the prior
                                                                                                           change. For example, long-term transportation projects are
                                                                                                           funded six years in advance. Under our current cycle, council
                                                                                                           members might not be around to support the implementation
                                                                                                           of ideas they propose. The better cycle would ensure council
                                                                                                           members can be expected to deliver results while in office.
                                                                                                              For these reasons, I believe voters should support this
                                                                                                           measure and vote YES on Question 1. The other cities that
                                                                                                           have considered this issue have generally voted two-to-one
                                                                                                           in favor, or sometimes higher percentages, and I think we
                                                                                                           should do so as well. I also think the measure would cut
                                                                                                           down on special-interest influence and partisan bickering,
                                                                                                           and enhance accountability and long-term vision. I hope you
                            We have the help                                                               agree these are good things for our community.

                                                                                                             One more note: If you want to vote by mail, you need to
                                                                                                           request a new mail-in ballot this year because of a change to
                 that is just right for you!                                                               state law made last year. You can do so at,
                                                                                                           where you can also find your polling place for in-person voting
                                                                                                           on Tuesday, March 14. Regardless of the term length, I remain
                      Call or Email us for a                                                               honored to serve you. Please reach out by email to ssinger@
                                                                                                  with any thoughts or requests. Thank you. 
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