Page 30 - Boca ViewPointe - February '23
P. 30

Page 30, Viewpointe                                                 February 2023
      Travel: This Should Be Your Next White Lotus Destination!

      Postcards From Jessica                                                                                 Palermo: Palermo, noted for its history, culture,
      To: Luxury Travelers                                                                                 architecture and gastronomy, is definitely the must-see city
                                                                                                           in Sicily. There is so much to do and see here. One day of
      From: Sicily                                                                                         sightseeing is adequate before venturing to some of the
                                                                                                           smaller local towns within a few miles of this bustling city.
      By Jessica Flores. Jessica                                                                             Palermo would be a perfect place to enjoy a traditional
      has worked in the travel and                                                                         cooking class, to discover the recipes and the secrets of
      tourism industry for well                                                                            the ancient Sicilian culture. We suggest you complete the
      over  a  decade.  She  holds                                                                         experience with a tasting of excellent local wines.
      both Bachelors and Master’s                                                                             To enhance your sightseeing experience of Sicily, I
      Degrees in Hospitality &                                                                             recommend you spend a full day exploring the Western
      Tourism  Management. As                                                                              side of the island. Head towards the salt pans of Marsala
      owner of AWAY Travel in Boca                                                                         and admire the Sicilian coast with its stunning natural
      Raton, Jessica and staff bring                                                                       landscapes on route. In the afternoon you can head towards
      25  years  of  personal  travel                                                                      Erice, a walled town that reigns over the picturesque
      experience  to  an  exclusive                      on  the  Ionian  seas  and  Mount  Etna  as  a  backdrop  in   harbor of Trapani boasting a breathtaking view of the
      clientele looking for luxury                       the opposite direction. Here in this quaint village, you   western Mediterranean Sea. Have a pleasant stop at Maria
      travel planning.                                   have  several  picturesque  pedestrian  streets  to  browse   Grammatico’s world-famous pastry shop, where you can
                                                         the wonderful shops and sip espresso in a small café   taste and purchase her almond desserts while toasting over
         Pack Your Bags: Just a few days ago, I received a call   overlooking the stunning views of the sea. Many of   a glass of Marsala wine.
      from one of my clients. He informed me that his party would   my  clients  stay at  the  famed Timeo  Hotel  or the  San      Mount Etna: Your excursion to this breathtaking
      like to travel in 2023 and there’s only one place they desire   Domenico Palace.                     area of Sicily will give you an up close view of its
      to go ... Sicily! Curious of why they were so determined to      I would also suggest visiting the Teatro Greco, a   continuously  changing  landscape  of  trees,  lava  flows
      go to Sicily I inquired. They asked me the question, “Have   Greek theatre built in the 3rd century B.C. that is one   and endemic plants. In the morning your expert guide
      you ever watched the HBO series, White Lotus?      of the world’s most dramatic places to see an opera or a   will lead you through antique villages full of history and
         Luckily, I had and it was quite evident why they had   classical concert. Also, try a half-day boat tour around the   tradition followed by a magnificent walk on the edge of
      set this destination as their next vacation. Part drama, part   Taormina Bays. The pristine beaches and sparkling blue   extinct craters, or you can take a four-wheel drive with a
      travelogue, the show is based on a group of vacationers   waters of the famed Blue Grotto shouldn’t be missed.   naturalist to explore the volcano’s lunar landscapes, lush
      at a fictional hotel (White Lotus) resulting in a series of      Ragusa and Modica: Next stop is Ragusa, where you   pine forests and its devastating history. End the day in the
      character interactions and murder mystery. But it wasn’t   can take a leisurely stroll around Ibla, the old section of   DOC wine country at a local award-winning winery.
      the plot that motivated my clients to travel to Sicily; it   Ragusa. Most of this medieval village is built in Baroque      Wheels Down:  Many  of  our  clients  have  traveled
      was the beautifully filmed landscapes and culture of this   style architecture with interesting secret shrines, family   extensively throughout Italy, but few have ventured into
      Italian paradise showcased in every episode.       crests and baroque fountains. Ibla is also known for its   Sicily. Yes, a cruise ship stop at Taormina will give you
         Since I’ve been to Sicily a couple of times myself,   typical oriel windows, showy staircases, tawny-colored   a feel of the people and culture of this Italian island, but
      I can verify it’s a place not to miss! The people ... the   mansions with filigree balconies, secret arches and   nothing will substitute spending a few days here. After
      food ... the wine ... the beaches ... and the mountains will   yellowing palm trees.                 returning from Sicily, I now understand how Sicily can
      certainly have you feeling like you’re in a movie set. So,      After this visit you’re on your way to the village of   almost call itself its own country. I guarantee you wouldn’t
      if you have been to Italy before and wondered why you   Modica. Here you’ll explore this multilevel town with   be disappointed visiting here. I’m also sure after seeing
      should go back, please turn on your television and watch   its tiers of lavish churches and shabby palaces stacked   the series, White Lotus, that you’ll be renewing your HBO
      an episode from the second season of the White Lotus.   upon the hill giving you a true bird’s-eye view of what   contract just to see the next incredible travel destination
      Your Road Map                                      it’s like living in Sicily. You can also visit one of the   it will feature!
         Taormina: As you first stop, this undoubtedly chic   most renowned chocolate shops in the country. The local               Wishing You Safe Travels,
      town sits high on a coastal hill overlooking two bays   chocolate is exquisite!                                                             Jessica 

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